What’s the PDCA Cycle and How’s It Used in Project Management?

PDCA cycle is a four-step cycle for constant improvement. Companies constantly evolve to keep up with the rapidly advancing world. PDCA approach is one way to inducing these changes in the system.

PDCA cycle is the means to making sure that your company is constantly improving and is headed in the right direction.  In terms of marketing, for example, businesses have transitioned from country-wide print media ads to strong social media campaigns targeting audiences across the globe. 

When Things Get Tough… Take a Break

Know when to stop and when to keep going

Remember when you were in the midst of your primary education? Remember taking some math class, with concepts that were difficult to comprehend?

I certainly do ... often saying, "when in the world will I ever need to know about  sin() cos(),    tan()  and all of this stuff about radians." To me, I was pretty certain I would not need to do any radian math when balancing my checking account.

Balancing People, Process, and Technology for a True Agile Transformation

Before your company can stretch its Agile wings, it has to transform and learn to fly.

Agile is more than an individual framework; it is a journey of cultural change within an organization based upon continuous improvement. As an Agile transformational consultant, I am an agent of change for our clients. As Agilists, it is our job to help our clients see Agile for what it is and most importantly, what it is not.

Why Agile Fails: The PA-SA-WAKA-DA Theory

I find it very amusing that the first question from a client usually surrounds what tools we are going to use to lead their transformation. Many ask if they can continue to use Jira or some other tool they have grown accustomed to.