The Engineer’s Complete Guide to Backlog Grooming

You might be an organized checklist kinda person, or you might be hopelessly unorganized like the rest of us. It’s generally not such a big deal until you get overloaded with tasks and your team grows, making things even more confusing as you can’t decide each day what to prioritize.

Fortunately, there’s a way forward.

Backlog Refinement or Backlog Grooming

In order to get everybody on the team aligned, teams plan the work that should be done in the next sprint. The purpose of sprint planning is to agree on a goal for the next sprint and the set of backlog items to achieve it. Sprint planning is about prioritizing backlog items and agreeing on the number of backlog items in the sprint based on team capacity. Sprint planning kicks off every sprint. Scrum suggests investing two hours per sprint week in planning sessions. Experienced teams will be able to cut this down to an hour per week or less. Mostly because they are comfortable with less detail upfront and more uncertainty in their definition of ready. The meeting is attended by the entire team. Outside stakeholders are invited if they can provide additional expertise for specific backlog items. Today we will discuss a very important topic: backlog refinement vs backlog grooming.

Backlog Refinement or Backlog Grooming

Backlog refinement or backlog grooming stands for keeping the backlog up to date and getting backlog items ready for delivery. This involves rewriting backlog items to be more expressive, deleting obsolete ones, re-assessing the relative priority of stories, splitting big items into smaller ones, resorting them, and correcting estimates in light of newly discovered information.