Control Your Data Structures

Complex logic should be implemented on data structures you have full control on an internal Domain Model that you can tailor to your problem to simplify your code.

Here is an (opinionated) list of term definitions used in this article:

How Good Is Node.js for Backend Development?

Millions of users can be accessing your web application from myriad corners of the world. As a business owner, one would always wish that their online systems work as smoothly as possible. Glitches in the online user experience can cause loss of potential customers.

JavaScript backend is widely used all over the world when it comes to web programming. Earlier, it was only considered a tool for front-end development. But now the same has become a major cross-platform tool for cross-platform techs such as PhoneGap, React Native, Native Script, and more. But there were a lot of problems when it came to back-end projects. Here’s where Node.js made the news.

How Can Backend Development Help To Improve User Experience?

We often confuse the User Experience (UX) with the User Interface (UI), which is associated only with the most visual part of a web or application.

In this article, we will briefly clarify what user experience refers to, and we will discuss the experience of my colleagues and myself providing solutions and improvements in this aspect of our application. We will also see how this has a direct impact on what is known as the Conversion Funnel. In short, we will understand how we can add value to our users, so we can get a better experience using our application and also, incidentally, end up improving our e-commerce sales.

Backend Interview With Oriol Saludes: Fullstack Developer at Apiumhub

We are continuing with our interview series.  Previously we had interviewed Diego Ojeda, Android Lead at Apiumhub;  Serhii Zabolennyi, QA Automation engineer at Apiumhub; Javier Gomez, Backend developer at Apiumhub; and Cuong Le, Backend developer at Apiumhub. Today we interview Oriol Saludes, Backend developer at Apiumhub, and talk about key lessons learned in Backend architecture.

Interview With Oriol Saludes, Fullstack Developer

Question #1: List Your Top 5 Backend Frameworks and Explain Why

1. Symfony, PHP

Symfony is a framework for PHP with a great evolution over the last few years. It has evolved to a componentization style, and now, some Symfony components can be used as standalone libraries in any PHP project. With this idea in mind, they even closed the Silex project, a microframework based on Symfony that the same community was maintaining. This is because since version 4, when building a new application, you can choose to start using the whole framework or a minimal part if you are building a microservice or a simple API.

Node.js Vs. Python: Pros, Cons, and Use Cases

When choosing a programming language for the backend development, your choice determines how the product will operate, scale, and fulfill user demands.

One of the most common is the dilemma of Node.js vs. Python. The two options are hugely popular and have their pros and cons. We work with both and are here to compare their advantages and disadvantages and help you to decide which one is better for your project.

Challenges of AI in the Media Industry and How Developers Are Facing It

Different industries today are adopting AI techniques to improve user experience in their own domains. AI in media has one of the most significant impacts on users with a high percentage of people resorting to media entertainment while being confined to their homes for the better part of the last two years. Subtitling, for example, has opened doors to the consumption of content from all over the globe, and has broken barriers of language that long restrained content consumption for users. As alluring and attractive as these new AI solutioning services may seem, on the backend, it has increased stakes for developers who have had to deal with a whole new list of challenges while dealing with this new technology and its limitless scope.

Understanding the Different Use Cases

As a developer, it is important to be able to understand a given business use case and decide whether pursuing the same with the help of artificial intelligence is the best approach. In the media industry, use cases like video subtitling and recommendation systems for content are appropriate to use cases that can leverage the abilities of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, use cases like automation for managing equipment required in a studio may already have better-implemented solutions in the market that can be utilized rather than using AI. Being able to make the right call at the very beginning is a challenge for some developers.

Advice for Someone Moving From SRE to Backend Engineering

Recently there was a Reddit post asking for advice about moving from Site Reliability Engineering to Backend Eng. I started writing a response to it, the response got long, and so I turned it into a blog post.

In the post, OP mentions a couple of things driving the motivation for the transition. One is a concern that they may be losing development skills because they’re spending so much time creating scripts and automating. The other reason is that they’re having trouble adjusting to on-call life.

Choosing the Best Technology Stack for Web Application Development

The market demand for web applications is rapidly increasing. It is important to consider several factors when building these platforms. Perhaps most important for web application development is choosing the right technology stack.

The technologies users choose to use will affect both the quality and performance of the created software. Many tools and frameworks have been introduced in the market, and each provides different boosts to the productivity and performance of these developed applications.

Node.js Backend Development: Features, Benefits

Node.js backend development has become extremely popular among software developers. In order to keep up with modern technologies, it is necessary to know what is Node.js, what are the reasons to use it, where to hire developers, etc. Answers to these questions will be discovered in this article.

Node.js back-end development is nothing new and you can find its implementation in many products like Netflix or PayPal. It has many advantages, which make it suitable for both enterprise and B2C applications and is popular among the software engineering community. But what makes it so attractive from both technology and business points? In this article, we’ll try to answer this question.

Build, Manage, Deploy, and Scale Your Next Web Project With Corvid

About Corvid by Wix

Corvid accelerates the way you build production-grade web applications. It’s an open development platform that combines an intuitive visual builder with a built-in IDE, serverless Node.js, integrated databases and more — all backed by the secure Wix Cloud and without the hassle of setting up or managing infrastructure. Invest in your business, product, and services and join the thriving community of developers who use Corvid.

With Corvid you’ll be able to truly maximize your workflow — get zero setup, one-click deployment, gradual rollout of release versions and application telemetry.

12 Backend Development Tools by Alibaba

From manual coding to automation and from repeated work to innovation, developer tools have been evolving along with technologies. Alibaba Group and Alibaba Cloud have made its technologies available to public through open source release and cloud-based implementation. These technologies have been accumulated through years of development in various business scenarios. This article introduces some Alibaba developer tools in the hopes that they can help make your development process more efficient and graceful.

Given the vast diversity of technological branches that developers may engage in, this article introduces some tools that may be helpful for backend developers.

We Rebuilt Our Backend Feed Service! Here’s What I Learned

I’m a Software Engineer in Kurio (a news aggregator in Indonesia). As an aggregator application, our main job is: collecting many of our publisher partner's websites (news or articles) then serve it to our users through our application.

How we serve this content is just like other news aggregators out there, we serve many feeds (list of content) to our users, such as feeds sorted by our top_stories logic, feeds sorted by what’s trending, or just a feed from a specific publisher or category.