How to Create a Chat App With Backendless SDK for Flutter

In this article, we are going to demonstrate how to create a simple peer-to-peer (p2p) chat application with the Backendless SDK for Flutter. This will give you an overview of the process needed to integrate your Backendless server-side with your Flutter chat app client-side.

Flutter is a popular hybrid frontend framework for mobile and web app development. With the Backendless SDK for Flutter, Backendless is easily integrated as a powerful Codeless backend and real-time database for any Flutter app.

How to Use TypeScript With Node.js

The lion's share of JavaScript developers prefer to use TypeScript in their projects as it helps avoid some problems at the assembly stage while still including many valuable features. Today we are going to share with you how to use the Backendless JS-SDK in conjunction with TypeScript in a project with a Node.js backend. Backendless is a fully isomorphic library and it can be used in both a browser environment and a Node.js backend environment and in most cases it also works well in other environments like React Native, Appcelerator, etc. The JS-SDK has been designed as a plain JavaScript library, but a few years ago we added types definitions for all methods and classes, so you can use the JS-SDK in your TypeScript projects without additional settings.

Create a Simple Web Server

At this stage, we will create a simple Node.js app. To do so, you must have Node.js installed on your machine; if you don't have it yet, you can install the language from their official site at this link:

FoundationDB: Future of the Database Landscape

Data is the new oil. And the oil well of the tech industry is a database. No matter what application or platform you are trying to build, you will definitely require a database.

There are tons of databases out there. Every week we hear about a new database to hit the open source world. In all this madness, have you ever wondered which database will dominate the industry? I have. And if you’re as excited as I am, you must be wondering what’s gonna come out on top. But before we get into that, let’s understand the current database landscape.