How Good Is Node.js for Backend Development?

Millions of users can be accessing your web application from myriad corners of the world. As a business owner, one would always wish that their online systems work as smoothly as possible. Glitches in the online user experience can cause loss of potential customers.

JavaScript backend is widely used all over the world when it comes to web programming. Earlier, it was only considered a tool for front-end development. But now the same has become a major cross-platform tool for cross-platform techs such as PhoneGap, React Native, Native Script, and more. But there were a lot of problems when it came to back-end projects. Here’s where Node.js made the news.

11 Best No-Code/Low-Code Backends of 2021

No-code and low-code development platforms let people worldwide build their businesses and applications without writing code. According to Forrester, the no-code/low-code category will grow to $21.2 billion by 2021.

Before these platforms, building an application for a business would require hiring experienced software developers. But that’s not the case anymore. Today, many no-code/low-code platforms make it possible for independent creators, artists, and entrepreneurs alike to build applications on their own.

How To Extend Laravel With Driver-Based Services

Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer and CTO at Inspector.

In this article I talk about a Laravel internal feature not mentioned in the official documentation called "Driver Manager". It can completely change the way you design and develop your application solving critical architectural bottlenecks, allowing you to build large systems built around decoupled, independent and reusable components.

Data Dependency Analyses in Backend Applications

Data Processing Patterns

Every application somehow deals with data. After all, this is why applications are necessary in the first place. 

In the case of backend applications, there are well-known stable patterns for how code deals with data. Everyone knows about CRUD, for example.