C++ Creator Bjarne Stroustrup Interview

We had a great talk with Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer and original implementer of C++. He is also the author of The C++ Programming Language (Fourth Edition), A Tour of C++ (Second Edition), Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Second Edition), and many popular academic publications.

Enjoy the full interview below!

Where Does GraphQL Fit In the Stack?

GraphQL is a popular language, and it’s getting more popular by the day. We hear front-end developers, mobile developers, and back-end developers talking about GraphQL. So it’s clear that developers use GraphQL across the stack. But where exactly does GraphQL fit in the stack, and what benefits do you gain by using it?

In this article, we’ll first do a quick recap of what “the stack” looks like without GraphQL, and then we’ll dive into how adding GraphQL changes it and what that means for building applications.

The Most Popular Technologies for Java Microservices Right Now

My name is Viacheslav Aksenov, I am a backend developer and in recent years I have been writing web applications in Java/Kotlin. Throughout my practice, I have met with various systems both in production and in pet projects. Some systems had their own "bicycles," but most were based on very similar technical solutions.

The main idea of this article is to describe the main technical challenges facing modern web applications. And also list those frameworks and libraries that are most often used to solve these problems. We'll grab some infrastructure as a bonus.

The Many Quirks of JavaScript Dates

JavaScript dates are weird. Famously, Brendan Eich wrote the first version of JavaScript in 10 days - and the Date function itself was no exception. It is based on code that was ultimately deprecated in Java.

That means JavaScript has inherited a Date function which was found to be buggy and problematic in Java, leaving it full of issues. You may have even encountered some problems yourself. You may be wondering, then, "what's so weird about it?". Let's look at all the quirks and common pitfalls with JavaScript's Date constructor so that you can avoid them.

Cookies at the Edge: Not a Baking Blog Post

I came across an interesting use case for edge compute the other day: cookie management at the edge. It probably won’t be super relevant to a ton of people, but it’s an interesting use case I wanted to share nonetheless.

Brief Background About Cookies

When most people think of cookies, they picture delicious baked morsels. But we’re not here to talk about those (unfortunately). In the context of web development, cookies are one of the options web developers have to store data.

Creating Your First Svelte App With SvelteKit

Svelte is a lightweight framework for building web applications. When you use it, it looks and feels a lot like other frontend frameworks like React and Vue, but leaves the virtual DOM behind. That, along with other optimizations, means it does far less work in the browser, optimizing user experience and load time.

In this guide, we'll be going over how to set up your first Svelte application using SvelteKit. Svelte has a number of different ways to make applications, and SvelteKit is one of the official packages from Svelte for doing that. If you're interested in other frameworks, you might enjoy a similar guide we have on making your first Vue application.

How Can Backend Development Help To Improve User Experience?

We often confuse the User Experience (UX) with the User Interface (UI), which is associated only with the most visual part of a web or application.

In this article, we will briefly clarify what user experience refers to, and we will discuss the experience of my colleagues and myself providing solutions and improvements in this aspect of our application. We will also see how this has a direct impact on what is known as the Conversion Funnel. In short, we will understand how we can add value to our users, so we can get a better experience using our application and also, incidentally, end up improving our e-commerce sales.

Backend Engineering Skills Are Emphasized Too Heavily for Principal Engineers

There is a bias toward backend engineers at the principal engineer level. This leaves frontend engineers heavily disadvantaged when it comes to promotion time.

When someone says they’re a fullstack engineer, what they usually mean is one of two things: 1) They’re a coding bootcamp grad that has minimal experience with Node.js and an emphasis on the frontend. Or, 2) they’re an experienced backend engineer that knows a little bit of HTML and CSS. A truly fullstack software engineer is a rare find.

Transaction API Support for Codeless

The purpose of transactions is to protect your data from partial database updates that fail to be complete. The Transaction API is now available for Codeless.

Transaction API

With the Transaction API,  our Database can execute multiple database requests grouped into a single transaction. When any one of these grouped database operations fails, the entire transaction is rolled back – meaning any other changes within the same transaction are canceled.

11 Best No-Code/Low-Code Backends of 2021

No-code and low-code development platforms let people worldwide build their businesses and applications without writing code. According to Forrester, the no-code/low-code category will grow to $21.2 billion by 2021.

Before these platforms, building an application for a business would require hiring experienced software developers. But that’s not the case anymore. Today, many no-code/low-code platforms make it possible for independent creators, artists, and entrepreneurs alike to build applications on their own.

Grow Professionally as a Backend Developer

We are continuing with our interview series ( previously we had interviewed Diego Ojeda – Android Lead at Apiumhub and Serhii Zabolennyi – the QA Automation engineer at Apiumhub )  and today we have a Backend interview with Javier Gomez – backend developer at Apiumhub.

In this interview, Javier gives advice for junior developers who are hoping to grow professionally as backend developers and shares his programming style, his favorite books, and how he deals with the unexpected as a backend developer.

What Is Mobile Backend As A Service (MBaaS)?


In the software as a service (SaaS) landscape, there are many variations of "____ as a service." In this article, we will explain what mobile backend as a service, or MBaaS, means.

Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) is an online service designed to be an all-in-one solution for backend app development. This typically includes data and database management, API management, security, and push notifications.

Vue.js and Symfony Forms

Symfony provides us the symfony/form package which makes the handling of rendering and submitting forms easier than ever. Soon this will become even easier with the new “Form handler helper”, but that’s not the point here.

What annoyed me when I first started working with Vue.js was the fact that I pretty much like the need to say “goodbye” to the forms rendering directly in the Twig (which is very handy).

Vue.js and Symfony — User Authentication

In this article I will skip the Symfony authentication process as this can be found in the official documentation (it’s more about presenting the solutions in case of using Vue.js):

JWT Token-based Authentication — Does It Have to Be This Way?

Vue.js allows us to either create a SPA (Single-Page Application) or to be used in the form of hybrid where we can inject the components into already existing code or use Vue.js as an extension of current frontend code (In which case I learned the hard way that it can become very messy — You can find more here) — as for both cases the authentication can be implemented/solved in different ways.

I Built a Telnet App in 2021 With WebAssembly

I love the aesthetics of terminals and I’m not the only one. There is a whole subreddit dedicated to people sharing their desktops and showcasing different terminal setups. Last year, I spent time working on an innovative WebAssembly runtime called Lunatic. Recently, we landed TCP support and I was super excited to start building real-world applications with it, and what would be a better fit than a terminal-based chat server with a retro vibe?

It took me around a week to build it with Rust + Lunatic and you can check out the code here. If you would like to try it out you can connect to it with:

Takeaways for a Successful IoT Project

Ever wondered how to tackle an IoT project that you need to start from scratch? Felt overwhelmed by extremely detailed how-to guides on the internet or glowing (possibly sponsored) technology recommendations for just part of your problem statement? IoT projects can grow in scale and complexity much quicker than you would expect.

Whether your IoT project is a proof of concept, a check of a certain value proposition, or even a full-fledged pilot with multiple customers involved, you will find some guidelines in this article, where we will put you in the reins of your IoT project and give you the handles to wrestle this beast to the ground. We will go into some detail on differences between the different IoT projects and concepts. We will share with you some insights, aptitudes, and attitudes to bring your IoT project to a successful outcome as well as sharing some of our learnings we picked up along the way! 

Creating a Readable REST API

When you are creating a RESTful API, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the different things you need to take into consideration: throttling, REST verbs, security, authentication, input validation, etc., so it’s easy to forget about the more subtle issues that can make a lot of difference in the long run. Most of the topics described above were already discussed (extensively if not exhaustively) elsewhere, so I’ll try to give my take on how to create a readable API for developers to consume. It’s a more subtle and less-discussed topic that can have a significant impact on the success of your API. After all, an API that no one can read, no one will use.

Use a convention for endpoint URLs and method names: plural vs singular – pick one. There is nothing worse than trying to fetch information from /api/v1/orders/{id} and debugging this forever just to find out that this is the only place where you have chose to use /api/v1/order/{id} (singular instead of plural) as the endpoint URL.