Relational vs NoSQL and RDBMS to NoSQL Migration


Given the choice of a Relational Database (RDBMS) vs a NoSQL database, it has become more important to select the right type of database for storing data. Not all the requirements fit in a NoSQL database or an RDBMS. RDBMSs are mainly related to managing, storing, and manipulating structured data where the data format, columns, data type, attributes, and schema are fixed, and the relationship between entities needs to be consistently maintained.

SQL is a common query language used when dealing with an RDBMS. Using an RDBMS is a choice for storing transactional data or records where the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) proprieties of transactions must be provided by an underlying database. An RDBMS is also a choice where the security and accessibility of data are of utmost importance. Typical use cases are financial records, financial transactions, OLTP, ERP, CRM systems, e-commerce applications, etc.

Data Residency and Sovereignty in Azure

Business Problem  

During my last assignment with a client for migrating some on-premise applications and data to Microsoft Azure, I was asked by the customer that they would only be allowed to store the data in a particular geo location. That is to say, they wanted to know how cloud will help them to follow data residency and sovereignty requirements.

What Is Data Residency?

Data residency is a compliance requirement where a business focuses on storing their data in a specific geo-location. There may be many reasons for this requirement, but it is generally governed by government compliance, such as GDPR in Europe.

Edge Computing: Public Cloud on 5G — the Grand Convergence

The closing months of 2019 saw a slew of services by AWS and Azure in their flagship events- Reinvent and Ignite. Notable among them were services leveraging 5G networks for running workloads in the 5G edge to provide ultra low latency. With 5G services set to be mainstream in this decade, this is a first of its kind collaboration model between the two principal parties in the ecosystem - The CSP (Communication Service Provider) and the Cloud Vendor(like AWS/Microsoft Azure). CSP has been referred to as Mobile network or mobile provider's network in this article for ease of understanding.

AWS has partnered with Telco service providers- Verizon, Vodafone, SK Enterprise, KDDI  to provide AWS Wavelength and is in the process of adding more partners. As announced, AWS Wavelength will enable developers to build applications that serve end-users with ultra-low latency over 5G network.

Making Data Scientists Productive in Azure

Doing data science today is far more difficult than it will be in the next 5 to 10 years. Sharing and collaborating on workflows in painful, pushing models into production is challenging. Let’s explore what Azure provides to ease data scientists’ pains.

In this post, you will learn about the Azure Machine Learning Studio, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Databricks, Data Science Virtual Machine, and Cognitive Services. What tools and services can we choose based on a problem definition, skillset, or infrastructure requirements?

Azure Cosmos DB — A to Z

Azure Cosmos DB


Cosmos DB can be considered one of the most lethal weapons in Azure’s arsenal. It comes with a bunch of features that makes this service stand out among its various database offerings.

Recently, I utilized it for a flash sale requirement, where the hits-per-second requirement was more than 6k, the application was storing the users and orders details from multiple regions in real-time.

Developing and Deploying ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core for Azure

This post will explain an end-to-end ASP.NET Core development and deployment to Azure. Below, we've provided some introductory steps to get started. A video tutorial at the end of the article will then walk you through the rest of the process. 

Clone the Sample Application

In the terminal window, cd to a working directory. Run the following commands to clone the sample app:

Thoughts About Azure Arc

What does Azure Arc mean for cloud computing with Microsoft Azure?

Azure made its announcement at the beginning of the month around Azure Arc, promising great advances on the Hybrid cloud. So what are we supposed to think about it?

You may also enjoy:  Introduction to Cloud Computing and Microsoft Azure

Azure Arc: One Cloud to Rule Them All

One of the major announcements around the release of Azure Arc is the ability to control assets on other cloud providers. Whether you want to control a VM or a Kubernetes cluster, or an Azure or PostgreSQL Hyperscale SQL database, and whether it is on Amazon, GCP, or VMware vSphere, it will no longer be a issue for Azure. Of course, that's not all, but it's a hell of a place to start. Google was very proud to present Google Anthos, which allows it to manage a Kubernetes cluster regardless of the cloud provider. But here it is very clear Microsoft that has taken the lead. Of course, Azure Arc is still in Preview status, and Azure Arc doesn't handle everything — far from it. I would be quite pessimistic about Azure's support for the serverless components of all providers, but clearly if it's a question of choosing a cloud provider for a company wanting to go into the hybrid cloud, that's very clearly a good reason to choose Azure.

How to Build a Serverless App With Vue, Azure Functions and FaunaDB Part 3

The FaunaDB database is up and running and the Azure Functions are developed and tested locally. In the final part of this three-part series, we will build the Vue.js app to manage notes by creating new ones and reading existing ones. The app will be communicating with the Azure Functions which will be communicating with the FaunaDB database.

Note: You can find parts one and two of this series at their respective links. 

How to Build a Serverless App With Vue, Azure Functions and FaunaDB Part 2

Go serverless with Azure

This article is the second part of our three-part series on building a serverless application with Vue.js, Azure functions, and FaunaDB. In this section, we'll focus on building out Azure functions to work with our application's database. 

Azure Functions

Azure Functions are hosted on the Azure public cloud. With it, you can build small computing units called “Functions,” host them on this cloud, and trigger them based on a variety of event triggers, such as: HTTP Trigger and a new message arriving to Azure Service Bus Queue.

How to Build a Serverless App With Vue, Azure Functions and FaunaDB Part 1

We don't be needing this in this tutorial

Serverless Functions/APIs are best used when building static websites. Static websites are still relevant in many purposes, including a company portfolio page, meetup group page, product pages, or blogs, to name a few.

When developing such apps, the use of a full-blown backend API (ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP) is excessive and unnecessary. Usually, your app performs simple tasks, such as sending out a few emails, handling form submission, and managing a few records in a database.

Developing Cloud-Native Apps in Azure: Tools and Tips

Use these tools and services for best-practice cloud-native Azure apps.

With more organizations moving to the cloud on a daily basis, the development of cloud-native applications is increasingly in huge demand. Cloud-native apps can provide benefits that traditional apps can’t, including automatic resource provisioning, auto-scaling, high availability. These applications can provide organizations and developers with a significant competitive edge.

How to Publish ASP.NET Core 3.0 Web Apps/APIs in Azure’s Linux App Service

Create a new App Service Plan. If you have already created then skip this step. An app service is like one container or a VM machine. In a single Azure app service, you can host N number of web apps. Based on load, you can split your apps to separate app services if required.

To create a new app service, you'll first need to set a resource group name; if you already have created it, you can use the same or else can create new. Next, fill the app service name, select Linux as your OS, select a pricing plan based on your needs, and hit create.

This Week in Spring: SpringOne Platform 2019 Edition

It's here; it's finally here! My favorite time of the year! Happy SpringOne Platform week! This week, I'm in the amazing Austin, TX, talking to anybody who wants to know about all things Spring. There have been a ton of amazing things announced at this show, but one thing I've been excited to share with y'all is that we just announced the new Azure Spring Cloud runtime. (More on that in the links below!)

I've been busy! I'm doing one talk with Microsoft on Azure Spring Cloud, and another with Okta /Google on simplifying the dev lifecycle. Also, I'm hosting the keynote tomorrow morning. So much to do, so little time!