Explore Clouddocs, One of the Efficient Azure Documentation Generator Tool With Useful Features


Cloud Documentation is a terminology that has become popular among various Cloud Platform users today. Irrespective of the Cloud Platform being used, users are looking for a mechanism to get a full picture of the Cloud environment.

Cloud Documentation helps the management persona completely understand the cost invested on resources and for the people in the Senior Technical Lead role to get a holistic picture of the technical components in the Cloud Subscription underuse.

Building a Bot As an Alternative to Classic User Interface. Why Is It Better?

Creating a Bot with NASA API and Azure Bot Services, including Language Recognition: Part 1.

NASA BOT graphic

My team and I were working on an open-source customer project in the aerospace domain that provided scientific data for students and university data scientists. After several attempts to build a classic Web UI application, we moved to a simplified Bot Flow. And this is why and how.

Managing GitHub Organizations with GitHub GraphQL API

I prefer using GraphQL over REST APIs wherever available, primarily because I can avoid overfetching and underfetching data while still enjoying the benefits of contract-based development.

For this exercise, assume that you are the DevOps lead of an organization/open-source community that uses GitHub to manage its projects under a GitHub Organization. GitHub Organizations are shared accounts consisting of members and projects with sophisticated security and administrative features. You have been asked to ensure that your organization's repositories are healthy such that there are no PRs in an unmerged state for more than one week, and every issue is either resolved or updated in 12 hours.

The Theory and Motive Behind Active/Active Multi-Region Architectures

The date was 24th December 2012, Christmas eve. The world’s largest video streaming service, Netflix experienced one of its worst incidents in company history. The incident was an outage of video playback on TV devices for customers in Canada, the United States, and the LATAM region. Fortunately, the enduring efforts of responders over at Netflix, along with AWS where the Amazon Elastic Load Balancer service experiencing disruptions resulting in the cause of the incident, managed to restore services just in time for Christmas. If one were to think about the events that ensued over at Netflix and AWS that day, it would be comparable to all those movies of saving Christmas that we all love to watch around that time of year.

This idea of incident management comes from the ubiquitous fact that incidents will happen. This is not an unknown fact and best immortalized by Amazon VP and CTO Werner Vogels when he said “Everything fails all the time”. It is, therefore, understood that things will break but the question that persists is can we do anything to mitigate the impact of these inevitable incidents? The answer is of course yes.

Business Activity Monitoring in Serverless360 With Real-Time Scenarios

This blog gives some interesting use cases of Business Activity Monitoring in Serverless360 using Cab Booking Management System. Let's take the booking scenario of this system backed with the Azure Serverless services and see how the business activity monitoring in Serverless360 will be useful in detecting the exceptions and tracking the custom properties of the messages flowing through the business process.


Scenario graphic

The above is a Cab booking application built with Azure Serverless. Consider a business user who would need to track message flows through every stage in the above business activity. They should be informed of any exceptions in the business transaction along with the reasons behind the failure. A business development manager would need to have analytic information on the booking trends at various locations.

7 Places to Host Your Jamstack Site

The Jamstack architecture is rapidly gaining popularity with web developers everywhere. Jam stands for “JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.” Jamstack sites are static sites built with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS; they’re text files, so they can be served up fast without requiring the overhead of traditional compiled or interpreted architectures.

Tim Berners-Lee created the first static website in 1991— in fact, it was the first website ever built. In the decades after, developers have moved to using interpreted and compiled code for websites and applications, requiring complicated configuration and additional overhead.

Scheduling Jobs on Heroku with Azure Logic Apps

Many times, your application needs to run tasks or jobs on regular intervals. Scheduling might be necessary when polling an API every night, or dispatching emails with reports each week. And sometimes you may find that you need to trigger a host of tasks across multi- or hybrid-cloud and need a way to run these tasks in a reliable, cross-cloud manner.

In this article, let’s look at one way to do that using a Heroku dyno for our task, and Microsoft Azure Logic Apps as our scheduler service. The scheduler in Logic Apps allows for triggering workflows that include services across clouds and on-premises, paving the way for easy administration and observability of many disparate tasks. Functionally, the scheduler not only lets you specify simple recurrence rules (such as every minute), but also complex ones (such as every 15 minutes during work hours).

Deploying a LoRaWAN Network Server on Azure

There is something oddly fascinating about radio waves, radio communications, and the sheer amount of innovations they've enabled since the end of the 19th century.

What I find even more fascinating is that it is now very easy for anyone to get hands-on experience with radio technologies such as LPWAN (Low-Power Wide Area Network, a technology that allows connecting pieces of equipment over a low-power, long-range, secure radio network) in the context of building connected products.

Azure Service Bus Dead-letter Queues

What is the Azure Service Bus Queue?

Queues are a very common piece of infrastructure. It offers First In, First Out (FIFO) message delivery to one or more competing consumers. As the queue grows the last item added to the queue typically must wait longer to be processed. Just like someone waiting in line to order food, the first one in line gets to order first. Microsoft Azure Service Bus (ASB) is Microsoft’s premier enterprise-level messaging technology that uses this principle of FIFO.

Types of Queues:

  • Primary queue called main queue or active queue.
  • Secondary sub-queue called a dead-letter queue (DLQ). 

Main Queue

ASB queues always have two parties involved-a producer and a consumer. The producer pushes the messages into the queue, while the consumer periodically polls for messages and consumes them. The main queue holds the messages until it is consumed or moved to the dead-letter queue.

Data Processing With Apache Spark

Spark has emerged as a favorite for analytics, especially those instances that can handle massive volumes of data as well as provide high performance compared to any other conventional database engines. Spark SQL allows users to formulate their complex business requirements to Spark by using the familiar language of SQL.

So, in this blog, we will see how you can process data with Apache Spark and what better way to establish the capabilities of Spark than to put it through its paces and use the Hadoop-DS benchmark to compare performance, throughput, and SQL compatibility against SQL Server.

Why Cloud Service Providers Are Important for Small Businesses

Cloud services are essential for modern businesses. If you want to know why, read on for the details!

We’re living in a world where we see something new every other day across the world. Cloud is one of the innovations that has been helping modern businesses transform their wide-ranging processes over the past few years. Cloud solutions like Microsoft Azure, Bitrix, and Bitrix 24 are becoming the mainstream.

Mule 4 Continuous Integration Using Azure DevOps

Once we started developing applications in MuleSoft and storing our code in source control platforms like GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Azure, just to mention the most common ones, we needed to look into automating the process to deploy our applications either to CloudHub or an on-premise server.

In this post, I will try to explain how a MuleSoft application can be automatically deployed into CloudHub or an on-premise server from Azure DevOps as our main CI platform and source control platform.

Implementing Multi-Session Sequential Convoy Pattern with Azure Service Bus and Go

In many event-driven applications, preserving the sequence of events is essential. For example, an event-driven eCommerce application might have the following states, transitions, and events.

  1. A user adds N items to the basket. This action generates the item added event.
  2. The user checks out the basket. This action generates the basket checked out event.
  3. The user pays for the items. This action generates the payment made event.
  4. Inventory decrements the count of available items by N. This action generates the inventory updated event.

For such an application to function correctly, it is critical to maintain the sequence of events. For instance, processing the payment made event before the basket checked out event might lead to errors in billing or inventory systems. In a horizontally scalable system, we can not guarantee sequential processing of messages without creating groups of messages so that the service bus always delivers the messages within a group in sequence. The message consumer must finish processing a message and update the status of the message to the service bus before the next message in the sequence is delivered to it. Azure Service Bus supports the concept of the grouping of related messages through the message sessions feature.

Azure Monitor and Serverless360 Comparison


Do you have the following questions when considering Serverless360 as a monitoring solution for your Azure Serverless Applications?

  • Why should I use Serverless360 when the Azure portal already has Azure Monitor?
  • How different is Serverless360 from Azure Monitor?

Reasons Why Serverless360 Should Be Chosen Over Azure Monitor

1. Monitor Azure Serverless Applications

In real-time Azure Serverless services are put together to build orchestrations that solve critical business needs. What is required is a monitoring solution for these applications. What one can find in the Azure portal is Azure Monitor, a monitoring solution for an Azure entity. Serverless360 complements the Azure portal by providing the much-needed monitoring for serverless applications.