Detect Noise Level Audio Decibels in MXChip Azure IoT DevKit


Playing with Azure IoT DevKit MXChip is always fun; the device has many capabilities. For the past few days, I have been working with some of the capabilities of this device like atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity through its sensors. In this article, I will show you how you can calculate noise level using the microphone of AZ3166 IoT Device. Now, let’s get started!


In our last article, we have already seen how to read the temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure from the MXChip AZ3166 sensors and send those to our Azure IoT Hub. In this article, we will perform the following tasks.

Migrating Spring Java Applications to Azure App Service (Part 1: DataSources and Credentials)

Originally published July 23, 2019

Running on the cloud is not only for cool new applications following 12-factor principles and coded to be cloud-native. Many applications could be converted to be cloud-ready with minimal adjustments — just to be able to run in the cloud environment. In the following few articles we will demonstrate how to address the most common migration items in legacy Spring applications — handling JNDI, and credentials, externalizing configuration, remote debugging, logging, and monitoring.

This Week in Spring: Spring Boot, Azure, GCP, Tips, Tutorials, and More

Hi, Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week, I’m off to pleasant Pittsburgh, PA, to speak at, among other places, DICK’s Sporting Goods. Join me!

Now that my entire six-part series on how to use Spring Boot with Microsoft Azure just concluded, with the final parts being released last week, I wanted to give you the whole thread here for your consumption.

Set Up an IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service With Azure CLI

The Azure CLI is employed to make and manage Azure resources from instructions or scripts. This QuickStart details the exploitation of the Azure CLI and how to make an IoT Hub and device provisioning service, linking to two services along the way.

1. Open Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Cloud Shell is a free, interactive shell that you will run during this article. Common Azure tools square measure preinstalled and designed in Cloud Shell for you to use along with your account. Simply choose the Copy button to repeat the code, paste it in the Cloud Shell, and press Enter to run it. The square measures a number of ways to open Cloud Shell: