Test Automation: Maven Profiles and Parallelization in Azure Pipelines Using IaaS

When it comes to Test Automation, configuring parallel threads can become challenging especially when logins are involved. It's more of a challenge for the UI/ Selenium test to run batches in a separate thread on Azure pipelines with separate credential sets. 

Solution Overview: Create test suites using tags for the cucumber framework. Create profiles for login credentials and environments to run on. Compile the build with a test suite, login credentials, and environment to run on. This approach can be used for other types of test suits as well such as Junit. 

How To Build a CI/CD Pipeline in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps by Microsoft Azure is one of the leading tools that automate CI/CD’s process and, in turn, supports automatic builds and code projects to make them available to others. The Azure pipelines combine Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to consistently test and build the code and ship it to the target environment.

In this article, we will learn how to configure an Azure CI/CD pipeline and integrate it to LambdaTest Azure DevOps for bug tracking. 

Introduction To Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a recent continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) service provided by Microsoft. It works with any managed Git provider and can deploy to most major cloud services, which allow for Azure services. Azure DevOps provides pipelines to configure and automate builds and releases to different environments. These pipelines can be in YAML or as visual models in the Azure DevOps webpages. Azure DevOps is a fast way to automate build (CI) and deploy (CD) projects and make them available to users.


  • Azure subscription, a free account can be created using this URL.
  • Github account (or) Azure Repos (or) TFS

Create Azure DevOps Organization

  • The first step is to navigate to https://dev.Azure.com and sign in to Azure DevOps. If never done before, a new organization needs to be created.

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Build Pipelines for GitHub Projects

If you have a project on GitHub, chances are you will want to continually build it to ensure it is still compiling, that it is still working — meaning, all tests are passing — and possibly create a release of the project so others, including yourself, can simply use the latest version without having to manually compile/package it. For all that, you will need a build pipeline.

GitHub now has a feature called GitHub Actions that can be used for many things, especially workflows that are triggered by events in your repository — like "issue created" or "push." And while developers can be very creative and extrapolate the boundaries of what GitHub Actions is aiming for, the reality is that for complex applications continuous integration and delivery, you are more likely better off with a platform that gives you control over build agents, software provisioned in them, custom webhooks, human control over workflows, and so on.