An Introduction to AWS Step Functions

In this blog, you will get a short introduction into AWS Step Functions. You will also create a workflow from scratch with a lambda. The output of the lambda will be transformed so that it can be used in the workflow.

1. Introduction

AWS Step Functions is a low-code, visual workflow service in order to build applications. The goal is to focus on the business logic and to combine services with each other in a visual way. You can make use drag-and-drop in order to create a workflow and to integrate services. More information about AWS Step Functions can be found at the AWS website. The easiest way to discover how it looks like, is to create a workflow by yourself and that is exactly what you are going to do.

Cutting Step-Functions Costs on Enterprise-Scale Workflows

AWS Step Functions is a great service for orchestrating multi-step workflows with complex logic. It’s fast to implement, relatively easy to use and just works. The problem is its price.

For relatively low-scale projects, it’s a feasible solution. But for large-scale, enterprise-grade orchestration with hundreds of millions of processes, each with dozens of steps, it can be cost-prohibitive.