Optimizing AWS Architecture for Cost Management

Using AWS services for your projects is a great option, but getting unexpected huge AWS bills can be a nightmare. You must know the cost factors of AWS services before you start using them. This article will discuss how you can optimize AWS architecture for better cost management using AWS cost management tools, following best practices, and applying cost optimization methods.

Typical AWS Costs

A typical AWS cost list in AWS bills is based on computing, storage, and data transfer services.

Understanding AWS Costs

A successful approach to AWS cost optimization starts by gaining a thorough view of the existing costs, finding potential for cost optimization, and incorporating modifications. AWS and other providers of software have resources to help clients understand how they are spending.

In this article, I'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to understand your AWS costs and needs, as a part of my AWS cost optimization series.

What Does an AWS Cost Optimization Strategy Look Like?

How well does your company handle cloud costs? While you could have spending statistics at your disposal that will reassure you that the production team is under its monthly budget or that your monthly recurring income is on an upward trajectory, this data does not actually mean that you are handling investments in the cloud as well as you should be.

RightScale and Flexera teamed up to research the cloud spending habits of companies. What they found was that 35% or even higher of cloud spend is wasted. In times when nothing is certain and when a pandemic has taken over the world, companies are very careful with their spending. Saving the resources you normally waste on cloud spend could open new possibilities for product improvement and growth.

7 Challenges With AWS Costs

This article is the first of my series on AWS cost optimization. In this series, I’ll introduce the challenges with AWS costs. I’ll also offer actionable recommendations on how to solve them and perform efficient AWS cost optimization.

Most businesses spend much more on processing and storage than they need. This is often the case with operating expenses for excess capacity to meet peak demand in their on-site data centers.

A Short Introduction to FinOps

As a part of our cost optimization series, we already talked about the most common AWS cost optimization challenges and the reasons why every company needs to solve this. In this article, we’re talking about FinOps as a way to optimize cloud costs.

To solve their cloud cost optimization problems, some companies develop FinOps practices. FinOps refers to Cloud Financial Management. It is the process of adding financial transparency to the cloud’s variable expenditure model. The goal is to empower teams to balance between speed, expense, and quality.