AWS CloudWatch + yCrash = Monitoring + RCA

AWS Cloud Watch + yCrash = Monitoring + RCAWe had an outage in our online application GCeasy on Monday morning (PST) Oct 11, 2021. When customers uploaded their Garbage Collection logs for analysis, the application was returning an HTTP 504 error. HTTP 504 status code indicates that transactions are timing out. In this post, we would like to document our journey to identify the root cause of the problem.

Application Stack

 Here are the primary components of the technology stack of the application:

7 Reasons to Choose AWS as Your Cloud Platform

Cloud computing is on the rise, and AWS is emerging as the clear winner. With more than 40% market share of the cloud service market, Amazon Web Services is the leader in the industry. It offers cloud-based storage, virtual storage, and 70 other services to enterprises for their digital needs.

COVID-19 has driven companies to explore cloud computing more than ever. Amazon cloud business solutions enable you to move your organization to virtual channels. AWS cloud consulting is becoming popular as enterprises look to analyze how going virtual with AWS will help them reap the benefits of digital technology.

Using CodeShip With CodeDeploy

What is CodeShip?

CodeShip is a hosted continuous delivery service that focuses on speed, simplicity, and reliability. It is a fast and secure hosted CI service that scales as per users' needs. CodeShip was founded in 2011, and pretty soon it became one of the best Saas Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery leaders in the market.

CodeShip is now backed by a larger company with extensive customer support: CloudBees. CloudBees Inc, the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, acquired CodeShip on February 6, 2018.

A Sneak Peek Into Amazon Web Services Cloud (AWS)

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The emergence of Cloud Computing has benefitted the software industries big time. The majority of companies have shifted gears to move existing projects on Cloud as well as build new ones on it.

Our previous blog introduced you to Firebase, an app development platform, that provides multiple services to build a robust web or mobile app. Today let us learn about a powerful Cloud Computing platform called the AWS or Amazon Web Services Cloud.