AWS CLI in 3 Minutes

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool for managing your AWS services. This is a quick video to teach you to install, configure and run some commands of the AWS CLI. 

In the demonstration, you can see that some S3 bucket operations can easily be done with the AWS CLI.

Getting Started With AWS Amplify

Serverless cloud infrastructure is the next step in building apps. But if you’ve tried to navigate the vast number of services in the AWS console, you know that using the cloud is easier said than done. Today’s developers are overwhelmed with the amount of services AWS offers.

The solution? AWS Amplify, which helps developers to easily build and deploy complete mobile and web apps by providing a collection of CLI tools, libraries, frameworks, and cloud services.

AWS CLI Basics – Part 2


In a previous post on this topic, we learned some basics about AWS CLI and how to install it on your machine. In this post, we will learn a few AWS CLI commands and we will also set up an s3 bucket as a static website that is publicly accessible.

AWS CLI Syntax

The following picture shows AWS CLI commands Syntax:

Creating an AWS EKS Cluster and Providing Access to Developer

1. Introduction

This article is going to talk about mainly two points:

  1. How to create an AWS EKS Cluster.
  2. How to provide an AWS EKS cluster access to a developer who does not have admin access to AWS.

To deploy any microservices, we need to create AWS EKS clusters like dev and QA, etc. Once AWS EKS clusters are available then every developer should have access for logging and debugging purposes from their EC2 instance. 

Serverless: Control an EC2 with Lambda, API Gateway, and Sigma

I have been developing and blogging about Sigma, the world's first serverless IDE for serverless developers — but haven't been using it for my non-serverless work. That was why, when a (somewhat) peculiar situation came up recently, I decided to give Sigma a full-scale spin.

The Situation: A Third Party Needs to Control One of Our EC2 Instances

Our parent company AdroitLogic, sells an enterprise B2B messaging platform called AS2 Gateway — which comes as a simple SaaS subscription as well as an on-premise or cloud-installable dedicated deployment. (Meanwhile, part of our team is also working on making it a completely serverless solution — we'll probably be bothering you with a whole lotta blog post on that too, pretty soon!)