Benchmark Your Apps Against the AWS Well-Architected Framework

AWS introduced best practices to review and improve traditional or proposed architectures through its widely renowned AWS Well-Architected Framework. The framework introduces five pillars where each pillar is composed of separate practices for a better application and workload architecture to solve challenges many customers were having. Those challenges involve a lack of internal knowledge, rightsizing cloud environments, reducing costly overheads, a lack of automation, and executing AWS best practices. The Well-Architected framework is gaining popularity among clients seeking infrastructure performance that only keeps getting better over time. The supporting Well-Architected Review was created to improve the customer experience and help sharpen up AWS environments.

The best way to proactively utilize this framework is for building secured, efficient, and reliable application infrastructure. Additionally, consultants help companies through the AWS Partner Network (APN) to facilitate this framework by evaluating current architectures to make design changes through a Well-Architected Review.

The Perfect SaaS Tech Stack

Entrepreneurs, CEOs, CTOs, and IT leaders are generally tasked with choosing the ideal SaaS tech stack. Ultimately, this will be a deal-breaker in the success of your application. You can have a fantastic idea, marketing, and sales team. However, if your SaaS tech stack doesn’t scale, evolve, and continuously transform, you might be ending refactoring your entire SaaS web application every other year. This approach usually results in a waste of time, resources, and money.

A quick look at SaaS communities and questions usually arise about what would constitute the perfect SaaS technology stack. The right answer to this question would be one that includes the combination of language and tools that get the job done. 

What Does an AWS Cost Optimization Strategy Look Like?

How well does your company handle cloud costs? While you could have spending statistics at your disposal that will reassure you that the production team is under its monthly budget or that your monthly recurring income is on an upward trajectory, this data does not actually mean that you are handling investments in the cloud as well as you should be.

RightScale and Flexera teamed up to research the cloud spending habits of companies. What they found was that 35% or even higher of cloud spend is wasted. In times when nothing is certain and when a pandemic has taken over the world, companies are very careful with their spending. Saving the resources you normally waste on cloud spend could open new possibilities for product improvement and growth.

Serverless Services on AWS: An Overview

As digitalization takes over, there are more and more serverless applications on the market. If you choose to develop a serverless application, you don’t have to spend money on infrastructure, own room for it, or hire a team for server maintenance. There are a lot of cloud providers that offer the necessary tools for developing such applications. One of them is AWS, the leader in cloud computing with various services in one place.

Read more: What is Serverless? 

MEAN Full Stack on Amazon AWS

This is the first and main blog, in this, I will explain the overall idea. Please be informed that this is going to be a blog series exploring all the aspects of running the full stack application on AWS (Amazon Web Services). 

The main goal is to share the learning related to AWS but I will also explain a bit about Full stack application which we will implement in MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular and Node).

Top 10 AWS Architect Interview Questions 2019

The role of a Solution Architect would be in migrating existing systems to a cloud architecture, defining and designing AWS architecture for them, and establishing technical road maps for future AWS cloud implementation.

Why AWS?

According to the job trends from, since 2006 there has been an explosive growth in the area of AWS job postings with salaries ranging from $110,000 to $220,000, depending on the location. One of the trending career choices when it comes to AWS is that of a Certified Solutions Architect. The high demand in this area is only expected to grow as more and more companies migrate to the cloud.