DevOps on AWS: Everything You Need to Know

DevOps is renowned for fast methodologies, increased security (in the form of DevSecOps), as well as the quick and easy scalability of software development projects. These advantages make it essential for companies to embrace the DevOps culture as a guarantee of future success and growth. 

At the heart of this change, we have Amazon and its pioneering cloud offering, Amazon Web Services. Being the most popular in the market means Amazon has some of the best services, infrastructure, locations, and support in the market. The amount of trained professionals in AWS DevOps is also the highest among the big three; Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and AWS.

DevOps Services Pricing: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

Cloud computing has rapidly become a strong driving factor for companies worldwide, as software is transferred out of in-house data centers in an effort to modernize, reduce costs, and boost agility. Businesses more and more use it as an all-in-one solution, a model in which a third-party supplier comprises and manages a customer’s fundamental infrastructure.

Among the most used and popular DevOps services, namely Amazon Web Services, Azure DevOps services, and Google Cloud services, there is a battle going on in the market. Based on Statista analytics, Amazon Web Services, the most prominent provider in the cloud computing industry, held 32% of the total market in the 3rd quarter of 2021. Microsoft Azure comes in 2nd place with a 21% market share, followed by Google Cloud with an 8%. Therefore, in the 3rd quarter of 2021, these three cloud suppliers are undoubtedly leading within the statistics.

A Starting Point To Automate Infrastructure

Why automate IT infrastructure? Actually, automating is not the best solution only for IT infrastructure, but for many things in software development. And why?

Manual processes are slow, highly vulnerable to human failure, not scalable, hard to create, update and keep a standard, etc. I could cite many other reasons for anyone to run away from any manual processes. They are the opposite that is proposed in agile methodologies or DevOps culture. Now specifically about infrastructure, we can affirm that without automating it's impossible to get the best of the resources of any Cloud service. We can see the why in the next lines.

The Perfect SaaS Tech Stack

Entrepreneurs, CEOs, CTOs, and IT leaders are generally tasked with choosing the ideal SaaS tech stack. Ultimately, this will be a deal-breaker in the success of your application. You can have a fantastic idea, marketing, and sales team. However, if your SaaS tech stack doesn’t scale, evolve, and continuously transform, you might be ending refactoring your entire SaaS web application every other year. This approach usually results in a waste of time, resources, and money.

A quick look at SaaS communities and questions usually arise about what would constitute the perfect SaaS technology stack. The right answer to this question would be one that includes the combination of language and tools that get the job done. 

A Guide to AWS Instance Scheduler

AWS Instance Scheduler is a popular option for saving up a large portion of the cost of computing services in situations where there are predictable planned times for operating compute services. In other words, since no clients are accessing particular environments during the period, it’s normal for development environments or workloads to be shut down during non-working times. 

By evaluating when the instances are more widely used, you can implement more complex schedules, or even apply an always-stopped schedule and then start up the instances when you need them. 

Understanding AWS Costs

A successful approach to AWS cost optimization starts by gaining a thorough view of the existing costs, finding potential for cost optimization, and incorporating modifications. AWS and other providers of software have resources to help clients understand how they are spending.

In this article, I'll provide a comprehensive guide on how to understand your AWS costs and needs, as a part of my AWS cost optimization series.

What Does an AWS Cost Optimization Strategy Look Like?

How well does your company handle cloud costs? While you could have spending statistics at your disposal that will reassure you that the production team is under its monthly budget or that your monthly recurring income is on an upward trajectory, this data does not actually mean that you are handling investments in the cloud as well as you should be.

RightScale and Flexera teamed up to research the cloud spending habits of companies. What they found was that 35% or even higher of cloud spend is wasted. In times when nothing is certain and when a pandemic has taken over the world, companies are very careful with their spending. Saving the resources you normally waste on cloud spend could open new possibilities for product improvement and growth.

A Short Introduction to FinOps

As a part of our cost optimization series, we already talked about the most common AWS cost optimization challenges and the reasons why every company needs to solve this. In this article, we’re talking about FinOps as a way to optimize cloud costs.

To solve their cloud cost optimization problems, some companies develop FinOps practices. FinOps refers to Cloud Financial Management. It is the process of adding financial transparency to the cloud’s variable expenditure model. The goal is to empower teams to balance between speed, expense, and quality.

Steal CPU Time — ‘st’ Time in Top

CPU consumption in Unix/Linux operating systems is studied using 8 different metrics: User CPU time, System CPU time, Nice CPU time, Idle CPU time, Waiting CPU time, Hardware Interrupt CPU time, Software Interrupt CPU time, Stolen CPU time. In this article let us study ‘Steal (or Stolen) CPU time.’

What is ‘Steal’ CPU Time?

‘Steal time’ (also known as ‘Stolen’ time) is relevant only in cloud environments (like AWS) or VMWare environments, where multiple virtual machines will be run on one underlying physical host. In such circumstances, CPU resources will be shared amongst the multiple virtual machines. The hypervisor is a technology that will distribute the underlying physical host’s CPU resources and other resources amongst the virtual machines.

Serverless Services on AWS: An Overview

As digitalization takes over, there are more and more serverless applications on the market. If you choose to develop a serverless application, you don’t have to spend money on infrastructure, own room for it, or hire a team for server maintenance. There are a lot of cloud providers that offer the necessary tools for developing such applications. One of them is AWS, the leader in cloud computing with various services in one place.

Read more: What is Serverless? 

Introduction to Network Architecture in AWS Cloud Deployment


Networking becomes a very important part of cloud deployment. When it comes to availability, Bandwidth requirements, Security and also when satisfying some nonfunctional requirements we need at least a basic understanding of networking in a cloud environment.

Over the last decade. AWS has become the most popular cloud infrastructure platform. Hence I have done some research based on how networking is handled in AWS cloud environments.

Top 10 Jobs With AWS Certification

To stand out in the competitive industrial standards, every IT or technical professional and fresher needs to learn about the changing technology advancements going on across the world. Among all of this, there is the name of cloud computing. It has been in the industry for quite a long time, yet it still sees a higher adoption rate every year. A current report states that the global cloud market is likely to be $411 billion by this year, which shows that the demand is very high in recent times.

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Kubernetes: Benefits of Microservices Architecture for Large Enterprises

Find out more about the benefits of microservices architecture.

Kubernetes is increasingly becoming the de-facto standard with more software and applications workloads moving into containers. Kubernetes has captured the cloud market by storm through the implementation of strong infrastructure development. It makes deploying and managing the app easier and improves reliability and reduces the time you need to spend on DevOps.

According to Gartner's report, by 2022 more than 75% of organizations globally will be running containerized applications.

EC2 Scheduling Best Practices

Save money and optimize costs with EC2 scheduling.

The "pay for what you consume" model has been favored by AWS users for as long as one can remember. Even with EC2 instances, there are certain servers that need to be kept running 24/7, usually in the production environment; but other servers in the staging and dev environments are only used at certain calculable intervals. So running all your instances at all times prohibits you from leveraging the best part of AWS. This is where basic instance scheduling comes in, where you automate the start and stop of such non-essential instances according to a schedule.

You may also enjoy:  Provision a Free AWS EC2 Instance in 5 Minutes

EC2 instance scheduling in itself has become a best practice for optimizing instance usage and costs; but we’ve realized that the process of scheduling can also intrinsically be optimized, with certain best practices to define it. The savings that you generate just through basic scheduling during regular business hours can run up to almost 70%, imagine what happens if you go a step further. Here are some best practices to follow when it comes to scheduling your instances.

Introduction to Running Android Automated Testing On AWS Device Farm

When it comes to mobile testing, two questions come in mind: "What are devices it supports and how do we test on all these devices?" It’s quite challenging to manually test on all devices and it’s not cost-effective either. Automating test cases saves of lots of time. Another challenge is running automation on actual devices.

There are multiple solutions that run automation on cloud, such as AWS Device Farm, Firebase Lab, Xamarin Test Cloud, Kobiton, Perfecto, Sauce Labs, and Experitest.

Leveraging The New AWS Well-Architected Tool

Review and refinement are integral components of cloud computing best practices. In order to ensure a reliable and efficient cloud environment, regular reviews need to be performed at certain intervals. The goal is simple: making workloads more robust and protected while maintaining cost efficiency.

We have covered the AWS Well-Architected Framework—a complete framework for building solutions for a wide range of industries—extensively in the past. ICYMI, don’t forget to check out our blog series on the Five Pillars that help create secure and reliable cloud architecture which is optimized for operational excellence, performance efficiency, and cost. To make following these best practices easier, AWS has recently released the AWS Well-Architected Tool, making assessing your cloud infrastructure that much easier for administrators.