Apache Kafka in the Airline, Aviation and Travel Industry

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events, as well as the ever-changing expectations of consumers. Coronavirus is just a piece of the challenge. This post explores use cases, architectures, and references for Apache Kafka in the aviation industry, including airlines, airports, global distribution systems (GDS), aircraft manufacturers, and more. Kafka was relevant pre-covid and will become even more important post-covid.

Airlines and Aviation are Changing — Beyond Covid-19!

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events. These months have been particularly testing one due to the global pandemic with Covid-19. But the upcoming change is coming not just due to the Coronavirus but because of the ever-changing expectations of consumers.

Why the Car Industry Needs to Take Lessons From Aviation to Make Autonomous Tech Safe

Before autonomous vehicles become fully autonomous, they were developing a range of driver assistance tools to help us navigate the roads safely and effectively. These tools aren’t always as straightforward as they sound, however, and various studies have illustrated how long it takes a human to regain safe control of a vehicle if they haven’t been concentrating on the road.

While these sorts of challenges are still relatively unfamiliar in a motoring context, they are very familiar in aviation, where difficulties in navigating the human/machine interface have caused numerous incidents. It’s a lesson a recent paper suggests we are not heeding.