Top Benefits of Automation Testing for a Successful Product Release


Businesses rely on automation testing to keep up with faster and higher-quality processes that agile development demands. There are many benefits of automation testing, such as reducing costs, avoiding delays, and helping to create a great customer experience. Unplanned or ad hoc testing can lead to discrepancies and issues that will directly affect the business deliverables. Testing is an essential part of product development, so businesses need to have tests ever-ready.

Developers have always been finding bugs and resolving issues, but no matter how experienced you are in solving such problems, there will be some bugs that you can never catch on your own. Testers use regression testing to stabilize the product for faster releases and quickly fix issues after migrating the code to the production environment. Automation testing has numerous benefits in comparison to manual testing. Automating increases the effectiveness of processes, expedites execution, and maximizes test coverage. It further removes chances of repetitive mistakes/tasks by testers, reduces human error, and provides instant feedback for quick resolution of issues, which improves overall efficiency in all activities. Let’s explore the advantages of automation testing in software development in detail as we move further.

How to Enhance Your Deployment With Continuous Testing in CI/CD

Digital transformation has gripped us all! Most of the businesses are moving towards a cloud-centric environment and leaning towards ‘Shift-left’ DevOps practices. This rapid paradigm shift in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is creating a need to integrate continuous testing to build out resilient CI/CD pipelines. Balancing quality and speed is a major challenge and continuous testing in CI/CD can act as a catalyst in the whole process. 

To ace the competition, businesses are looking for better ways to perform CI/CD Pipeline Automation Testing.  One of the approaches adopted by many is an integration of continuous testing in the entire product development life cycle, right from the start until the end.  

Understanding Selenium: The Automation Testing Tool


With an increasing demand for test automation services, organizations are looking at investing in the best test automation tools for their business. Selenium is on the top of their list because of its numerous advantages. Research has predicted the growth of the Global Automation testing market to reach US $109.69 billion by 2025, which means that software testing is evolving and growing fast. The impact of Selenium Testing is such that it has turned out to be a game-changer in the Software Testing world. Test automation has become more efficient than ever before, the high levels of accuracy that are achieved are saving a lot of time for the QA team as well. Selenium has contributed a lot in bringing this exponential change in the testing space and continuous development and delivery process.

What Is Selenium?

Selenium does not need any introduction. It is quite popular in the software testing industry and the most liked web-based software test automation tool that has set its benchmark for a long time now. Here is a list of a few of the top features of Selenium:

How to Improve Value Stream Performance with Automation

There are many ways an organization practicing DevOps can capture value with a software product or service. These range from giving it amazing features to providing troubleshooting tips and instant in-built support when a software system malfunctions.

DevOps brings development and operations teams together to deliver maximum value in the shortest time possible. As this string of activities eventually benefits the customer, they can be considered a value stream.

How to Conduct Accessibility Testing on Android Devices

As per recent research by the World Health Organization, roughly 15% of the worldwide population is ‘specially-abled’ in some form or another. Developers creating a mobile application for all need to keep this 15% in mind. Other than creating dedicated applications for differently-abled people, making sure the current applications are disabled-friendly is a moral responsibility for every developer to ensure all their users are able to access their application with ease.

To accelerate this process, innovative tools are used to check if the applications are functioning as per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG. This is where accessibility testing comes into the picture. Accessibility testing helps identify errors in software and functions incorporated in your systems and mobile phones to ensure that an application is accessible to people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

5 Mobile App Testing Trends to Surface in 2020

The role of mobile apps in the currently thriving modernized setup has acquired an imperative stature. It is primarily to enhance the scale of convenience both at the consumer and enterprise-level that mobile apps have grown to become a major hit!

For the success of any software or application, there are different stages of testing. App quality is the foremost factor that predicts the success of a particular mobile application. Over the years, mobile app testing trends have shown serious variations. The sole reason for this shift can be attributed to the rising count of mobile devices.

Top 10 Automated Software Testing Tools

We are in an era of automation everywhere! Some time back, Bob Egan, the Chief Research Officer at Sepharim Research, talked about mobile security. He made a statement on Enterprise Mobility Trends 2016:

“The modern desktop is really not a desktop, but an experience that fits the moment.”

He also added saying that we are getting into a generation where there will be applications developed specifically for the work to be done easily and efficiently. I totally agree with that and believe that we are highly dependent on minimizing our work efforts with the help of various tools.

Top 17 Resources To Learn Test Automation In 2019

Lack of training is something that creates a major roadblock for a tester. Often, testers working in an organization are all of a sudden forced to learn a new framework or an automation tool whenever a new project demands it. You may be overwhelmed on how to learn test automation, where to start from and how to master test automation for web applications, and mobile applications on new technology so soon.

Thankfully, there are plenty of resources to help you deal with your questions on test automation and guide you through the process of learning basics of automation testing to become skilled in test automation for web applications and mobile applications. In this article, we will cover some resources for test automation, ranging from blogs, workshops, and online video tutorials and more to help you brush up the basics of automation testing with in-depth tutorials. I believe every tester, whether beginner or experienced, should research them.