Quality Sense Podcast With Bas Dijkstra – False Positives and Negatives in Test Automation

In this Quality Sense episode, host, Federico Toledo, has a chat with Bas Dijkstra, a software test automation expert, consultant, and trainer from the Netherlands with over 14 years of experience in the field. Recently, Bas triggered an interesting conversation on Linkedin about software testers getting involved with unit testing, which sparked a variety of responses. Listen to the episode to hear more about that conversation, getting better results from test automation, and more!

Episode Highlights

  • What should a tester’s involvement look like in unit testing?
  • How to become a better test automation specialist
  • Building reliable automated tests: how to avoid false positives and negatives?
  • An important philosophy/book he recommends for being more successful and productive

Relevant Links:

Your Continuous Testing Capabilities and Challenges [4-minute survey]

Continuous testing isn’t just about automation or CI/CD pipelines — it's synonymous to testing throughout the SDLC. It's about automating those tests and about implementing the right policies and procedures to ensure testing is performed whenever necessary, whether automated or manual.

Our upcoming report will explore continuous testing capabilities, challenges, and emerging approaches in 2020 and beyond. For individuals who have a role in testing at their organization, your insights will be a key part of our research.