9 Test Automation Predictions for 2021: Automated Visual Testing

Every year, pundits and critics offer their predictions for the year ahead. Here are my predictions for test automation in 2021. (Note: these are my personal predictions)

Prediction 1: Stand-Alone QA Faces Challenges of Dev Teams With Integrated Quality Engineering

Teams running Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) have learned that developers must own the quality of their code. In 2021, everyone else will figure that out, too. Engineers know that the delay between developing code and finding bugs produces inefficient development teams. Companies running standalone QA teams find bugs later than teams with integrated quality. In 2021, this difference will begin to become painful as more companies adopt quality engineering in the midst of development.

Testing Your Code on Terraform: Terratest

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is more than just a paradigm. Developers are now able to deploy the code they have written on a capable cloud infrastructure without having to configure the cloud environment and provision resources manually. With the help of frameworks like Terraform, deploying supporting cloud infrastructure is as easy as writing a few lines of code.

As with other code constructing the app, however, infrastructure code can have faults and may cause errors. The need for improved testing—including testing the resulting infrastructure itself—is growing rapidly. For the longest time, developers relied on manual testing for the ‘solution’—but that comes with its own set of inherent problems: it’s time-consuming, inefficient, and error prone. Terratest mitigates many of the issues in manual testing.

7 Emerging Automated Web Testing Trends to Look Out in 2020

Here's what you can expect from automated testing in 2020

Technology has evolved in multiple forms in the last few years. From development to testing to continuous delivery, we have seen a lot of changes in the IT industry. But, the software testing process has encountered the most positive changes, especially after automation was introduced in the testing process, which made it smooth and easy for testers to test web apps or websites.

Your Guide to Automated Testing [Article and Tutorials]

It's time to automate you testing process!

What Is Automated Testing?

DZone Refcard: Automated Testing: Improving Application Speed and Quality —
 Learn more about mobile testing in Kotlin, go beyond what Selenium provides for web application testing, and take a deep dive into trends such as Behavioral-Driven Development and Visual Regression.

Getting Started With Automated Testing by Jason Simon — A breakdown of all the information about Automated Testing into more digestible pieces to make it easier for you to replicate.