Authorization Code Grant Flow With Spring Security OAuth 2.0


We have learned about OAuth - 2.0 specification in previous articles and how we can implement OAuth - 2.0 client credentials grant flow working with spring's authorization server. In this article, we're going to see how we can implement authorization code grant flow get working with spring security. 

According to the OAuth-2.0 specification, authorization code grant flow is a two-step process mainly used by confidential clients(a web server or secured application that can promise the security of credentials). In the first step, we request the authorize endpoint to get authorization code from the authorization server and then use it to get an access token from the authorization server at the token endpoint.

Introduction To OAuth Framework

You must have heard this word Oauth if you are from a development background. It is because of its popularity, in a few past years technology has evolved a lot and so the security. With increasing concerns of security, a lot of frameworks and patterns came into the picture and Oauth was one of them. When developers started using Oauth, they found it very secure and useful, and with increasing popularity, so many organizations started using this. 

Now, you will notice that millions of applications are now powered by the Oauth authorization framework. It's important that you know what it is all about and I think that's why you are reading this article.

Deep Dive Into OAuth2.0 and JWT (Part 2 OAuth2.0)

In the previous article, we introduced Authentication and Authorization. In this article, let us have a look at one of the most commonly used implementation, i.e. OAuth2.0.


In the traditional client-server authentication model, the client requests protected resources on the server by authenticating with the server using the resource owner's credentials. To provide third-party applications access to restricted resources, the resource owner shares its credentials with the third party. This sharing of credential can create several problems and limitations, some of which are listed below.