How Promotions Ruin Dev Careers w/ Shopify’s Dir. of Engineering James Stanier

In so many professions, the reward for exceptional work is a promotion to management. Unfortunately, for developers whose programming gets them singled out for promotion, the skills to manage a team have nothing to do with the work that got them recognized in the first place.

James Stanier, Director of Engineering at Shopify, understands the pitfalls of being promoted from an IC to an engineering manager, and began writing as a way to think through the mistakes he himself was making. 

Author Spotlight: Daniel Stori

How did you first get started kind of writing comics, and why did you tailor them specifically toward developers?

When I was young, I used to draw pictures, comics of situations that happened in my day. I've liked to draw since I was a little kid, but I started to draw comics related to development because I love it. I am a developer and software programming teacher, so it's something that I really know and we can find a lot of fun situations in the development world, even when we start to pretend that processes and software are living things, as I do. No one was doing this kind of commentary. I like to draw and I like to make fun of people and situations so I joined these two things and stared to do this as kind of a hobby.

You mentioned that there was a story you wanted to tell, about how you became involved with DZone, about "a rare disease and a DZone editor." Can you share?

Ah, yes, yes. I started to run my site, I think, at the end of 2015. So, at that time, I was diagnosed with a rare disease. It was a very difficult time of my life because I didn't know if I would live, as it was a very, very difficult disease. I had to stop going to work, so I was at my home and I had nothing to do, so I started to draw more. I sent an email to Joe Esposito [a former DZone editor], and he answered me saying that it was okay that I started to publish them on my own.