Event-Driven APIs and Schema Governance for Apache Kafka

As a developer, I'm always excited to attend so many great sessions addressing critical challenges in the Apache Kafka ecosystem. One example is how changes to event-driven APIs are leading developers to focus on contract-first development for Kafka.

This article discusses the journey Kafka users have taken to get on the API bandwagon and how developers are using contracts to describe brokers without losing control of their data in the cluster. A critical component for effective schema governance is having a schema registry such as Apicurio Registry

Simulating CloudEvents With AsyncAPI and Microcks

The rise of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a necessary evolutionary step toward cloud-native applications. Events are the ultimate weapon to decouple your microservices within your architecture. They are bringing great benefits like space and time decoupling, better resiliency, and elasticity.

But events also come with challenges! One of the first you will face when starting up as a development team — aside from the technology choice — is how to describe these events' structure. Another challenge that comes very quickly after is: How can we efficiently work as a team without having to wait for someone else's events?

Are Automated APIs the future? Podcast With Zdenek “Z” Nemec

In 2020, APIs are an essential part of any digital transformation toolkit. Whether you’re looking to deliver new products, expand your marketing reach, analyze your data, innovate on existing technologies, or improve work efficiency — modern enterprises rely on APIs to get things done.

However, as API adoption explodes, the complexity of discovery, consumption, and integration also gets dialed to eleven. When APIs have to be integrated and maintained manually, this places an additional burden on an already overwhelmed IT department. Superface.ai Co-Founder and CTO Zdenek Nemec explain how automation can change the way we develop and approach APIs and how description formats such as OpenAPI and AsyncAPI help make APIs be more discoverable.