Dynamic Lists With SwiftUI Using Swift Concurrency for Asynchronous Data Loading

In a previous blog post, I described an implementation of lists in SwiftUI where items are loaded dynamically as the user scrolls and additional data for each item is fetched asynchronously. I also wanted to provide a reusable infrastructure for lists where you could concentrate only on the data fetching logic and the presentation of a single list item, but didn’t quite reach that goal.

In this blog post, I try to improve the list infrastructure and the separation of concerns between the data model and UI. I also want to test the Swift Concurrency features (async/await etc) for the asynchronous parts, and see how well it plays with SwiftUI.

Overview of C# Async Programming

I recently found myself explaining the concept of thread and thread pools to my team. We encountered a complicated threads-problem in our production environment that led us to review and analyze some legacy code. Although it threw me back to the basics, it was beneficial to review .NET capabilities and features in managing threads, which mainly reflected how .NET evolved significantly throughout the years. With the new options available today, tackling the production problem is much easier to cope with.


So, this circumstance led me to write this blog-post to go through the underlying foundations and features of threads and thread pools:

How to Interact With a Database Using Async Functions in Node.js

So far in this async series, we’ve covered Node.js style callbacks, the Async module, and promises. In this final part of the series, we’ll learn about async functions (AKA async/await). To me, async functions are the most exciting thing to happen to JavaScript since Ajax. Finally, we can read JavaScript code in a synchronous manner while it executes asynchronously as it always has.

Async Functions Overview

Async functions are a relatively new feature of JavaScript (not specific to Node.js). Support for the feature first landed in Node.js v7.6 via an update to the V8 JavaScript engine. Because async functions rely heavily on Promises, I recommend you read the previous post before continuing.