Asynchronous API Calls: Spring Boot, Feign, and Spring @Async

The requirement was to hit an eternal web endpoint and fetch some data and apply some logic to it, but the external API was super slow and the response time grew linearly with the number of records fetched. This called for the need to parallelize the entire API call in chunks/pages and aggregate the data.

Our synchronous feign client:

Future, A Token of Task Submission

Future, A Token of Task Submission

I believe, the title is very abstract but clearly explains the purpose. The concurrency package is the boss when it's come to asynchronous programming. Of course, this is the continuation of my previous articles on asynchronous programming.

We have seen creating Threads and make use of Executor Framework for the Thread management. Also, We look at how to submit a task and how is it processed internally in the executor. But we haven't seen how to check the status or getting the result etc.

Hands-on With Node.js Streams: Examples and Approach

What Are Streams?

A stream is an abstract interface that lets you perform specific tasks continuously. A stream is an EventEmitter that implements different methods. A user can use streams to perform a variety of tasks, like read, write, and transform functions.

In a Node.js environment, streams are used to work with streaming data. It provides users with an API that helps them in creating the streaming interface. The data here is received in parts and is read in parts as well.

Understanding Async Await

When writing code for the web, eventually you'll need to do some process that might take a few moments to complete. JavaScript can't really multitask, so we'll need a way to handle those long-running processes.

Async/Await is a way to handle this type of time-based sequencing. It’s especially great for when you need to make some sort of network request and then work with the resulting data. Let's dig in!

Promise? Promise.

Async/Await is a type of Promise. Promises in JavaScript are objects that can have multiple states (kind of like the real-life ones ☺️). Promises do this because sometimes what we ask for isn't available immediately, and we'll need to be able to detect what state it is in.

Consider someone asks you to promise to do something for them, like help them move. There is the initial state, where they have asked. But you haven't fulfilled your promise to them until you show up and help them move. If you cancel your plans, you rejected the promise.

Similarly, the three possible states for a promise in JavaScript are:

  • pending: when you first call a promise and it’s unknown what it will return.
  • fulfilled: meaning that the operation completed successfully
  • rejected: the operation failed

Here’s an example of a promise in these states:

Here is the fulfilled state. We store a promise called getSomeTacos, passing in the resolve and reject parameters. We tell the promise it is resolved, and that allows us to then console log two more times.

const getSomeTacos = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  console.log("Initial state: Excuse me can I have some tacos");

  .then(() => {
    console.log("Order some tacos");
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Here are your tacos");
  .catch(err => {
    console.error("Nope! No tacos for you.");
> Initial state: Excuse me can I have some tacos
> Order some tacos
> Here are your tacos

See the Pen
Promise States
by Sarah Drasner (@sdras)
on CodePen.

If we choose the rejected state, we'll do the same function but reject it this time. Now what will be printed to the console is the Initial State and the catch error:

const getSomeTacos = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  console.log("Initial state: Excuse me can I have some tacos");

  .then(() => {
    console.log("Order some tacos");
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Here are your tacos");
  .catch(err => {
    console.error("Nope! No tacos for you.");
> Initial state: Excuse me can I have some tacos
> Nope! No tacos for you.

And when we select the pending state, we'll simply console.log what we stored, getSomeTacos. This will print out a pending state because that's the state the promise is in when we logged it!

> Initial state: Excuse me can I have some 🌮s
> Promise {<pending>}
> Order some &#x1f32e;s
> Here are your &#x1f32e;s

What then?

But here’s a part that was confusing to me at first. To get a value out of a promise, you have to use .then() or something that returns the resolution of your promise. This makes sense if you think about it, because you need to capture what it will eventually be — rather than what it initially is — because it will be in that pending state initially. That's why we saw it print out Promise {<pending>} when we logged the promise above. Nothing had resolved yet at that point in the execution.

Async/Await is really syntactic sugar on top of those promises you just saw. Here's a small example of how I might use it along with a promise to schedule multiple executions.

async function tacos() {
  return await Promise.resolve("Now and then I get to eat delicious tacos!")


Or a more in-depth example:

// this is the function we want to schedule. it's a promise.
const addOne = (x) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => { 
      console.log(`I added one! Now it's ${x + 1}.`)
    }, 2000);

// we will immediately log the first one, 
// then the addOne promise will run, taking 2 seconds
// then the final console.log will fire
async function addAsync() {
  console.log('I have 10')
  await addOne(10)
  console.log(`Now I'm done!`)

> I have 10
> I added one! Now it's 11.
> Now I'm done!

See the Pen
Async Example 1
by Sarah Drasner (@sdras)
on CodePen.

One thing (a)waits for another

One common use of Async/Await is to use it to chain multiple asynchronous calls. Here, we'll fetch some JSON that we'll use to pass into our next fetch call to figure out what type of thing we want to fetch from the second API. In our case, we want to access some programming jokes, but we first need to find out from a different API what type of quote we want.

The first JSON file looks like this- we want the type of quote to be random:

  "type": "random"

The second API will return something that looks like this, given that random query parameter we just got:

  "en":"For all its power, the computer is a harsh taskmaster. Its programs must be correct, and what we wish to say must be said accurately in every detail.",
  "author":"Alan Perlis",

We call the async function then let it wait to go retrieve the first .json file before it fetches data from the API. Once that happens, we can do something with that response, like add it to our page.

async function getQuote() {
  // get the type of quote from one fetch call, everything else waits for this to finish
  let quoteTypeResponse = await fetch(``)
  let quoteType = await quoteTypeResponse.json()

    // use what we got from the first call in the second call to an API, everything else waits for this to finish
  let quoteResponse = await fetch("" + quoteType.type)
  let quote = await quoteResponse.json()

  // finish up

We can even simplify this using template literals and arrow functions:

async function getQuote() {
  // get the type of quote from one fetch call, everything else waits for this to finish
  let quoteType = await fetch(`quotes.json`).then(res => res.json())

    // use what we got from the first call in the second call to an API, everything else waits for this to finish
  let quote = await fetch(`${quoteType.type}`).then(res => res.json())

  // finish up


Here is an animated explanation of this process.

See the Pen
Animated Description of Async Await
by Sarah Drasner (@sdras)
on CodePen.

Try, Catch, Finally

Eventually we’ll want to add error states to this process. We have handy try, catch, and finally blocks for this.

try {
  // I’ll try to execute some code for you
catch(error) {
  // I’ll handle any errors in that process
finally {
  // I’ll fire either way

Let’s restructure the code above to use this syntax and catch any errors.

async function getQuote() {
  try {
    // get the type of quote from one fetch call, everything else waits for this to finish
    let quoteType = await fetch(`quotes.json`).then(res => res.json())

      // use what we got from the first call in the second call to an API, everything else waits for this to finish
    let quote = await fetch(`${quoteType.type}`).then(res => res.json())

    // finish up

  catch(error) {
    console.warn(`We have an error here: ${error}`)


We didn’t use finally here because we don’t always need it. It is a block that will always fire whether it is successful or fails. Consider using finally any time you’re duplicating things in both try and catch. I usually use this for some cleanup. I wrote an article about this, if you’re curious to know more.

You might eventually want more sophisticated error handling, such as a way to cancel an async function. There is, unfortunately, no way to do this natively, but thankfully, Kyle Simpson created a library called CAF that can help.

Further Reading

It's common for explanations of Async/Await to begin with callbacks, then promises, and use those explanations to frame Async/Await. Since Async/Await is well-supported these days, we didn’t walk through all of these steps. It’s still pretty good background, especially if you need to maintain older codebases. Here are some of my favorite resources out there:

The post Understanding Async Await appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

State of API Security

The current age is the age of science and technology. With the advent of modern technology, the problems associated with modern technology have also increased to a great level.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become all the rage nowadays, with enterprise developers now relying heavily on them to support the delivery of new products and services. With the number of APIs increasing, the amount of data that is passed on networks is also increasing.

Promises in Javascript: A Complete Guide for 2019

Don't let your program down!

Promises are an important concept that is essential for a JavaScript developer to understand. If this concept is clear, the developer can utilize promises in a variety of ways in their day-to-day lives.

There are a lot of articles and tutorials available on the web about promises. However, very few of them act as a comprehensive guide to make use of promises. In this article, I will try to elaborate on promises in-depth, so you won't need to go through other resources.

Fetching Data in React using React Async

You’re probably used to fetching data in React using axios or fetch. The usual method of handling data fetching is to:

  • Make the API call.
  • Update state using the response if all goes as planned.
  • Or, in cases where errors are encountered, an error message is displayed to the user.

There will always be delays when handling requests over the network. That’s just part of the deal when it comes to making a request and waiting for a response. That’s why we often make use of a loading spinner to show the user that the expected response is loading.

See the Pen
by Geoff Graham (@geoffgraham)
on CodePen.

All these can be done using a library called React Async.

React Async is a promised-based library that makes it possible for you to fetch data in your React application. Let’s look at various examples using components, hooks and helpers to see how we can implement loading states when making requests.

For this tutorial, we will be making use of Create React App. You can create a project by running:

npx create-react-app react-async-demo

When that is done, run the command to install React Async in your project, using yarn or npm:

## yarn
yarn add react-async

## npm
npm install react-async --save

Example 1: Loaders in components

The library allows us to make use of <Async> directly in our JSX. As such, the component example will look like this;

// Let's import React, our styles and React Async
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Async from 'react-async';

// We'll request user data from this API
const loadUsers = () =>
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

// Our component
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <Async promiseFn={loadUsers}>
        {({ data, err, isLoading }) => {
          if (isLoading) return "Loading..."
          if (err) return `Something went wrong: ${err.message}`

          if (data)
            return (
                  <h2>React Async - Random Users</h2>
                {> (
                  <div key={user.username} className="row">
                    <div className="col-md-12">

export default App;

First, we created a function called loadUsers. This will make the API call using the fetch API. And, when it does, it returns a promise which gets resolved. After that, the needed props are made available to the component.

The props are:

  • isLoading: This handles cases where the response has not be received from the server yet.
  • err: For cases when an error is encountered. You can also rename this to error.
  • data: This is the expected data obtained from the server.

As you can see from the example, we return something to be displayed to the user dependent on the prop.

Example 2: Loaders in hooks

If you are a fan of hooks (as you should), there is a hook option available when working with React Async. Here’s how that looks:

// Let's import React, our styles and React Async
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { useAsync } from 'react-async';

// Then we'll fetch user data from this API
const loadUsers = async () =>
  await fetch("")
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

// Our component
function App() {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useAsync({ promiseFn: loadUsers })
  if (isLoading) return "Loading..."
  if (error) return `Something went wrong: ${error.message}`
  if (data)
  // The rendered component
  return (
    <div className="container">
        <h2>React Async - Random Users</h2>
      {> (
        <div key={user.username} className="row">
          <div className="col-md-12">

export default App;

This looks similar to the component example, but in this scenario, we’re making use of useAsync and not the Async component. The response returns a promise which gets resolved, and we also have access to similar props like we did in the last example, with which we can then return to the rendered UI.

Example 3: Loaders in helpers

Helper components come in handy in making our code clear and readable. These helpers can be used when working with an useAsync hook or with an Async component, both of which we just looked at. Here is an example of using the helpers with the Async component.

// Let's import React, our styles and React Async
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Async from 'react-async';

// This is the API we'll use to request user data
const loadUsers = () =>
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

// Our App component
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <Async promiseFn={loadUsers}>
            {data => {
              return (
                    <h2>React Async - Random Users</h2>
                  {> (
                    <div key={user.username} className="row">
                      <div className="col-md-12">
            {error => `Something went wrong: ${error.message}`}

export default App;

This looks similar to when we were making use of props. With that done, you could break the different section of the app into tiny components.


If you have been growing weary of going the route I mentioned in the opening section of this tutorial, you can start making of React Async in that project you are working on. The source code used in this tutorial can be found in their different branches on GitHub.

The post Fetching Data in React using React Async appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Akka Stream: Map And MapAsync

In this post, we will discuss what are “map” and “mapAsync” when used in the Akka stream and how to use them.

The difference is highlighted in their signatures:-

Effective Advice on Spring Async: Part 1

As per the current trend, I see developers from Juniors to Seniors all using Spring Boot as their weapon of choice to build software. The fact that it is developer friendly and its "convention over configuration" style helps the developer to only focus on business logic. If they are unsure as to how Springs works, just reviewing a Spring Boot tutorial can allow one to start using Spring Boot — it's that easy.

Another part of Spring Boot that I like is that developers do not have to know Spring's inner details — just put some annotations in, write the business code, and voila! With that said, sometimes, you have to know how it works. What I am trying to say is that you need to know your tool better so you can utilize it like a pro.

How We Built an Asynchronous, Temporal RESTful API Based on Vert.x, Keycloak and Kotlin/Coroutines for (Open Source)

Why storing historical data becomes feasible nowadays

Life is subdued to constant evolution. So is our data, be it in research, business or personal information management. As such it’s surprising that databases usually just keep the current state. With the advent, however of flash drives as for instance SSDs, which are much faster in randomly accessing data in stark contrast to spinning disks and not very good at erasing or overriding data, we are now capable of developing clever versioning algorithms and storage systems to keep past states while not impeding efficiency/performance. Search/insertion/deletion-operations should therefore be in logarithmic time (O(log(n)), to compete with commonly used index structures.

The temporal storage system SirixDB

Sirix is a versioned, temporal storage system, which is log-structured at its very core.

We support N read-only transactions, which are bound to a single revision (each transaction might be started on any past revision) concurrently to one write transaction on a single resource. Our system thus is based on snapshot isolation. The write-transaction can revert the most recent revision to any past revision. Changes to this past revision can then be commit to create a new snapshot and therefore a new revision.

Using TLS in Rust: The Complexity of Async, Macros, and Madness

After a lot of trouble, I’m really happy that I was able to build an async I/O implementation of my protocol. However, for real code, I think that I would probably recommend using with the sync API instead since at least it's straightforward and doesn’t incur so much overhead at development time. The async stuff is still very much a “use at your own risk” kind of deal from my perspective. And I can’t imagine trying to use it in a large project and no suffering from the complexity.

As a good example, take a look at the following bit of code:

Using TLS in Rust: Getting Async I/O With tokio (Part 2)

On my last post, I got really frustrated with tokio’s complexity and wanted to move to using mio directly. The advantages are that the programming model is pretty simple, even if actually working with it is hard. Event loops can cause your logic to spread over many different locations and make it hard to follow. I started to go that path until I figured out just how much work it would take. I decided to give tokio a second change, and at this point, I looked into attempts to provide async/await functionality to Rust.

It seems that at least some work is already available for this, using futures + some Rust macros. That let me write code that is much more natural looking, and I actually managed to make it work.