How to Make a News Website Using WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to create a news website but are not sure how to get started?

News sites are popular among users all around the world. You can attract an audience from every corner of the world and build a brand. While it can be difficult to compete with established sites, you can write about your favorite topics, cover local area news, and report on specific niches.

In this article, we will show you how to make a news website step by step.

How to make a news website

Here is an overview of everything we will cover in this guide. You can click the links below to jump ahead to your preferred section.

Why You Should Start a News Website?

People are constantly in search of the latest information about different topics. Be it current affairs, technology, lifestyle, fashion, or updates about your local area, creating a news website can open a world of opportunities.

For instance, it helps you reach a wider audience. You can attract readers from different parts of the world and grow traffic on your website.

It also allows you to make money online. You can partner with brands and companies in different countries. Or start a subscription service like The New York Times and offer exclusive access to premium content.

New York times

Besides that, a news website lets you create a brand for a specific niche. You can cover training topics or the latest news from different industries and build brand recognition over time.

Another benefit of making a news site is that you can create different content formats. For example, simply turn textual news articles into videos, start a newsletter to inform your subscribers, or start a podcast.

That said, let’s see what you’ll need to make a news site.

What You’ll Need to Start a News Website

To get started, the first thing you’ll need to do is find the right platform for your news website. This is essential because moving to a new host can be tricky and technical later on.

There are many platforms that you can use to make a news website, but each one of them has its own pros and cons. You can learn more by seeing our comparison of the best blogging platforms.

For example, you can start for free on, Tumblr, Blogger, Medium, and more. However, free platforms offer limited features and flexibility, which makes it hard to monetize your site and scale your business.

This is where comes in. It powers more than 43% of the websites on the internet. Plus, it is a powerful website builder that gives you full control and ownership of your website.

In fact, many notable news brands like CNN Press Room, Microsoft News, The New Times, and more use WordPress.

Do note that and are two different platforms. Please see our comparison of vs to learn more.

Once you’ve selected as a platform for your news site, you’ll also need:

  • Web Hosting – This is the home for your news site where all the files, content, images, and other data will be stored.
  • Domain Name – It is your site’s address that users will enter in their browser (like or
  • Your undivided attention for the next 30 minutes.

In just a few minutes, you can easily create a news website using WordPress. Let’s dive into the steps.

Selecting Web Hosting and Installing WordPress

When creating a WordPress website, there are several costs you’ll need to look after.

For instance, a domain name usually costs $14.99 per year, and web hosting costs $7.99 per month. If you add an SSL certificate and more features to the web hosting plan, then this cost can go even higher.

That’s a lot for beginners and new website owners.

Luckily, our friends at Hostinger are offering an amazing deal where you get a free domain name and free SSL with each hosting plan. That’s an 81% discount on hosting for our readers.

So you can get started for as low as $2.24 per month.

To start, you’ll need to visit the Hostinger website and click the ‘Claim Deal’ button.


Next, Hostinger will ask you to select a pricing plan and click the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

We recommend that you start with the ‘Premium’ plan, but you can always upgrade to another plan later on.

Choose Hostinger plan

On the next screen, you’ll need to select a hosting time period. For instance, you can choose to host for 1 month, 12 months, 24 months, or 48 months.

The 48 months plan gives you the best discount and maximum saving.

Hostinger pricing periods

After that, you can create a new account on Hostinger.

There is also an option to log in using your Google or Facebook account.

Create your account on Hostinger

Next, you will need to enter your personal details and select a payment method.

From here, simply complete the payment process and finish your purchase. After completing the purchase, you can go ahead and create a new website.

Simply head to the ‘Websites’ tab from your Hostinger dashboard. From here, click the ‘+ Create or migrate a website’ option.

Installing WordPress on Hostinger

This will launch the website setup wizard by Hostinger.

Next, you can choose the type of website you want to create. There are multiple options like online store, blog, business, portfolio, and others.

To create a news website, go ahead and select the ‘Blog’ option.

Choose blog as your website type

In the next step, Hostinger will ask if you’d like to create a new site or migrate an existing website.

Go ahead and select the ‘Create a new website’ option.

Create or migrate a website

Next, Hostinger will ask you to select a platform for your news website.

You will have to choose the ‘WordPress with AI’ option and click the ‘Select’ button.

Select platform

After that, Hostinger will require setting up login details for your WordPress account.

Simply enter an administrator email and select a password. Once that’s done, click the ‘Continue’ button.

Create login details for news site

In the next step, Hostinger will ask you to automatically install specific WordPress plugins on your website.

You can simply choose the plugins you want and click the ‘Continue’ button. Or skip this step and install plugins later on.

Add plugins to the news site

After that, Hostinger will show different website templates to choose from.

You can simply skip this step and choose a news theme later on for your WordPress site.

Choose a theme template

In the next step, Hostinger offers you the option to automatically create a few pieces of content using AI. You can add a brand name and description and let ChatGPT handle the rest.

Or you can skip this step and create content for your news website later on.

Automate text creation using AI

After that, Hostinger will ask you to select a desired domain. You can claim a free domain, buy a domain, or use a domain name that you already own.

For this tutorial, we will select the ‘Claim a Free Domain’ option.

Claim free domain name

If you need help, then please see our guide on how to choose the best domain name for your news site.

After choosing a domain name, the WordPress installation will start.

To view your newly created site, you can go to the ‘Websites’ tab from your Hostinger dashboard.

login to WordPress

Go ahead and click the ‘Admin Panel’ option to open the WordPress admin area.

This is where you can choose a theme for your news site, install and manage plugins, add content to posts and pages, and more.

WordPress dashboard

Choosing a Theme for Your News Site

Now that you’ve created a news website using WordPress, the next step is to choose a theme. Choosing the right theme is essential, as it should display your latest and trending news prominently while making the reading experience pleasant.

WordPress offers over 11,000 free themes to choose from. To add a theme, simply head to Appearance » Themes from your WordPress dashboard and click the ‘Add New Theme’ button.

Adding a new WordPress theme in the admin area

Next, you’ll see different WordPress themes.

You can filter them by ‘news’ and choose the one you like.

Choose a news theme

If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly theme to get started, then we recommend Astra. It has many customization options and is a perfect choice for news websites.

The best part about using Astra is that it supports popular page builders out of the box. Plus, it’s optimized for WordPress SEO (search engine optimization) and ensures fast performance.

With Astra, you get multiple templates for a news site. You can simply select one and customize it. For instance, here’s a preview of a news template offered by Astra.

Astra news template preview

For more options, please see our list of the best WordPress newspaper themes.

On the other hand, you can also create a custom news theme using SeedProd. It is the best WordPress website builder that lets you create a theme without editing any code.

There are plenty of templates to choose from and different customization options. The best part, SeedProd offers a drag-and-drop theme and page builder, so it’s very easy to edit your site.

SeedProd news templates

To learn more, please see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme.

Adding Content to Your News Website

WordPress offers 2 default post types called posts and pages. Posts are part of the blogging functionality. On the other hand, pages are static content used for different landing pages, like an about us or contact us page.

To start adding content, you’ll need to use the WordPress block editor (also called Gutenberg).

Unlike the old Classic editor, you get modern features and more flexibility in creating content in the block editor. It makes it very easy to format text and add media like videos and images to your content.

The Gutenberg block editor interface

We recommend starting with the static content, as it will not change on a regular basis. There are pretty common kinds of static content that almost all websites on the internet share.

These include a contact form page, an about us page, a privacy policy page, a terms of service page, and more.

For instance, here’s a preview of what the Contact Us page from OptinMonster looks like. You can use a page builder to create custom landing pages just like this.

Contact us page preview

Next, you can start creating news articles as blog posts.

If you need help, then please see our guide on how to add a new blog post in WordPress and utilize all the features.

The Gutenberg block editor interface

We recommend publishing new content on a frequent basis. Large news sites post multiple news articles daily. You can start with a few posts per week and then gradually increase the frequency.

Bonus Tip: If you’re having trouble coming up with new topics, then you can follow our guide on how to generate 100+ blog post ideas or try out our free blog post generator tool.

Customizing and Adjusting Your News Website Settings

After adding content to your WordPress news site, you can tweak different settings on your site and customize its appearance.

Let’s look at some of the things you can adjust on your site.

1. Edit the News Website Title and Tagline

You can change the site title and add a tagline to your news site.

The site title will be the name of your website, like WPBeginner. While the tagline helps describe your website briefly.

Simply go to Settings » General page from the WordPress dashboard. From here, enter the site title and tagline.

Change site title

Note: If you’re using an SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) or Yoast SEO, then leave the site title field blank. Otherwise, the plugins will override the title text for better search engine optimization.

2. Create Categories to Organize Your Content

WordPress categories are a powerful tool that helps sort your content. Users can quickly view news from different regions, industries, or topics by navigating different categories.

Categories also develop a proper structure for your site. This is great for your site’s SEO, as it helps search engines understand what your page is about.

You can easily create categories and subcategories by going to Posts » Categories from the WordPress dashboard. Then, enter a name and click the ‘Add New Category’ button.

Adding a New Category

You can see our guide on how to add categories and subcategories in WordPress to learn more.

3. Add a Navigational Menu to Your News Site

The navigational menu helps your readers to browse your site. It also lets you organize your content and make it easy for users to access important articles and pages.

For example, The Guardian shows a menu at the top of its website where you can access content based on different categories, like news, sports, culture, and lifestyle.

Navigation menu on a news site

Many news themes come with built-in menus, and you can also create your own using WordPress’s powerful navigation menu system.

To learn more, please see our guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

4. Enable Comment Moderation on Your News Site

You can allow users to leave comments on your news article and participate in discussions. This is great for boosting engagement on your site.

However, if you don’t have comment moderation enabled, then it can lead to a lot of spam on your site.

To ensure that comments don’t automatically appear on your site, head to Settings » Discussion from the WordPress dashboard. Next, you’ll need to scroll down to the Before a comment appears section and click the ‘Comment must be manually approved’ checkbox.

Enable manual comment approval

You can follow our beginner’s guide on how to moderate comments in WordPress.

Optimize Your WordPress News Site for Search Engines

The next step is to ensure that users can easily find your news website on the internet. This is where optimizing your site for search engines is essential.

You can drive a lot of traffic from search engines like Google and Bing. By optimizing your content, you can rank higher in search engine page results and get more people to visit your news site.

The best part is that WordPress is SEO-friendly out of the box. However, you still need to ensure that your site is optimized correctly.

The easiest way to do that is by using the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin. It is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and helps you configure your site for search engines without hiring a professional or any technical knowledge.

AIOSEO offers powerful features like TruSEO on-page analysis, rich snippets schema markup, XML sitemaps, breadcrumb navigation, social media integration, and more. It handles all the technical SEO optimization for your WordPress news site.

Choose schema type

For more details, please see our guide on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress.

Besides using AIOSEO, you can also ensure that you’re following the basics of SEO. For instance, check your site is visible to search engines, your site has an SEO-friendly URL, you’re using HTTPS, adding internal links to your content, and more.

To ensure your news site is properly optimized, please follow our step-by-step guide on WordPress SEO.

Submit Your WordPress News Site to Google News

Aside from following the basics of SEO, you can go a step further and submit your site to Google News. This can skyrocket your website traffic, attract a new audience, and build authority.

Google News is a news aggregator that shows the latest stories and news from different sources. Getting your site featured in Google News can improve visibility and also help capture the Top Stories featured snippet.

Google News Featured Snippet

Before submitting your site to Google News, you’ll need to ensure that you follow Google News policies. For example, your content should not be dangerous, deceptive, hateful, sexually explicit, violent, or manipulative.

Once you’ve followed all the policies, you can use the AIOSEO plugin to set up a news sitemap. The news sitemap helps Google to quickly discover your content and show it in the news section.

News sitemap in All in One SEO for WordPress

After creating a sitemap, you can head to the Google Publisher Center website.

Here, you can enter your news site’s URL and follow the onscreen instructions to submit it to Google News.

The Google Publisher Center Website

For more details, you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to submit your WordPress site to Google News.

Ways to Grow Traffic on Your News Website

While SEO plays a huge role in driving traffic to your site, there are more ways to attract visitors to your news articles.

Let’s look at some of the ways to grow your website traffic.

1. Convert Visitors into Subscribers

Did you know that 70% of people who visit your news site will never come back again?

You can change this by using OptinMonster. It is the best lead generation and conversion optimization software for WordPress. OptinMonster lets you create popups, spin-to-win campaigns, floating bars, and more. Plus, it offers powerful display rules, allowing you to show the campaigns to the right audience at the right time.

For example, you can offer free resources, coupons, discount deals, and other incentives in exchange for users’ email addresses.

Simple popup example

Once you start getting subscribers, you can build an email list and set up a newsletter to send the latest news, trending stories, and more. This will help bring people back to your site and build authority.

There are plenty of email marketing services to choose from. We recommend using Constant Contact, Brevo, or HubSpot to get started.

You can take a look at our detailed guide on how to create an email newsletter.

2. Send Push Notifications to Your Audience

Website push notifications help you stay in touch with your audience after they’ve left your site. They get a higher engagement rate compared to social media or email.

You can use PushEngage to get started. It is the best push notification software for WordPress. It is super easy to use and helps set up automated campaigns, create segments for different subscribers, detailed analytics, and more.

An example of a push notification, created using PushEngage

You can send notifications to inform users about new articles, breaking news, the latest trends, and more.

For more details, please see our guide on how to set up push notifications in WordPress.

3. Share Content on Social Media Channels

Another way to grow your website traffic is by sharing content on social media platforms.

For instance, you can send out a tweet on X (formerly known as Twitter) about the latest news and share news articles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more.

You can also add social sharing buttons on your site so visitors can share the news with their friends and followers.

With WordPress, there are ways to automate the process and automatically share content to social media when they’re published. Simply use Uncanny Automator to create automated workflows and integrate social media profiles with your website.

You can follow our guide on how to automatically post from WordPress to Twitter and Facebook for more details.

Tips to Boost Engagement on Your News Site

Once you start adding more content and attracting more visitors, you can take your news site to the next level.

Here are some tips for boosting engagement on your website.

1. Adding a Scrolling News Ticker in WordPress

A scrolling news ticker is a single line of text that appears continuously across the screen and shows small snippets of information.

For instance, you can use it to show breaking news, sporting results, live financial and currency information, weather, discount deals, upcoming events, and more.

Scrolling news ticker

The easiest way of adding a scrolling news ticker is by using the Ditty plugin. It is a free plugin that is very easy to use and set up. For more details, please see our step-by-step guide on how to add a scrolling news ticker in WordPress.

2. Show Popular and Trending News Articles

Another way to boost engagement on your site is by displaying popular and trending news articles within or at the end of your content

You can also show related news articles and other blog posts on similar topics within your content. This makes it easier for users to discover new content and stay longer on your site.

Popular posts preview on WPBeginner

To learn more, you can see our guides on how to display popular posts by views and how to display related posts in WordPress.

3. Turn Your Site into a News Aggregator

You can curate news from multiple sources and display them on your site as an aggregator.

News aggregators are useful for many niches and allow users to view news from their favorite websites in one place. It also lets you make money online by selling subscriptions, advertisements, and sponsorships.

Some popular news aggregators include Feedly, Google News, and Alltop. You can also create your own news aggregator site using a plugin like WP RSS Aggregator.

For more information, please follow our guide on the best news aggregator website and how to build your own.

We hope this article helped you learn how to make a news website step by step. You may also want to see our ultimate guide to boosting WordPress performance and the best WordPress plugins to have on your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Make a News Website Using WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Edit a WordPress Website (Ultimate Guide)

Are you a new user who wants to learn how to edit your WordPress site?

Here at WPBeginner, we have helped millions of beginners build their websites using WordPress, which is the most popular website builder on the market. If you need help with editing your website, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will show you the basics of editing a WordPress website.

How to Edit a WordPress Website (Ultimate Guide)

An Overview of Ways to Edit a WordPress Site

As an open-source content management system, WordPress has a lot of features to build and edit your website.

If you installed WordPress recently, then you may have come across Gutenberg, which is WordPress’s drag-and-drop block editor that allows you to customize a page or post. This feature is pretty easy and beginner-friendly.

The Gutenberg block editor interface

You may have also seen the Full Site Editor.

This is an extension of Gutenberg that lets you use the block editor to customize block-based WordPress themes.

The WordPress Full Site Editor

That said, if you use a classic, non-block WordPress theme, then the FSE won’t be available to you. Instead, you will have to use the WordPress Theme Customizer.

This feature doesn’t come with a drag-and-drop function, so it’s not as user-friendly. You have to edit your theme using some menu settings in the left-hand panel.

Using the WordPress Theme Customizer to edit a transportation and logistics website

If you need more customization options that aren’t available in WordPress’s built-in features, then you can install a page builder plugin like SeedProd.

This is what we usually recommend to WordPress beginners. Like Gutenberg, SeedProd has a drag-and-drop feature. However, it offers more ways to get creative, like animation effects and more content block options to build your pages.

Editing the online coaching business theme in SeedProd

Some WordPress users also use the Classic Editor. It’s WordPress’s legacy page and post editor that looks a bit like a document editor.

This feature is no longer enabled by default in the latest WordPress versions. However, some people still use it because they are more familiar with it and want to keep their current website designs.

The Classic Editor Interface

In this article, we will show you how to edit different parts of your WordPress website using the editors we’ve mentioned.

We will also assume that you have WordPress installed and set up already. Otherwise, you will need a WordPress hosting plan, domain name, and WordPress installation.

Want to skip to a specific section in this tutorial? Feel free to use these quick links below:

How to Edit a WordPress Theme

One of the first things you should do after installing WordPress is to choose and customize your theme. We will show you 3 ways to do that.

Customizing a Block Theme With the Full Site Editor

Full Site Editing was introduced in WordPress 5.9. It’s designed to make it easy to edit WordPress block themes using the block editor.

One tell-tale sign that you are using a block WordPress theme is you will see Appearance » Editor in your WordPress admin area. If you see Appearance » Customize instead, then you can skip to using the Theme Customizer.

Clicking Appearance Editor in the WordPress admin

To use the Full Site Editor, you will need to have a block theme installed. You can find plenty of them in our list of the best block WordPress themes for Full Site Editing.

If you want to find some free options, go to Appearance » Themes. Then, click ‘Add New Theme.’

Adding a new WordPress theme in the admin area

After that, just switch to the ‘Block Themes’ tab.

You will then see dozens of block themes on your screen. For installation instructions, check out our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

Finding WordPress block themes in the admin area

Once you have the theme installed, you must go to Appearance » Editor.

Now, you will see the main Full Site Editing dashboard. You can then edit your theme’s navigation menu, styles, pages, templates, and patterns.

We will discuss these topics in the rest of the tutorial, but we will show you briefly how to change the style of your theme.

To do this, click the ‘Styles’ menu.

Clicking Styles in the Full Site Editing interface

Now, you will see a list of the color scheme and typography pairings provided by the theme.

Every time you click on a style, the interface will preview it for you.

Choosing a theme style in the Full Site Editor

Once you are satisfied with your choice, just click ‘Save.’ Alternatively, you can create a custom style.

You can learn more about this and other ways to use the Full Site Editor in our beginner’s guide to WordPress Full Site Editing.

Customizing a Classic Theme With the Theme Customizer

If you use a classic WordPress theme, then you will work with the Theme Customizer to edit it. Simply head to Appearance » Customize from the WordPress admin area to access it.

Opening the WordPress theme customizer

Now, what you can customize here varies by the theme you are using.

For instance, if you have the Astra theme, then you can customize the style of your entire website, header, footer, sidebar, page, logo, and so on.

For this reason, we recommend reading your theme’s documentation for more instructions.

What the Theme Customizer looks like for Astra theme

Our guide on the Theme Customizer can give you more detailed pointers.

Once you’ve made your changes, you can preview the website in different screen resolutions. Then, you can hit the ‘Publish’ button at the top to make your edits live.

Publishing a classic WordPress theme in the Theme Customizer

One downside of the Theme Customizer is its user experience isn’t as flexible or easy as the block editor. If you feel this way, then we recommend using the next method instead.

Customizing a WordPress Theme With a Page Builder Plugin

Many WordPress users who aren’t satisfied with the platform’s built-in design features use a page builder to edit their site. This is a WordPress plugin that can replace the default editor for designing different parts of your website.

Most page builders come with a drag-and-drop functionality, so they are just as easy to use as the block editor. What’s more, they come with more page blocks and templates to personalize your website.

Out of all the page builders we’ve tried, we find SeedProd to be the best. It comes with 300+ templates for various industry categories, from eCommerce and accommodation to services.

SeedProd Website and Theme Builder

Note: While SeedProd comes in a free version, we recommend upgrading to the Pro plan to access the Theme Builder. This is what we will use in this tutorial.

To use SeedProd, you will need to install the WordPress plugin first. After that, go to SeedProd » Settings to activate your Pro plan license. Simply insert your license key and click ‘Verify Key’ to complete this step.

Verifying SeedProd Pro's license key

Next, switch to SeedProd » Theme Builder.

Just click ‘Theme Template Kits‘ to view your theme options.

Accessing SeedProd's Theme Template Kits

As you can see, there are many theme template kits available, from online stores to service sites. Feel free to use the filtering and sorting settings to find the right one for your needs.

Once you’ve made your choice, just hover over the theme template and click the orange checkmark button to use it.

Choosing a theme template kit in SeedProd

Now, just go back to the Theme Builder page and select a theme template you’d like to edit.

For demonstration purposes, we will show you how to edit the style of your SeedProd theme template. To do this, locate the ‘Global CSS’ theme template, hover over it, and click ‘Edit Design.’

Editing a theme template kit's Global CSS in SeedProd

You are now inside the SeedProd page builder and can customize your theme template’s style. Here, you can change your website’s colors, fonts, backgrounds, buttons, forms, and layout.

Let’s see how to change the theme’s default font. To do this, open the ‘Fonts’ menu. Then, just choose one of SeedProd’s many font and color options for the heading and body text.

All the changes you make will show up automatically in the right-side preview.

Changing a SeedProd theme template kit font in the Global CSS theme template

Once you are happy with the style, just click ‘Save’ to make these changes official.

Then, you can go back to SeedProd » Theme Builder and turn on the ‘Enable SeedProd Theme’ toggle in the top right corner.

Enabling the SeedProd theme template kit in WordPress

For more information about editing WordPress themes with SeedProd, you can see our guide on how to easily create a custom WordPress theme.

How to Edit a WordPress Page or Post

If you have updated WordPress to the latest version, then most likely, you will use the Gutenberg block editor to edit a page or post.

You can create a new page by going to Pages » Add New Page. This will automatically make an entirely blank page and direct you to the block editor.

On the other hand, if you want to edit an existing page, like the homepage or blog page, then you can go to Pages » All Pages. Hover your cursor over the page you want to edit, and then click ‘Edit.’

Clicking the Edit button to edit an existing WordPress page

Alternatively, there is also the Quick Edit feature.

This allows you to modify the page’s title, URL slug, and last modified date.

Clicking the Quick Edit button in the WordPress Pages page

You can do various things with the Quick Edit feature.

Examples include setting a password for the page, making it private, assigning it as a parent page, changing the page template, allowing/disallowing comments, and changing the page status.

The Quick Edit feature for WordPress pages

To create a new post, simply head to Posts » Add New Post to make a new blank post and edit it using the block editor.

Like before, you can edit an existing WordPress blog post by hovering your cursor over the selected post and clicking ‘Edit.’

The WordPress Posts interface in the WordPress admin area

The Quick Edit feature for posts is similar but with some minor differences.

Here, you can also add tags, allow/disallow pings, and make the post sticky (featured on your website).

The Quick Edit feature for WordPress blog posts

Once you have opened up a WordPress page or post, there are many things you can do in the block editor.

Typically, you will start by clicking the ‘+’ add block button in the top left corner.

This is where you will find all the available blocks from WordPress and the plugins you use.

Opening the block inserter library in WordPress

You can then drag and drop a block to the main editing area.

After that, you can use the block’s toolbar and settings sidebar to configure the block’s style, dimensions, spacing, and more.

The block settings sidebar in WordPress

If you have installed a WordPress plugin, then you may also see some settings below the editing interface.

For instance, the All in One SEO plugin will show you a section where you can optimize the page or post’s meta title and description for search engines.

The AIOSEO settings in the WordPress block editor

We have plenty of guides for you to learn more about editing posts and pages, so be sure to check them out:

How to Edit a WordPress Page or Post With Classic Editor

If you want to use the Classic Editor, then you will need to enable it. You can read our article on how to disable Gutenberg and activate the Classic Editor to do this.

After that, just create a new post or page by going to Posts » Add New Post or Pages » Add New Page, and the Classic Editor will show up on your screen.

The WordPress classic editor

Unlike the block editor, you won’t add blocks to insert content into your page or post. Instead, you can only type text, format it using the controls at the top of the editing panel, and add media files to your content by clicking on the ‘Add Media’ button.

At the bottom and the sides of the editing interface, there are settings to publish the page/post, set the page or post’s categories/tags, upload a featured image, and so on.

You can also switch between the visual and text editing modes. With the second editor, you can modify the post or page’s HTML code.

The text editing mode in the WordPress classic editor

How to Edit a WordPress Page With a Page Builder

If you already use a page builder like SeedProd to edit your theme, then you can use it to edit a page as well. This way, you can maintain your design’s consistency throughout all of your pages.

You will need to create a new page and open the block editor. If SeedProd is active, then you will see a button at the top that says, ‘Edit with SeedProd.’ Go ahead and click on it.

You can also do this with an existing page. However, do note that the content will not be transferred over, and you will have to create the page from scratch.

Clicking the Edit with SeedProd button in the WordPress block editor

In the page builder, you will see that the SeedProd theme’s header and footer have been added. All you need to do is start building the page.

First, choose one of the 8 layouts to use on the page.

Choosing a layout for the section in a SeedProd theme template

On the left-hand side, you will find all the blocks and sections that you can drag and drop onto the right-hand side, which is the template preview.

You can use these to insert content into the page.

SeedProd's block library

Whenever you click a block or a section, the left-hand side will show the available settings to customize the element.

In the screenshot below, you can see that clicking on the Text block will make the block settings appear. You can customize the text, insert dynamic content, edit the HTML, change the alignment, and so on.

Customizing SeedProd's text block settings

Once you are done editing the page, don’t forget to click ‘Save’ to make the changes live.

For more details, just see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress.

If you want to create a custom landing page from scratch, then you can also do that with SeedProd. All you need to do is go to SeedProd » Landing Pages. Then, click the ‘+ Add New Landing Page’ button.

Create a new landing page in SeedProd

For more information, check out our tutorial on how to create a custom landing page.

Alternative: Thrive Architect is another great page builder option for designing attractive and conversion-focused landing pages.

You may also want to edit the WordPress header, footer, sidebar, and other parts of your theme template.

These are sections on your site that are not part of the main page or post content. However, they are essential for giving additional information or helpful navigation.

How you can edit these sections depends on what theme you are using, so let’s go through each option.

How to Edit a Block Theme’s Header, Footer, and Other Template Parts

If you have a block theme, then you can use the Full Site Editor to edit your theme’s header and footer.

In the Full Site Editor, a header and footer are considered template parts. These are also known as WordPress patterns (a set of reusable blocks) that appear throughout your website.

Other examples of a template part include the comment section and the post meta.

For the sake of example, we will show you how to edit your WordPress header, but you can repeat these steps with other template parts.

First, go to Appearance » Editor. Once you are in the Full Site Editor, just click ‘Patterns.’

Clicking the Patterns menu in the Full Site Editor

You will now see a list of patterns provided by your WordPress theme.

Go ahead and scroll down to the Template Parts section. Then, select ‘Header’ and click on the Header template part.

Opening the header template part in the WordPress Full Site Editor

Now, you need to click the pencil button next to the Header text.

This will open the block editor.

Clicking the pencil button to edit the header using the Full Site Editor

The block editor works the same way with template parts as it does with pages and posts. You can add various blocks to the header, configure the block, and update the changes when you are done.

Headers usually include a Site Logo (or the favicon), so feel free to add that here, too.

Adding the Site Logo block to the header in the Full Site Editor

If you want to completely change how the header looks but don’t know where to start, click the ‘+’ add block button in the top left corner.

Then, navigate to the ‘Patterns’ tab and click ‘Headers.’ You will find many ready-to-use header layouts there.

Finding WordPress header patterns in the Full Site Editor

For more information, see our guide on how to customize your WordPress header.

Once you are done changing the header, click ‘Save.’ Since the header is a synced template part, all the changes you make here will apply across all pages that use the header.

Now, if you want to create a new header or any other template parts rather than editing the existing ones, you can go back to the ‘Patterns’ page. After that, click the ‘+ Create pattern’ button and select ‘Create template part.’

Creating a new template part in the Full Site Editor

In the popup, give the template part a name and select the type of template part.

Then, click ‘Create.’ You will then be directed to the block editor and you can edit the template part like usual.

The Create template part popup in the WordPress Full Site Editor

For more details, you can see our complete guide to WordPress full site editing.

How to Edit a WordPress Header, Footer, and Other Widget-Ready Areas in a Classic Theme

In a classic theme, a WordPress widget is basically a block that you can add to widget-ready areas, like headers, footers, sidebars, and so on.

Every classic WordPress theme has different widget-ready areas. Some may include a sidebar, and some may not. So be sure to check your theme’s documentation for more information.

To use widgets, you have to go to Appearance » Widgets. Here, you can add, configure, and remove blocks in the available widget-ready areas.

Adding the FlipBox widget to a sidebar or similar section

You can read more information about widgets in our how to add and use widgets in WordPress article.

Also, check out our guide on the difference between widgets and blocks to understand more about this feature.

How to Edit a WordPress Header, Footer, and Other Template Parts With a Page Builder

One of the benefits of using a page builder is you will have more options to customize headers, footers, sidebars, and other parts of your theme.

If you use SeedProd, you can go to SeedProd » Theme Builder. We will assume that you have installed a theme template kit from earlier.

The kit usually includes various theme templates. This may be a built-in page template, like a 404 or single post, or a part of a page, like a header, footer, pricing tables, and so on.

Go ahead and hover over a theme template. Then, click ‘Edit Design.’

Editing the header theme template in SeedProd

Now, you can edit the header the same way as you would with a page.

Let’s say you want to add your social media links here. What you can do is hover over the header until the blue border appears and click the ‘+ Add Row’ button. Then, go ahead and select a row layout.

In our example, we want to add one more column so that the header can fit the image, menu, and social media links. That means we will need three columns in one row.

Choosing a row layout in SeedProd

You can then drag and drop the blocks from the top row to the new row.

After that, just delete the top row so that your new row becomes the new header.

Deleting a previous row in a SeedProd section

Now, just look for the Social Profiles block in the left-side panel.

Drag it into the right column, and you are done.

Adding the Social Profiles block in the header in SeedProd

For more information about editing template parts, you can read these WordPress tutorials:

How to Edit a Navigation Menu in WordPress

A navigation menu makes it easy for visitors to explore all your content without getting lost on your website. That’s why it’s important to design a menu that shows your essential pages and links to other relevant information.

If you use a block WordPress theme, then you can select the ‘Navigation’ menu from the Full Site Editor page.

Selecting Navigation in WordPress Full Site Editing

Our article on adding custom navigation menus in WordPress can walk you through the rest of the steps.

If you use a classic WordPress theme, then you can go to Appearance » Menus. This is a dedicated page for you to add, arrange, and remove pages/posts and links to your menus.

How to add a WordPress navigation menu to your site or blog

For step-by-step instructions, you can check out our beginner’s guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

If you use a page builder like SeedProd, then your navigation menu (Nav Menu block) may have been embedded in your header theme template.

The Nav Menu block will already include all of your pages, though you can add new items, too.

First, go to SeedProd » Theme Builder from your WordPress dashboard. Then, find the ‘Header’ theme template and click ‘Edit Design.’

Editing the header theme template in SeedProd

Now, hover over the block that looks like a menu. That should be the ‘Nav Menu’ block.

After that, scroll down on the left panel and click ‘+ Add New Item.’

You can then customize the anchor text, enter the URL, have it open in a new window, and set it as nofollow.

Adding new menu items in SeedProd

Toward the bottom, you can change the links’ font size, spacing, divider, and alignment.

Don’t forget to click ‘Save’ to make the changes live.

Configuring the Nav Menu block in SeedProd

How to Edit a WordPress Site With Code

If you are comfortable with code, then you can also use custom code snippets to edit your WordPress website. That said, we only recommend this method if you have the right technical know-how to avoid breaking your website.

One way you can edit a WordPress site with code is by adding CSS, which is a stylesheet that can change how HTML looks on the front end.

Classic theme users can go to Appearance » Customize and find the ‘Additional CSS’ field in the Theme Customizer.

Here, you can insert CSS code to style different HTML elements like colors and fonts.

This may be handy if your theme’s built-in options aren’t enough for your needs.

Adding custom CSS in WordPress

As for block theme users, you cannot add custom CSS within the Full Site Editor.

Instead, you have to go to the URL below to open the Theme Customizer and find the Additional CSS field. Make sure to replace the domain name with your own.

For more details, see our guide on how to fix missing Theme Customizer in WordPress.

Another way to add CSS is with CSS Hero. This plugin makes adding custom CSS to WordPress themes easy, even for beginners. If you are interested in using it, then just check out our CSS Hero review.

How to Edit WordPress Theme Files

At times, some tutorials may require you to edit your WordPress theme files to make changes beyond what your built-in theme features allow. In this case, we recommend:

  • Creating a child theme first. This is like a copy of your WordPress theme that you can safely customize with some coding.
  • Backing up your website. It’s a good measure to do so that you can restore your website to a previous version in case of errors.

Editing a WordPress theme file requires going to your WordPress file directory from the backend. To do this, you will need to open your hosting provider’s file manager or connect to your website with an FTP client.

If you use Bluehost, then you can go to your dashboard and open the ‘Websites’ tab. After that, click ‘Settings’ on the website for which you want to open the theme files.

Opening Bluehost's website settings

Now, simply scroll down to the ‘Quick Links’ section.

Then, click ‘File Manager.’ If you’re not sure where your root folder is, you can check the ‘Document Root’ function to see its path.

Opening Bluehost's file manager

Once inside the file manager, you can go to your website’s root folder (usually named public_html).

Then, head to /wp-content/themes and find your current theme folder.

An example of what the WordPress theme files look like in the Bluehost file manager

After that, you will find all of your WordPress theme files, which you can edit using a text editor.

Here are some things you can do by editing WordPress theme files:

How to Safely Insert Custom Code into WordPress

If you want to add new custom code rather than editing the code that is already within your theme files, then we recommend using WPCode. It’s the best WordPress code snippets plugin for easily inserting and managing custom code snippets.

WPCode - Best WordPress Code Snippets Plugin

With this plugin, you won’t have to worry about accidentally breaking your website. WPCode will let you know if there are errors in the code and deactivate it. Plus, you can create PHP shortcodes for inserting custom content into your website.

To see WPCode in action, you can check out our full WPCode review in the WPBeginner Solution Center.

What Is the Best Way to Edit a WordPress Site for Beginners?

For beginners, we always recommend installing a page builder plugin like SeedProd to edit WordPress websites. The reason is that it’s just as easy to use as the block editor yet gives you much more control over your website design.

If you don’t want to use a plugin, then the next best thing is a block theme with the Full Site Editor. This feature is not entirely developed yet because WordPress is constantly working on the Gutenberg project. But as of now, it’s pretty user-friendly.

The Theme Customizer is not as flexible as the Full Site Editor because it lacks drag-and-drop functionality. That’s why we suggest classic theme users install SeedProd to improve their user experience.

As for coding, we only recommend it if you have created a child theme and backups of your site to avoid errors. But with the WPCode plugin, adding custom code to edit your WordPress site is much safer and won’t cause any errors or break your website.

We hope this article helped you learn how to edit a WordPress website. You may also want to check out our in-depth WooCommerce tutorial to create an online store and the ultimate guide to WordPress SEO.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Edit a WordPress Website (Ultimate Guide) first appeared on WPBeginner.

22 Best WordPress Themes for SEO Experts

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for SEO experts?

As an SEO expert, you want to choose a theme that showcases your search engine optimization and marketing skills while helping you convert potential visitors into customers.

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress themes for SEO experts that you can use on your website.

Best WordPress Themes for SEO Experts

Building an SEO Business Website Using WordPress

WordPress is an SEO-friendly website builder. That’s why many top brands are using WordPress for their websites.

WordPress makes it easy for search engine crawlers, such as Google’s site crawler, to index your website.

There are two types of WordPress available., a hosted platform, and, also known as self-hosted WordPress.

For more details, check out our guide on the difference between vs

We recommend using It instantly gives you access to all WordPress features out of the box.

You will need to purchase a domain name and web hosting to build a self-hosted WordPress website.

We recommend using Bluehost as your web host. It is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Bluehost WordPress Hosting offer for WPBeginner Users

For WPBeginner users, Bluehost also offers a free domain name, a free SSL certificate, and a big discount on web hosting.

After purchasing the web hosting, you should follow our guide on how to make a website for step-by-step instructions.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes for SEO experts, consultants, and marketers.

1. Divi


Divi is a popular WordPress theme (WP theme) with a multipurpose approach. It’s suitable for any type of website. It has built-in SEO optimization making it a perfect choice for search engine experts.

With hundreds of layouts, it’s easy to set up your professional website in just a few clicks. Divi adds extra options to your WordPress admin panel and also provides a built-in visual website builder so you can get your site looking just how you want.

2. SeedProd

SeedProd website builder

SeedProd is the most popular WordPress theme and website builder. It lets you design a fully custom theme for your site from scratch and meets all SEO standards without any extra effort.

Moreover, you can import a ready-made website template in 1-click and then customize it using the SeedProd drag and drop builder. It also comes with hundreds of landing page templates to add to your site.

SeedProd is a complete package and a one-stop solution to launch your business website easily.

3. Astra

Astra SEO

Astra is a powerful WordPress all-purpose theme and one of the best SEO expert themes. It comes with several starter sites for different business niches, making it easy to find a template for your website.

Astra supports drag and drop page builders such as Visual Composer and WPBakery. It’s also compatible with premium plugins for WordPress.

You can also use the WordPress theme customizer to edit your theme settings for Astra. This lets you see a live preview of your site as you make changes to things like your header styles, fonts, colors, and more.

Astra works perfectly with SEO plugins like All in One SEO and Yoast SEO for the optimization of your website. You can easily add shortcodes to your posts and pages as well as widget-enabled areas.

4. OceanWP


OceanWP is a WordPress SEO theme designed for any kind of website. It comes with free and paid demo sites that you can import in 1-click to launch your website.

OceanWP is SEO friendly and offers a great user experience. It has multiple addons for social media icons, a sticky navigation menu, user registration, and more. OceanWP is translation ready to create a multilingual website easily.

5. Ultra


Ultra is a retina ready multipurpose WordPress theme with ready-made layouts suitable for SEO experts. You can install the templates in 1-click, including the demo content. Then, go ahead and replace the content with your own.

Ultra includes the Themify builder, which lets you edit any page layout with a simple point and click interface. Inside, you will find multiple header designs, blog layouts, page templates, and sidebars. You can even use Ultra’s addons to include pricing tables, countdown timers, and more on your site.

6. Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro is a classic WordPress theme for SEO experts and marketers. It comes with a one-page and multi-page template, so you can select the right design for your site.

It’s easy to edit and manage using the WordPress customizer. The theme fully supports WooCommerce to start an online store and rank well in search engines. It also uses responsive design to look great on all devices, and works with all popular WordPress plugins.

7. Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro is a WordPress business theme that lets you easily optimize for SEO. It has an elegant black and white design, the perfect set of colors, and a full-width header template. It’s also fully mobile responsive.

With over 10 widget areas, you can easily customize the theme to add your text, images, and other media content. It has a powerful theme options panel to make changes to your site.

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

8. Spencer


Spencer is an elegant WordPress theme for SEO businesses, online marketing agencies, and entrepreneurs. It has a modern business homepage which is easy to set up with simple drag and drop widgets.

It comes with ready-to-use templates to add a landing page, contact form, about page, and a separate blog page to your site.

9. Corporate


Corporate is an online business theme that’s suitable for any type of SEO company website. It’s a great choice for SEO agencies and SEO experts. It ships with several ready-made landing page designs and a built-in drag and drop builder to edit them easily.

Corporate has multiple layout choices for different page templates, a smooth background color effect, CSS animations, testimonials, and more. It comes with a beginner-friendly theme options panel and a 1-click demo installer.

10. Dixie


Dixie is a WordPress podcast theme built specifically for podcasters and content producers. It lets you share your SEO podcast and rank highly in search engines to get more audiences online.

When it comes to theme features and functionality, Dixie offers masonry layout options, an episode slider, audio, and video players, infinite scrolling, pagination, and more. It makes it easy to change the entire color scheme, too.

11. Neve


Neve is a stylish WordPress theme built for SEO, social media, and digital marketing websites. It lets you focus on the content by providing dozens of ready-made layouts. You can use these to show your expertise and share case studies.

Neve makes it super easy to set up your site with a widgetized homepage, custom widgets, and a theme options page. Neve is eCommerce ready with full support for WooCommerce.

12. Indigo


Indigo is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for SEO experts, agencies, and businesses. It takes a modular approach to design and lets you drag and drop modules to create page layouts quickly.

Other notable features include custom widgets, social media icons, a contact form, Google fonts, and more. The theme settings are quite straightforward and easy to follow, even for beginners.

13. Authority Pro

Authority Pro

Authority Pro is another powerful SEO WordPress theme or marketing theme to build your online presence as an SEO expert. Built on top of the Genesis framework, it features a fresh and modern design with a large header image, welcome message, and an email newsletter subscription form.

It includes 4 widget-ready areas, 2 navigation menus, and a unique vertical navigation menu. It has a theme options panel and a live customizer to set up your website.

14. Roxima


Roxima is a fantastic WordPress business theme. It’s perfect for SEO consultants or web design companies and also makes a good marketing WordPress theme. The homepage features a large background image with a call-to-action button and beautiful parallax background effects.

It comes with custom widgets, several widget-ready areas, unlimited color choices, and more. Along with the homepage template, there are templates you can use for other pages (inner pages) on your site. Roxima is easy to use, with tons of options in the live theme customizer.

15. Presence


Presence is a stunning WordPress theme suitable for all kinds of business websites, including digital agency and SEO expert websites. It comes with 10 ready-to-use demos, including a perfect layout for SEO service providers.

It includes a portfolio section, team members section, testimonials, and custom widgets, with flexible layouts and 6 color schemes. It’s designed to work out of the box for beginners while offering plenty of choices for advanced users.

16. Corner


Corner is a great minimalist and distraction-free design. It has a clean and simple WordPress business theme that comes with a simple 2 column layout.

Corner features a narrow left sidebar and a wider content area with lots of white space. It’s powerful enough to be extended with any page builder plugin. You can even add an online store with WooCommerce.

17. Struct


Struct is a uniquely designed WordPress theme suitable for SEO experts, marketing agencies, small businesses, and freelancers specializing in SEO. The homepage features a fullscreen background image, followed by a custom logo, navigation menu, call-to-action buttons, and welcome text.

Struct also includes a services section, team members, testimonials, custom widgets, and content discovery features. It has built-in SEO optimization and helps you rank your website easily.

18. Breakthrough Pro

Breakthrough Pro

Breakthrough Pro is a reliable WordPress theme built on the Genesis Framework. It comes with a beautiful fullscreen header image and a prominent call-to-action button in the top section to make a great SEO agency website.

Breakthrough Pro uses large images and elegant typography to make your content stand out. Other features include a customizable header, widget areas, theme options panel, and live customization support. You could even add a mega menu to your site.

19. Nayma


Nayma is a great WordPress multipurpose theme suitable for SEO experts, affiliate marketers, and agencies. It uses modules to build page layouts that let you drag and drop elements. This makes it easy to get the design just right.

Nayma includes several modules for sliders, testimonials, portfolios, contact forms, and more. It comes with full WooCommerce support, and you can also use it for multilingual websites.

20. Integral

Integral Theme

Integral is a free WordPress business theme that you can also use as a one-page template. It features a modern homepage design with a large background image, welcome message, and call-to-action buttons.

Integral comes with beautiful parallax background effects, multiple sidebars, a projects and features section, and more. You can change things like the theme colors, fonts, and widget sections using the live WordPress customizer.

21. Potenza


Potenza is a great option if you want a more formal design. It makes a great SEO agency WordPress theme or could be used for a digital marketing agency website. It’s a WordPress SEO theme with a professional and corporate feel. It has vertical navigation with links to different sections on the page.

The homepage is made up of widget-ready areas, which means you can easily add content widgets. Potenza includes a contact form, multiple colors, social media icons, Google Maps, and support for popular page builders.

22. Float


Float is a very versatile WordPress theme that could be a great choice for your SEO business. This multipurpose WordPress theme is packed with built-in designs, layout choices, header, and navigation styles.

Float integrates easily with page builders. It also has templates for single pages, including blog and shop pages and posts. It has multiple sidebars, call-to-action buttons, and several custom widgets.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for SEO experts. You may also want to see our ultimate guide on how to improve WordPress speed and performance for a fast loading website.

The post 22 Best WordPress Themes for SEO Experts first appeared on WPBeginner.

21 Best Block Themes for Full Site Editing in WordPress (2023)

Are you looking for the best block themes for full site editing in WordPress?

Block themes allow you to use the Full Site Editing (FSE) feature in WordPress, which gives you more control over your website design. Full site editing offers custom blocks for styling your website’s header, footer, sidebar, and other sections.

In this article, we will share some of the best block themes that you can use for the full site editing experience in WordPress.

Best WordPress Full Site Editing Themes

What Is WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE)?

Full Site Editing (FSE) is a set of modern features for the default WordPress Block Editor. It was first released in WordPress 5.9.

Previously, the WordPress block editor allowed you to add and customize the content layout within your pages and blog posts. The rest of your website’s layout and design was determined by your WordPress theme.

Now, WordPress full site editing lets you completely change the theme layout and add new sections to your website without writing any code.

You can also add site-wide global styles that apply to your entire website or individual styles for specific WordPress pages or posts.

The styling options include color schemes, font settings, layout spacing, image borders, and more.

However, in order to use full site editing experience, you will need a block theme. These are WordPress themes that are made specifically for full site editing.

Full Site Editing vs. WordPress Page Builders

The full site editor or block editor lets you customize your WordPress theme, including the header, footer, sidebar, and more.

It also comes with custom blocks to add a website logo, navigation menu, and other features to your WordPress website.

You will need specific WordPress themes that support the default block editor. And if you change your WordPress theme at any point, the settings will disappear automatically. It’s a limitation with the full site editing option.

Related: Common Block Editor Problems and How to Fix Them

On the other hand, WordPress page builders are more powerful and flexible. They come with the drag and drop feature to create custom pages for your website.

Some of the most popular WordPress page builders include SeedProd, Thrive Themes, Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, and so on.

So if you create landing pages using a page builder like SeedProd, then these pages will stay the same even when you change your WordPress theme.

Theme agnostic design

Another key difference between the full site editor and page builder is that the drag and drop page builders work with most WordPress themes without any limitations.

For a complete understanding, you should check out our guide on the WordPress block editor vs. page builders.

Now if you want to try and grow your full site editing experience, here are some of the best block themes for full site editing in WordPress.

1. Neve FSE

Neve FSE

Neve FSE is a fantastic WordPress theme for any kind of website. It’s fast and lightweight and comes with flexible full site editing options, including custom blocks and layout options.

It has a drag and drop header and footer builder to add, remove, and move elements easily. Also, the layout options allow you to choose from a full-width or sidebar layout.

The theme supports WordPress page builders out of the box. And Neve has hundreds of starter templates you can import to your site and customize with your favorite page builder plugin to launch a website.

2. Bricksy Pro

Bricksy Pro

Bricksy Pro is a premium-style but free WordPress theme. It has a modern and stylish homepage layout, including eye-catching font styles and image choices in the top section.

It fully supports the block editor and has drag and drop features for you to design your website pages. You can use the full site editing options to manage global website styles or individual page settings.

3. Felt LT


Felt LT is a premium-quality WordPress magazine theme. It comes with widget-ready areas on the homepage and multiple useful widgets to add content to the front page.

The theme has full site editing support with a built-in style manager. It lets you customize global styles for your WordPress site, including colors, borders, buttons, and layouts, with a few clicks.

4. Raft


Raft is a stylish WordPress block theme. It comes with a few ready-made templates for landing pages that you can quickly import to launch your site.

It lets you change the color and look of your website with global styling options. You can also change the header style to add a custom background text or image slider. And you can apply this option to your entire site or limit it to the homepage.

5. Inspiro Blocks Pro

Inspiro Blocks Pro

Inspiro Blocks Pro is a premium WordPress full site editor theme built specifically for portfolio, photography, and videography sites. It has an eye-catching full-width layout on the homepage with a custom animation and video background.

Moreover, the theme comes with built-in page templates for individual pages. It also includes custom block patterns, color styles, and more.

6. Julia


Julia is an attractive and beautiful WordPress food blog theme. It comes with a magazine-style layout for food bloggers, chefs, restaurants, and cafes.

The theme is perfect to start your food blog. It fully supports the modern WordPress block editor and full site editing options to customize the theme design in real time.

7. Jaxon


Jaxon is a beautiful and bold WordPress block theme for eCommerce stores. It comes with a crisp layout, including highly-engaging block patterns, style options, and page templates.

You can fully customize the colors and design of the theme using the full site editor. The Jaxon theme has everything you need to set up an online store.

8. Naledi


Naledi is a free WordPress and WooCommerce full site editing theme. It has a beautiful homepage layout with a full-width header background image, welcome text, and a call-to-action button.

The theme lets you make changes to the global styles to control the look and design of your site. And the style options also appear on your WooCommerce shop pages without any extra work.

9. EduBlock Pro

EduBlock Pro

EduBlock Pro is a fantastic WordPress full site editor theme for educational blogs and university and college websites. The default theme template is fully ready to launch your educational website, but it also comes with multiple color schemes and custom block patterns for further customization.

The most notable features include a custom logo, dual navigation menu, call-to-action buttons, a welcome banner, and more. The theme has a responsive layout that looks great on any screen size or device.

10. Riverbank


Riverbank is a simple WordPress theme built for the full site editor. It has a minimalist layout that you can use to create a website for organic food, plants, animal welfare, and non-profit organizations.

It comes with multiple color choices for the theme background, font, headings, and images. Moreover, it has custom templates for the featured blog page, single posts, and pages.

11. BlockPress


Blockpress is a free WordPress block theme. It supports full site editing options with global styles, custom blocks, and a site manager.

The theme works with eCommerce plugins so that you can start an online store. It’s also translation-ready and supports RTL languages to create a multilingual website.

12. Archeo


Archeo is a free WordPress theme built specifically for archeology, history, and cultural websites. It comes with a classic vintage font style on the homepage and other landing pages.

There’s a fullscreen background image that you can change with the block editor. The Archeo theme supports full site editing with site-wide blocks and global style options.

13. UniBlock Pro

UniBlock Pro

UniBlock Pro is a black-and-white WordPress multipurpose theme. It’s beautifully crafted with a full-width website layout, including a custom logo, navigation menu, welcome text, call-to-action, and social icons.

The theme has a bold look with single and multi-column sections on the homepage. It also supports page builders to add new landing pages and customize global elements in the theme.

14. Stewart


Stewart is a free and minimalist WordPress theme for bloggers, writers, and authors. It comes with a two-column layout with a sidebar on the left and your content on the right side of the screen.

It comes with a default color scheme for the WordPress blog theme. However, you can also use the full site editing features to customize global color styles, font styles, and background options.

15. Clove


Clove is a free and beautiful WordPress full site editing theme. It comes with an elegant layout that features an eye-catching homepage design, natural colors, and a minimalistic design.

The theme offers ready-made block templates and design options. It’s easy to manage these settings with global styles and the WordPress block editor.

16. Tove


Tove is a multi-color free WordPress theme with support for modern full site editing features. It’s specifically built for cafes, restaurants, and coffee shops.

The theme comes with dozens of block patterns for the header, footer, and site-wide layout. These custom blocks are easy-to-use on your entire site globally or to customize specific pages and posts.

17. Fork


Fork is a minimalist WordPress full site editing theme (block theme) for small businesses, startups, digital agencies, eCommerce stores, and portfolio websites. By default, it has a white background, but you can use their global styles to add a color combination easily.

The top section includes a custom logo, navigation menu, welcome title and description, call-to-actions, and a featured image. You can also include custom patterns to add sections on the homepage and landing pages.

18. Hansen


Hansen is a simple and free WordPress blog theme. It offers a fully custom block theme template and supports full site editing out of the box.

The theme features include a full-width layout, a beautiful color scheme, custom background, and more. It comes with global styles and block patterns to customize your site without editing code.

19. Aino


Aino is an advanced WordPress theme with bold colors and classic font styles. It comes with a block plugin to create custom page layouts with built-in block patterns and a site manager.

The theme is easy to customize with full site editing features. You can use a single-column, two-column, or three-column layout on the entire site or individual pages as per your requirements.

20. Kemet


Kemet is a fast and reliable WordPress theme. It’s designed specifically for personal blogs, portfolio sites, and small online business stores.

The default theme’s color and font styles are highly attractive. Kemet provides built-in theme templates, template parts, and custom blocks to edit your website’s header, footer, and site-wide settings easily.

21. Rosa


Rosa is a premium WordPress food blog and restaurant theme. It comes with a powerful visual editor and custom blocks built for restaurants and cafes.

The theme has an eye-catching design with a fullscreen homepage header layout. It gives you the flexibility to customize colors and fonts to match your global website layout.

We hope this article has helped you find the best WordPress full site editing themes. You may also want to check out our guide on how to create a free business email address or our expert picks for the best auto-dialer software for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 21 Best Block Themes for Full Site Editing in WordPress (2023) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Astra Theme Suspended and Reinstated, Themes Team Works Toward Delisting Strategy for Guideline Violations

Astra WordPress theme screenshot.

The Themes Team suspended Astra from the official theme directory just a few short weeks after it became the first non-default WordPress theme to surpass one million active installs. The reason: the theme was breaking the directory’s ban on affiliate links. The theme has since been reinstated. However, it has been delisted from the popular themes list.

After the Themes Team handed down an initial five-week suspension, the story continued to unfold through various channels over the weekend and into the start of the new week. Brainstorm Force, the company behind the theme, argued that it did not violate the affiliate link rule because the theme was simply filtering referral IDs of third-party plugins. The plugins were technically supplying the links. The company also asked for lenience because this was its first violation.

Since the initial discussion, the Themes Team has reinstated the theme while bumping it off the popular themes list. The goal is to make sure existing users still have access to updates while providing a method for dealing with guidelines violations, a method that does not go to the extreme of outright suspension. The team also added an additional week of punishment after finding a sixth affiliate-related violation missed in the initial review. Astra will now be delisted for a total of six weeks.

Astra is not the first suspension of a popular theme over the years. These high-profile suspensions can lead to the loss of thousands of dollars in revenue if the theme’s business model relies on traffic from In 2017, a five-month suspension of the Zerif Lite theme left its creators with a decline of 63% in revenue. Zerif Lite’s user count was around one-third of Astra’s current total.

While it will take some time to see the results, being delisted will likely cut into Brainstorm Force’s revenue. The theme upsells a pro version of their theme. It is a common freemium model that many theme companies employ.

The theme review guidelines ban affiliate links. More precisely, the guideline is as follows:

Themes are not allowed to have affiliate URLs or links.

Technically, Brainstorm Force did not directly output affiliate links via its theme. Instead, the theme injected the company’s referral ID into affiliate links for third-party plugins when they were active on a user’s site. In and of itself, this type of injection is nothing nefarious. The plugins themselves allow for such filtering of their affiliate links, presumably to entice theme authors to make a few dollars by recommending and integrating with them.

As for the Astra theme, the question is whether it violated the affiliate guideline. When the rule was written, the Themes Team was most likely thinking about direct links within the theme and not a scenario where a theme was injecting a referral ID or filtering an existing link from a plugin.

According to the Themes Team, at least two of the affiliate IDs in Astra were for plugins that the theme recommended but did not actually integrate with or support in any way. In at least once instance, the theme automatically updated a database option for the Monster Insights plugin to add an affiliate ID — automatically updating any database option without user action is generally not allowed.

Regardless of individual opinions on the Theme Team’s complete ban of affiliate links, it is not a cut-and-dry situation of simply allowing or disallowing.

“It is also about needing to understand the legal impact of disclosures,” said Carolina Nymark, a team representative. “It is not something that the team can take responsibility for, nor look away if authors do not follow it.”

Astra’s Apology and Response

Sticky note that reads 'Sorry' sitting on a wooden surface.

Sujay Pawar, a co-founder of Brainstorm Force, published an open apology on the Astra blog. However, this apology post created its own controversy within the community. The current post was not the first apology. Pawar changed his original post and removed some of the earlier promises he made to the community.

According to multiple sources within the community and a comment on the post, he had promised to dedicate 16 hours from one of the company’s senior developers to contribute work for the Themes Team. Along with this contribution, he promised to spend 5% of the company’s resources toward open source development and to donate to future WordCamps.

“These last few days have been very emotional for me and the entire team,” said Pawar. “I have never been in such a stressful situation in my life. As you can imagine, I wrote many versions of this apology and just wasn’t sure what was the best way to do it.”

For some people in the community, changing the post’s content seemed suspicious. He had changed it around the same time the theme was reinstated on However, the issue was likely the result of bad timing. Pawar was forthcoming about having written the original post and later removing parts of it.

“My initial apology did include the specifics of how we are planning to increase our commitment to WordPress, but after more thought, I felt it wasn’t the right place to share that,” he said. “I don’t want our contributions to be overshadowed or tied back to a rule violation. We still plan to honor our commitment, and we will release those details in a dedicated post.”

Pawar has no hard feelings for the Themes Team. For him, it has been a high-stress weekend that he will no doubt recover from. He is attempting to rectify the situation the best he can.

“I have a lot of respect for all members of Themes Team,” he said. “They work tirelessly to move the WordPress ecosystem forward. I 100% believe that guidelines must be enforced because it’s the only way to ensure that WordPress keeps growing. As one of the most popular theme authors, it’s our goal to lead by setting a good example and work together with the TRT to set better standards.”

Long Term: Delisting Themes Instead of Suspending

Lady Justice sitting on a desk with a background of books and a globe.

The Themes Team does not have a lot of options when it comes to punitive measures for guideline violations. In a large part, this is the result of limitations of the software in use. The team simply needs better tools.

“The punitive measures the team has right now is suspend it or do nothing,” said William Patton, a Themes Team representative. “There is no in-between, and in a lot of cases, neither of those two options are ideal. From past experience, I have found that asking authors repeatedly for changes is either ineffective or they fix it but the behavior returns after a short time. Suspension has been quite effective in some cases but it is quite a lot of work for the team to manage and maintain lists or time frames of what happened when and to revisit after a given time.”

Patton said that the threat of suspension without action is ineffective. However, actually going through with suspending a theme often has implications for end-users. In some cases, there may be an urgent security update that users need to get, but the suspension system does not make that easy to manage.

There is now an open meta ticket to offer theme directory administrators the option to delist a theme. In effect, this would keep a theme such as Astra available in the directory if someone knows the direct URL. It would also allow the theme author to provide updates, such as security fixes, to users without direct approval from the Themes Team. However, the theme would not be available through the popular themes list or search.

This offers the team a less drastic option than a full-on suspension and has no negative drawbacks for existing theme users.

Currently, the team found what they described as a “hacky” method of essentially delisting Astra. Because the popular themes list algorithm uses the theme’s publication date to help determine a theme’s popularity, the team changed this date for the theme to push it down the popular list. It is not a perfect solution, but it provided a quick middle ground between doing nothing and suspension, at least until a more permanent solution is in place. It also gives them an early chance to test out the effects such a measure would have.

Punitive measures have always been a struggle for the team. On the one hand, they do not like to suspend themes for wrongdoing, regardless of whether such wrongdoing was intentional. On the other, they must attempt to provide a fair playing field for all theme authors. Threats of punishment for guideline violations ring hollow if there is no follow-through. It is not an easy position, and team members can quickly become victims of harassment or unwanted private messages from theme developers and outsiders.

“We had several occasions where theme authors would ‘follow us home’ with blame and different kinds of suggestions,” said Nymark.

One of the ways the Themes Team has been dealing with this is by using the relatively anonymous “@trtmessenger” account when suspending themes. This is the route the team took when handling the Astra theme suspension and followup decisions.

The team has dealt with attacks toward individual members over the years on various decisions it has made. In many cases, the representative who delivered a particular decision, regardless of their personal role in it, bared the brunt of the negative feedback. Far too often, it was a case of shooting the messenger, and the current reps have found a workable solution for this issue.

“This is an account that enables messages to be sent without one single person being held accountable for the message,” said Patton. “It is intended to prevent anyone from getting any negative feedback directly from a decision.”

Astra Becomes the Only Non-Default WordPress Theme With 1 Million Installs

On Tuesday, Brainstorm Force announced its Astra theme passed 1 million active installations. It is the only non-default theme in the official WordPress theme directory to reach such a height.

Popularity breeds popularity. Once the theme broke 50,000 installs in January 2019, it was a quick hop and skip to 500,000 in October and 1 million less than a year later. With the winds of momentum at its back, the theme may become an unstoppable force. It is anyone’s guess when growth will begin to plateau.

“We recognize that this is not an ordinary feat,” wrote Sujay Pawar in the announcement post. He said the team has no plans of resting at this point. “1 million is just a milestone in our journey.”

Many WordPress plugins have long ago passed the million-install milestone. Several have multi-millions. However, this is a much tougher feat for themes. One of the limiting factors is that users can only activate one of them at a time. There is no limit when it comes to plugins, and users often have dozens running at once. One million active installs is a level of popularity that is almost unheard of in the theming world.

“There is a huge gap between Astra and all others,” said William Patton, a WordPress Themes Team representative. “Hitting 1 million is pretty astounding honestly.”

This is not simply a major milestone for the Astra theme. It is huge for WordPress. For a third-party theme creator to reach a number that only the default themes can boast is the sort of thing we should all rejoice in a bit. It is a testament to how much WordPress has grown over the years.

Aside from the default themes that ship with WordPress, there are currently five themes with more than 100,000 active installs:

Once that first theme passes the 1 million mark, it is only a matter of time before others start breaking the barrier. OceanWP has the shortest striking distance and could be next. However, Hello Elementor is moving fast and earned its install count in a year and a half.

Regardless of the next theme to hit the milestone, this is one of those moments we should look back on in a few years to see how far we have come. Perhaps 1 million active installs will merely be a stepping stone to even greater heights for large numbers of themes.

What Makes Astra Special?

Screenshot of the Astra WordPress theme.

The default Astra theme is not anything particularly revolutionary on the surface. Out of the box, users are given a nearly blank canvas. It seems little more than your run-of-the-mill WordPress theme that would not garner much attention. However, it has one of the easiest setup processes that I have ever experienced with any theme. At the click of a button, end-users can pick from a plethora of starter templates.

There are hundreds of starter templates for Elementor and Beaver Builder. The Brizy page builder gets a little love too. There is even a modest 20 starter templates for Gutenberg. The theme’s block editor styling leaves a lot to be desired, but I would wager that Brainstorm Force is serving a primary audience of Elementor users. The team probably won’t have a huge incentive to change that anytime soon. And, there is really no need to. Elementor passed 5 million active installs in May and is showing no signs of slowing down. Smart theme development businesses are making sure they support the plugin. Elementor support is where the money is right now.

Astra’s starter templates are not merely templates. The theme will install and activate plugins needed too.

Many of the templates are free, but some are available for purchase. The theme allows users to filter the search between free and “agency” templates, so there is no trickery going on as is often the case with similar themes from the directory. They clearly label any upsells in the admin. At a time when the WordPress Themes Team struggles with theme authors circumventing advertising guidelines, Astra seems to be hitting a sweet spot that is both user-friendly and within the directory rules.

While good marketing and business plans go a long way toward getting installation numbers up, you cannot keep those numbers without building a product that users will continue using. Its simple import process makes it an easy go-to choice for anyone who doesn’t relish the idea of spending hours trying to make their site look like the demo.

The theme’s users can probably best answer the question of Astra’s popularity. Brainstorm Force is clearly doing something right.

21 Best WordPress Themes for Apps Compared (2023)

Are you looking for a WordPress theme for your app?

You can use WordPress app themes to promote your app or software. These themes showcase your product screenshots, features, reviews, and other useful information.

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress themes for apps that you can use to grow your business.

Best WordPress Themes for Apps

Building a WordPress Website for Apps and Software

WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world. Many top brands use WordPress for their websites, including banks, enterprise businesses, and more.

There are two types of WordPress. They are, which is a hosted solution, and, which is a self-hosted platform.

You can check out our complete article on the difference between vs for more details.

For a software or app website, you will need to use self-hosted It offers the most flexibility and features you need to promote your business.

Before you begin, you will also need to purchase a domain name and web hosting. A domain name is your site’s address on the web, like or Web hosting is the storage for all your website files.

We recommend using Bluehost. It’s the most popular WordPress hosting company and an official WordPress hosting partner.

Bluehost WordPress Hosting offer for WPBeginner Users

For WPBeginner users, Bluehost offers a free domain name, a free SSL certificate (for your website security), and a huge discount on web hosting.

After purchasing the web hosting, you can follow our article on how to make a website for step-by-step instructions.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes for apps and software websites.

1. Astra

Astra WordPress App Theme

Astra is a powerful WordPress multipurpose theme for all kinds of websites. It comes with a 1-click demo content importer and a few dozen demo websites to get you started quickly.

It has multiple blog page layouts, global design options, header and footer options, and dedicated sidebars for pages. The theme is fast, lightweight, and easy to set up, even for beginners.

2. SeedProd

SeedProd App Website

SeedProd is the best WordPress theme builder on the market. It isn’t a regular WordPress theme, but SeedProd makes it easier for anyone to design a custom website from scratch without writing code.

The best part is that SeedProd comes with dozens of ready-made theme layouts. You can import a pre-built theme and customize it with the powerful drag and drop builder to launch your site.

It includes WordPress themes for apps, landing pages, and more. The theme templates are built specifically for beginners with beautiful designs and complete content.

3. Ultra

Ultra App Theme for WordPress

Ultra is a modern WordPress theme for any type of website. It has a built-in professional template for your app or software.

It comes with builder addons, custom page templates, pre-designed layouts, and more. Other notable features include section scrolling, a mega menu, archive layouts, image filters, and support for WooCommerce.

4. Divi

Divi App WordPress Theme

Divi is a popular WordPress theme and an ultimate page builder plugin. It comes with hundreds of ready-made website layouts for different business niches.

It has a highly flexible visual page builder to customize your website from the front end. The Divi theme offers multiple design elements, visual effects, fonts and text styling, and custom backgrounds.

5. Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro is a professional WordPress theme designed specifically for mobile apps and software. It’s built on top of the Genesis Theme framework, making it powerful and robust.

The theme has a fullscreen layout with an image slider, a call-to-action button, a navigation menu, and a custom logo. It comes with layout options and multiple custom page templates.

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

6. OceanWP


OceanWP is a free WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with several demo websites and a 1-click content importer to launch your website right away.

The theme offers fast page load time, built-in SEO optimization, RTL language support, and more. It’s also fully compatible with WooCommerce to sell your apps.

7. Neve


Neve is a stylish WordPress multipurpose theme that you can use to create any website. It comes with a few demo sites, including one-page and multi-page templates.

It features header and footer layouts to create an engaging user experience. The theme integrates with all popular WordPress page builders for customization. It’s also eCommerce ready to start an online store easily.

8. Struct


Struct is a fantastic WordPress theme designed specifically for mobile apps, SaaS startups, and software websites. It lets you display screenshots, testimonials, team members, portfolios, and app features on the homepage.

Inside, you will also find backgrounds, color schemes, typography options, and more. Struct has WooCommerce integration to sell your mobile apps online.

9. Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro is a one-page WordPress theme for any kind of website. It comes with a sleek and modern design to let you build your app or software website easily.

It works great with all popular drag and drop page builder plugins. Hestia is easy to customize using the WordPress live customizer.

10. iTheme2


iTheme2 is a stunning WordPress apps theme. It comes with a fully customizable featured content slider on the homepage to showcase your apps and software.

It includes website templates, a header menu, a footer menu, custom footer text, and more. It also has a social media widget to add social icons in the header of your website.

11. Bramble


Bramble is a beautiful WordPress multipurpose theme. It ships with a page builder that lets you customize your website and design custom landing pages of your own.

The theme comes with built-in homepage layouts to set up your website. It also includes an image slider plugin to display your apps beautifully.

12. Nozama


Nozama is a classic WordPress eCommerce theme built for creating Amazon-style websites for mobile apps and software. It lets you display your apps, testimonials, and other products on the homepage.

You can use this theme to share professional screenshots of your app and maximize your sales. Besides professional shop page layouts, Nozama has unlimited color schemes, custom backgrounds, Google Fonts, and parallax effects.

13. Specialty


Specialty is an excellent WordPress theme designed specifically for job board apps and software. It comes with flexible search functionality for instant search and complex filters.

The theme includes hundreds of customizer settings for color, typography, and layout. It supports drag and drop page builders to create custom landing pages easily.

14. Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro is a black-and-white WordPress app theme. It has a fullscreen layout with a custom background image, welcome text, and call-to-action buttons.

The theme has multiple homepage widget areas and layout options. Altitude Pro is eCommerce friendly and helps you sell your apps online.

15. Inspiro


Inspiro is a WordPress multipurpose theme built for any kind of website. It features interactive homepage elements to engage your users from the first click on your site.

The theme options include parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, 1-page and multi-page templates, page builder compatibility, and more. It’s easy to set up, even for absolute beginners.

16. Multi Mobile App

Multi Mobile App

Multi Mobile App is a free WordPress theme for apps and software. It lets you showcase your apps professionally in different categories.

If you are looking for a free multipurpose apps theme, then the Multi Mobile App theme is an ideal solution. It’s translation ready and offers powerful customization options.

17. Cousteau Pro


Cousteau Pro is a WordPress theme for travel apps. It comes with video and image slider support on the homepage to create a powerful first impression on your visitors.

Inside, you will find a search and filtering system. The theme has a fullscreen background layout that looks beautiful and professional.

18. Venture


Venture is a WordPress portfolio theme to display and sell your apps. It has a dynamic homepage builder and custom widgets to set up your website quickly.

You can also use the built-in visual customizer for colors, fonts, and other settings. It includes a featured content slider to showcase your most important content on the front.

19. Mobile App

TS Mobile App

Mobile App is a free WordPress multipurpose theme designed specifically for apps and software websites. It uses bright colors that make your website highly attractive.

The theme features a fullscreen image slider, a products section, an about section, and more. It’s easy to set up using the WordPress live customizer.

20. Pinboard


Pinboard is a modern WordPress multipurpose theme. It has a Pinterest-like layout to create an app or software review website.

It supports WordPress multisite network and lets your users sign up to post reviews. The theme is fully responsive and adjusts to any screen size beautifully.

21. Listable


Listable is an excellent WordPress directory theme built specifically for small business websites. It has a fullscreen layout and parallax homepage sections.

The theme lets you add all your apps and allow users to submit apps from the frontend. Listable also integrates with popular WordPress page builders for easy customization.

FAQs About WordPress Themes for Apps and Software

If you are still unsure which theme is best for you, here are some frequently asked questions about WordPress themes for apps and software that can help you select the right theme for your website.

1. Which is the best WordPress theme for apps and software websites?

With so many options, picking the right theme to promote your apps and software business can confuse beginners.

We recommend Astra, SeedProd, Ultra, and Divi, as they come with multiple templates for apps, software, and technology websites.

2. Why is SeedProd included in the themes for apps and software?

SeedProd is included in the themes for apps and software because it’s a powerful theme builder for beginners. It lets you drag and drop features to design a custom theme for your apps and software website without writing code.

Moreover, SeedProd comes with ready-made coming soon and maintenance mode landing pages. You can use these pages to engage users while your website is in the development process.

SeedProd also includes hundreds of built-in theme templates that can give you a head start. You can import a template and customize it to launch your website right away.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for apps. You may also want to check out our ultimate guide to boosting your site’s speed and performance and our expert picks for the best WordPress block themes.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 21 Best WordPress Themes for Apps Compared (2023) first appeared on WPBeginner.