How To Check the Encryption Certificate of an AS2 EDIINT Data

AS2 aka Applicability Statement 2 communication protocol, one of the most widely used secured protocols used in the B2B world can sometimes be very tricky to troubleshoot, especially when you are trying to set up a new connection with your trading partner.

There can be numerous different reasons why your AS2 setup may not be working but in this particular article we are only going to talk about the error "insufficient-message-security" which comes in a negative MDN originated from the receiving party.

How to Send AS2 Messages With an EDI Trading Platform

Keep your confidential data secure

When business involves lots of confidential data, security becomes a major concern for all enterprises. Therefore, going for an EDI trading platform with a secure file transfer protocol is essential. AS2 Gateway is a SaaS EDI trading platform that is created based on AS2 protocol to provide secure communication for B2B enterprises.

In addition to all the benefits packaged with AS2 protocol, AS2 Gateway itself provides a flexible, easy-to-use, personalized piece of software to the customers. So, in this article let's talk about how to send AS2 messages via AS2 Gateway.

How to Verify AS2 Message (SMIME) Signature With OpenSSL

Error MDNs stating an error in the lines of "Signature verification failed" or "Decryption failed" are common for users who are just getting started AS2 in any AS2 service. We, ourselves, have seen many such instances in our SaaS B2B AS2 messaging platform the AdroitLogic AS2Gateway. With these kinds of errors, sometimes, it is important for the support team and also the user itself to be able to try the decryption or signature verification manually to get more insight.

In this blog post, we will look at what the digital signature in AS2 protocol is, how to verify the signature of an AS2 message, and some tips on figuring out the cause for certain signature verification failures.