5 Optimistic Ways That Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Mental Healthcare

Indeed, William Gibson has very well stated, “The future is already here, the fact is it’s not just very evenly distributed.”

Revolutionary artificial intelligence algorithms are creeping into mental healthcare and are reshaping its dimensions. You might already be discussing with an AI bot right now the question “how does it make you feel to hear that?” Your AI therapist might be successful enough to take you out from the feeling of worry about what direction the future will take with the advent of artificial intelligence. Looking beyond the horrifying headlines of Skynet coming true, the progressive utilization of artificial intelligence in mental healthcare is absolutely splendid news for many of us. 

How AI Is Revolutionizing the Retail Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence is here and is already having an impact in many industries. According to IDC, global spending on artificial intelligence systems is forecast to reach €31 billion in 2019, a 44% increase from 2018 spending. For any business that hasn't started its AI journey, it's time to look into the opportunities it provides.

This is because AI is revolutionizing every industry and sector, including the retail customer experience. Still, a lot of people are still not aware of the effects of AI or do not understand the scope of its applications. From helping customers find items through visual search to customizing their entertainment experience through chatbots, AI is revolutionizing the retail industry in a number of ways.