Five Data-Driven Reasons To Add Visual AI To Your End-To-End Tests

Do you believe in learning from the experiences of others? If others found themselves more productive adding Visual AI to their functional tests, would you give it a try?

In November 2019, over 3,000 engineers signed up to participate in the Applitools Visual AI Rockstar Hackathon. 288 completed the challenge and submitted tests — comparing their use of coded test validation versus the same tests using Visual AI. They found themselves with better coverage, faster test development, more stable test code, with easier code test code maintenance.

How Do You Catch More Bugs In Your End-To-End Tests?

How much is it worth to catch more bugs early in your product release process? Depending on where you are in your release process, you might be writing unit or systems tests. But, you need to run end-to-end tests to prove behavior, and quality engineers require a high degree of skill to write end-to-end tests successfully.

What would you say if a single validation engine could help you ensure data integrity, functional integrity, and graphical integrity in your web and mobile applications? And, as a result, catch more bugs earlier in your release process?

The Fusion of 5G, IoT, and AI

The amount of data is increasing rapidly. More and more devices can produce and transmit data. We live in a world that threatens to drown in the flood of data. The merger of 5G, IoT, and AI could help us and be of great importance when it comes to profiting from the rapid increase in available data.

The Fusion of 5G, AI, and IoT will play a significant role in critical areas like:

How AI Is Helping to Battle COVID-19?

The world has come to a standstill with the near-exponential escalation of coronavirus pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2). First reported in China on 31 December 2019, the dread of the Covid-19 has spread across the globe quickly. As of now, the total number of Covid 19 infections has crossed one million globally, with 51,000 fatalities and 2,10,000 recoveries. 

As the numbers keep on rising exponentially, world leaders have shut down their countries and are asking their citizens to stay at home. In fact, all the major cities have entered into hibernation as the public spaces remain deserted. Classrooms, landmarks, bars, shops, clubs, and restaurants remain closed while train tracks, airports, and roads appear eerily empty. 

AI Provides Insights on CPG Trends

We had the opportunity to meet with Andy Pandharikar, CEO/Co-founder of during the IT Press Tour at the Plug and Play Tech Center in Silicon Valley. Andy’s vision for his new company is providing self-driving commerce for consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies by training AI to understand every consumer product in the market and to gain insights on what makes a product successful, as well as identify market trends.

This is a joint project in conjunction with Walmart and the client list includes Chanel, Unilever, Coca Cola, SC Johnson, Rakuten, and many more. 90% of the content they monitor is unstructured feedback and 10% is structured data. Text, images, voice, videos have exploded online since 2014. 85% of consumer products fail in the first two years. SKU level data drives intelligence platform for CPG

TIBCO: AI, Analytics, and Vendor Neutrality

TIBCO Journey

Journeys were a theme at the recent TIBCO Analytics conference in Houston. From TIBCO COO’s Matt Quinn’s discussion of the company’s own journey to rearchitecting its products to be cloud-native to Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorsport Formula One race victories fueled by analytics (analytics + tires, more on that later).

You might also like:  Prometheus Monitoring for Microservices Using TIBCO

Nielsen’s Senior VP, Global Portfolio Leader Sharon Skurnac talked about her company’s digital transformation journey with a detailed breakout of the tech stack used to fuel the consumer market information giant’s operations data collection framework. The culture change aspect of the story was engaging on its own (dealing with cultural differences and entrenched behaviors in 100 countries).

A Beginner’s Guide to Creating an Interactive Chatbot Flow in Teneo

Chatbots that can have human-like conversations are at the top of many company wishlists. To be able to create human-like conversations, there are certain capabilities the chatbot needs to possess — one of these is interactive flows.

An interactive flow is where the chatbot can ask for more information from the user before giving an answer; this enables more precise answers and creates a better user experience.

Job Hunting in the Age of AI: How to Upskill for the 5 Hottest New Jobs

You could worry about the jobs AI will obliterate or focus on the exciting new jobs it will create. The latter will take you places.

AI is transforming global job markets. From reshaping career paths to developing new markets, it is an exciting time for people who wish to learn new skills and persevere. A report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) states that AI will create 58 million new jobs by 2022. Those who wish to capitalize on this enormous opportunity need to focus on reskilling and upskilling and take a proactive approach to learning so they can land some of the most sought-after jobs in the modern AI era.

How AI Will Transform the Testing Process

To what extent will AI fundamentally change the way we work? What about the change management process? Will AI augment or replace testers? How do we introduce an AI initiative and ensure we are taking the testing team along with us on the journey?Image title

Although biology often inspires human innovation, it hardly leads to a direct implementation. Birds taught humans that flying is possible and inspired human creativity for centuries. But the design of today’s planes and helicopters does not have much in common with their biological role models. As humans learn and apply principles, we adapt them to our needs. Instead of creating mechanical legs for our vehicles that can climb over obstacles, we removed the obstacles and paved the way for our wheeled transportation­­ — which happens to be both faster and more efficient.