Using Unsupervised Learning to Combat Cyber Threats

As the world enters a digital age, cyber threats are rising with massive data breaches, hacks into personal and financial data, and any other digital source that people can exploit. To combat these attacks, security experts are increasingly tapping into AI to stay a step ahead, using every tool in their toolbox, including unsupervised learning methods.

Machine learning in the cybersecurity space is still in its infancy stage, but there has been a lot of traction since 2020 to have more AI involved in combating cyber threats.

Successful AI Requires Data Governance

As tech applications increasingly include artificial intelligence (AI) aspects, people involved in building or using them cannot overlook the need for data governance. It should address details such as:

  • Where does an AI product's data exist?

Continuous Feedback Is Key To Taking Your AI From “Good to Great”

Deploying AI instantly brought value and growth to many businesses. However, it is well established that sustaining the value over time, not to mention maximizing it, could be quite challenging. Continuous optimization is the key to successful AI deployments. Begin with a product that’s good enough, learn from how it performs in the real world (especially as the data environment changes), and then improve; then learn and improve again, and so on. It’s a bit of an obvious insight, but it is rare for AI-driven products to be perfect from day one. 

To accomplish continuous optimization you need continuous feedback. You need “eyes and ears” observing your data and models and telling you whether they’re performing well. That’s easier said than done, for various reasons. These reasons are outlined below. 

GitHub Is Bad for AI: Solving the ML Reproducibility Crisis

There is a crisis in machine learning that is preventing the field from progressing as fast as it could. It stems from a broader predicament surrounding reproducibility that impacts scientific research in general. A Nature survey of 1,500 scientists revealed that 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments, and over 50% have failed to reproduce their own work. Reproducibility, also called replicability, is a core principle of the scientific method and helps ensure the results of a given study aren’t a one-off occurrence but instead represent a replicable observation.

In computer science, reproducibility has a more narrow definition: Any results should be documented by making all data and code available so that the computations can be executed again with the same results. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are off to a rocky start when it comes to transparency and reproducibility. For example, take this response published in Nature by 31 scientists that are highly critical of a study from Google Health that documented successful trials of AI that detects signs of breast cancer. 

Hyper-Automation — New Age Automation With AI

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Active minds look to obviate monotony. This is the seed of the greatest ideas that have ever transpired. Ideas that lead to progress, growth, and freedom from doing things manually. Over the past several decades, the advancement in technology has given us the greatest gift of all, time. Time to focus on our creative endeavors and leave it to the machines to carry out the tasks that our brains now consider mundane. As a species, it is our constant endeavor to make our lives easier and more convenient.

While the core meaning of “automation” remains the same, the usage of the word has truly changed over time. We have come a long way from manually switching on the ceiling fan to automatic temperature control in air conditioners everywhere. Things that we perceived as “automated” years ago, kept getting more and more automated and became more convenient to use. This is largely due to advancements in technology over the years. 

Artificial Intelligence Vs Software Engineering: What Is the Difference?

Artificial Intelligence vs. Software Engineering

While Artificial intelligence (AI) and Software Engineering are two major branches of computer sciences, experts and professionals have consistently acknowledged their differences and the roles they both play in the advancements of computer efficiency generally. However, while there are differences between the two fields, people have difficulty telling where they differ. Therefore, this blog will outline the differences between AI and Software Engineering to help you know the varying metrics. 

Difference Between Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

Definitions and Expected Outcomes

The biggest difference between software engineering and Artificial intelligence is their outcomes and the tasks they set out to achieve.

The Advent of Ethical Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry


As with any other industry, life sciences and healthcare is a big market of technology, especially the most talked-about technologies these days. Any guesses? Obviously, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Whether it is machine learning to help with automation tools or diagnoses, artificial intelligence plays an essential role in streamlining medical processes so the physicians can focus on what’s more crucial: helping the patient. 

A recent survey by Software Advice depicts a vast amount of patients who trust AI applications in healthcare. 

NLP Features That Are Criminally Overlooked: The Case for SAO

In the reading of Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, we inevitably encounter two main features in action, Categorization and Extraction, and learn how those can be manipulated in so many different ways to effectively address use cases that involve free-form text and the retrieval of information from it. We also hear a lot about Sentiment (which technically is not a separate feature but rather a specialization of the previous two). Finally, we have POS-tagging, which is only occasionally mentioned outside of deeply technical articles for linguists and NLP professionals. 

We don’t hear much about other NLP capabilities, and this is mainly because often, depending on how an NLP engine is designed, features beyond Categorization and Extraction are not present at all. Specifically, many NLP solutions today are based on Machine Learning algorithms, and ML rarely delivers great accuracy in problems that require both elevated precision and super-fine identification. Then again, some of these capabilities are incredibly useful, in fact sometimes even the only way to address a particular challenge. In the following, I make the case for one of these not-so-popular NLP tools: SAO (Subject-Action-Object).

Artificial Intelligence Explained to a Student, Professional, and a Scientist

Rapid advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) has drastically changed the way things are moving today. Today, we will speak about this topic by approaching it from three different perspectives.

AI is defined as the science and engineering of developing intelligent machines and intelligent computer programs. Moreso, it is relevant to similar tasks such as utilizing computers to understand the human brain.

5 Great Ways To Achieve Complete Automation With AI and ML


Automation in the testing domain has evolved a lot when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning specifically. Self-driven cars, bots, and the famous Amazon-owned product, Alexa are some of the basic examples of how AL and ML have influenced our lives and day-to-day activities. With updated application software and devices making users' lives easier than ever, emphasis on the demand for product quality for users has increased. Customers are becoming intolerant to product defects with the number of alternatives available to them to switch in the market. The statistics mentioned below are true when talking about the loyalty a customer can portray for a particular product or service for a company.

"91% of non-complainers just leave and 13% of them tell 15 more people about their bad experience for a product." 

Quality Assurance 101 for AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence has been in the spotlight for several years. Despite widespread hype and sensationalized headlines about 'robots coming for your jobs,' it is clear that AI generates value, even if the gains are marginal, and it has multiple applications across diverse industries.

Though AI, machine learning, and other intelligent technologies are rapidly gaining traction in various industries, the 'productionalization' processes lag behind. Quality assurance for AI perfectly demonstrates this.

Observability and AIOps: The Perfect Combination for Dynamic Environments

IT teams live in dynamic environments and continuous integration/continuous delivery has been in high demand. In the dynamic environment, DevOps and underlying technologies such as containers and microservices, continue to grow more dynamic, and complex. Now, just like DevOps, observability has become a part of the software development life cycle.

With basic monitoring techniques, ITOps and DevOps teams lack the visibility to support the explosive growth in data volumes that arise in these modern environments. And, that’s also because they cannot scale with manual processes. Traditional monitoring systems focused on capturing, storing, and presenting data generated by underlying IT systems. Human operators were responsible for analyzing the resulting data sets and making necessary decisions, making the IT processes human-dependent.

4 Ways to Implement AI in Your Web Design

Digitalization has taken over at an unprecedented rate, and now the digital world has aced up people’s expectations. Due to the availability of high-speed internet connections and multi-digital mediums, people expect web applications to best suit their interests and needs. 

If you want to own a website that can lure your potential prospects into regular customers, you need to go the extra mile because your competitor is just a click away! Here is where artificial intelligence kicks in; web developers incorporate AI web design to make their web pages more effective and personalized. 

Don’t Fear Artificial General Intelligence

Photo: Naeblys / iStockPhoto

AI has blasted its way into the public consciousness and our everyday lives. It is powering advances in medicine, weather prediction, factory automation, and self-driving cars. Even golf club manufacturers report that AI is now designing their clubs.

Why Do You Need to Get Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification?

AI has been a revolutionary technology in the Tech world. The demand for artificial intelligence-related professions is increasing at an incredibly rapid rate. Similarly, the demand for an Azure AI Engineer is on buzz and at an all-time high. Many other AI-concerned accreditations could also be good alternatives for IT professionals. But, MS Azure assures a rapidly growing Artificial Intelligence landscape with innovative service offerings and advanced technologies. Hence, the demand for Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification has increased to a large extent over the past few decades.

The future platform of the IT accreditation, AZURE AI mainly assists you to scrutinize AI services which count bots, agents, language, vision, speech, by adopting knowledge mining, cognitive services, and machine learning. AI solutions are required to satisfy scalability and performance to meet end-to-end solutions, for that we need to have advanced technologies and tools for analyzing and recording timely operation. 

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Conversational AI

As a direct result of Covid-19, enterprises are advancing their plans to digitize and automate parts of their business not just to achieve better operational efficiencies, but to protect themselves from disruptions.

During the pandemic, many companies experienced significant increase in pressure from customers, while their number of available employees decreased. Many contact centers were unable to cope with demand or closed because of lockdown restrictions, leading to long delays in customer service queries, which dramatically affected the customer experience.