Sending IoT Data From Arduino to Questdb

IoT on QuestDB

As you can well imagine, I've been super busy in my hew job at QuestDB so this has taken me longer than I would have liked, but here we are. If you know me at all, you know that one of the first things I always do with new things is, well, connect things to them! So I immediately went to connect an IoT device to QuestDB to see how it went. Unsurprisingly, it went quite well. So here's how it went, from start to finish.

The Database Part

The first thing I had to do was to get QuestDB up and running. Luckily, this is very straightforward. I guess I could have gone the Docker route, but as you're probably aware, I'm not a huge fan of Docker (in no small part due to the fact that it will literally suck the life out of a macOS laptop). There's also (for you MacOS users) `brew install questdb` but since I work here, and I wanted to test out the latest and greatest web console, I decided to build from source:

Setting Up Your Own Arduino IoT Cloud Server

If you have had a chance to play around with some of the new Arduino-enabled hardware platforms such as the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC, you may already have used an online IoT service for your project. In this article, we will show you how to set up your own online service by setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and server software for your Arduino IoT project.

You may also like: Building an IoT System Using Arduino and IoT Cloud Platform

In addition to setting up your own VPS, we will show you how to install a simple example that lets you control LEDs, lights, etc., by using a browser. The following figure shows how any number of devices can be controlled in real-time by navigating to your own VPS using a browser. The online VPS functions as a proxy and makes it possible for any number of users to control the devices via the online server.