Data Lives Longer Than Any Environment, Data Management Needs to Extend Beyond the Environment

Komprise enables enterprises to analyze, mobilize and monetize file and object data across clouds, data centers, and the edge. The solution constantly monitors key business services, identifies changes in usage patterns, and automatically captures new insights. Komprise also simplifies access to all enterprise data helping companies make better decisions faster while driving increased revenue from existing infrastructure

The 41st IT Press Tour had the opportunity to meet with Kumar Goswami, co-founder and CEO, Darren Cunningham, VP of Marketing, Ben Conneely, VP EMEA Sales, Krishna Subramanian, Co-Founder and COO of Komprise.

New Cloud Services Are Foundational to Gaining Control Over Content

My next-door neighbor has a two-car garage and a large shed in the backyard. In the over twenty years we have lived next door, they have yet to park a single car in their garage. The garage is overflowing with all manner of yard equipment, winter tires, retired exercise equipment, and the odd piece of furniture. The shed is also packed. They own a snowblower, yet I often lend them ours because they can’t access their own. Unfortunately, many organizations handle file management in a similar fashion to my neighbor. 

Most corporate file shares are overflowing with files long ago abandoned. Most peg the amount of ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) files to be at least 80% of the total under management. A good number of these were obsolete days after being created; over 95% within 90 days. Finding specific files, or finding files containing certain information becomes complex, as they tend to be spread out in various islands of storage. Some are on personal devices, some exist in on-prem file shares, while others are in Google Drive, Dropbox, or personal OneDrives.