How Can APMs Help Software Teams Create Better User Experiences?

If a whole server becomes unresponsive, you need to know what kind of web activity caused it, and quickly. Application Performance Management, or APM, gives you this visibility, and more.

APM tools monitor and manage user experiences in software applications. Unlike crash reporting, which manages the detailed information on errors, APM tools surface problems on the server-side of your app.

Measure Lead Time for the Business

When teams adopting DevOps ask me, “What should we measure to know that we’re improving?” I have reflexively rattled off the metrics from Accelerate.

  • Throughput
    • Deployment frequency (frequency an app is released)
    • Lead Time (time from code commit to working in prod)
  • Stability
    • Change failure rate (changes requiring a subsequent fix or causing outage)
    • Time to restore (typical restoration time when an outage occurs)

These broadly make sense and point to a high degree of automated deployment, testing, and robust monitoring. These tenants of DevOps have been helpful. The State of DevOps Report shows that strong performers in these areas outperform their competition in the market. The reality of that is something I have wagered on and won