6 Best Practices for Application Deployments

Deploy apps smoothly with these tips.

Many software development teams are now working in an Agile/Scrum way and that’s great! One of the cornerstones of the Agile way of working is “Deliver value fast and often”. The real value is delivered only when the software is running in production (not Dev, not QA J).

Having right deployment principles and practices in place is all the more important in Agile environments because new increments are produced by scrum teams at the end of each sprint. A right deployment strategy is a key factor to have faster and effective feedback loops from each environment. Below are some of the best practices for application deployments.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Software Deployment – What’s Right for You?

In the modern world of enterprise IT, cloud computing has become an indispensable tool for the integration of outside services through remote servers handling requests and responses for the data that drives our lives. However, not too long ago, integrating with third-party services meant housing servers on-site and maintaining those connections yourself. This is referred to as On-Premise (on-prem) and is still a viable means for integrating the data that contributes to your application’s functionality.

Unsurprisingly, there are benefits and drawbacks to both means of integrating software and services into your codebase. In the following article, we’ll discuss some of the pros and cons to both cloud and on-prem, and try to give you a better idea of what you should look for when building out your application.

How to Use Backendless With React.js, Part 4: Build and Deploy

In this article, we are going to continue developing our React.js web application using Backendless for the backend. This is Part 4 of our series, so be sure you've read through parts 1-3, linked below:

If you have already read those then read on. Otherwise, we recommend you either read read all of the articles and build the app step-by-step, or you can clone the app from this GitHub repository and use this commit as a starting point. Today we will build our app for the first time and deploy it to Backendless Files.