How to Speed Up Mobile Development

The COVID-19 pandemic has become the decisive test for business adaptability. To continue business as usual, organizations have to adapt to a new era where social distancing and digital interactions are the norm.

To do so, many businesses worldwide, particularly in the areas most affected by the virus outbreak, are adopting remote work policies and new channels of interaction with customers, including the use of mobile apps to smooth collaboration and communication. Although laptops are still key to a successful move to this new reality, mobile devices are essential in our professional and private lives. In fact, consumers spent 1.6 trillion hours in mobile apps in the first half of 2020. And, the time spent in business apps increased by 220 percent, when compared to the last quarter of 2019.

Automating NuxtJS Deployment to Heroku with CircleCI

Manually deploying a NuxtJS project is pretty easy when teams are small. However, as projects and teams grow they usually turn to CI/CD in their DevOps to automate their testing and deployment. This is when deployments—and the setup of deployments—can get complicated.

In this article, we’ll look at how to easily set up an automated CI/CD system for a NuxtJS project using Heroku and CircleCI. We’ll walk through all the details from setting up your GitHub repository to automating your tests to pushing your code changes. Then we’ll look at some suggested next steps.

Build Chatbots with Dialogflow – Step By Step Guidelines

Dialogflow from Google (earlier known as is a great platform for developing chatbots for multiple platforms. Earlier when Dialogflow was known as, they had an Android and iOS client library to integrate chatbot into mobile apps. But after merging into Google, the existing library is not getting updated; rather we are seeing Dialogflow added to Google’s Cloud platform and a new Java-based client API is being developed.

In this article, I will show you how you can integrate a chatbot developed in Dialogflow using the new Java client API.