Modernizing the Java EE Medrec App

Tutorial: Refactoring the Medrec Application into Microservices

Legacy Java applications are difficult to modernize. Enterprises rely on these monolithic apps to power their businesses but face an urgent mandate to move to the cloud and adopt a cloud native architecture. The following sections track the process of refactoring the Medrec application (also known as the Avitek Medical Records application), a monolithic WebLogic sample Java EE application, into microservices and deploying the new microservices on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE).

This tutorial is also available on the vFunction website.

Transforming TCP Sockets to HTTP With Go

Sometimes, we need to work with legacy applications, and legacy applications can be hard to rewrite and change. Imagine, for example, we have an application that is using raw TCP sockets to communicate with another process. Raw TCP sockets are fast, but they have various problems. For example, all data is sent in plain text over the network and without authentication (if we don’t implement a protocol).

One solution is to use HTTPS connections instead. We can also authenticate those requests with an Authentication Bearer. For example, I’ve created a simple HTTP server with Python and Flask:

App Modernization on AWS Powered by DevOps

Image titleA great number of enterprises seek to modernize their applications for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Many find it can be challenging on which approach to embrace. Do they leverage the cloud for its capabilities or use an abstraction layer? How should product teams be organized and which practices should they adopt?

In this post, we’ll share some of the principles and practices of what we’ve seen work best sprinkled with our opinions informed by years in helping enterprises get the most from AWS.