6 iOS and Swift Projects to Learn iOS App Development

Hello folks, if you are learning iOS App development and looking for some project ideas to understand the concepts better and apply your existing knowledge, you have come to the right place. 

Earlier, I have shared the best iOS and Swift courses, and today, I will talk about five cool projects you can do to learn iOS app development and master several key concepts like UI, Core ML, Speech to text, and other APIs. 

Building a Vagrant Box: Setting Up Your Environment

If setting up a virtual development environment is your goal, here is a guide on how to utilize the Vagrant box and virtual machine for this purpose. Let’s discuss the process in detail with this blog.

Here, we will build a Vagrant on top of a virtualization engine as VirtualBox. 

5 Things to Consider Before You Build Your App

When mobile app development came on the market, it was a game-changer. It allowed for an unprecedented level of mobile optimization that has never been seen before. With mobile apps now being one of the most popular ways to not just run your business but also promote and advertise it, many people are considering getting into mobile app development themselves. However, there are several things to think about before developing an app to ensure that you want to pursue it in the long run.

When you're making mobile apps, you must have a clear idea about what mobile platform it will be on. Will it be a native app, a hybrid app, or even a progressive web app (PWA)? Then there's the dilemma of whether to use an existing mobile development provider or not. In this blog post, we'll cover these important factors that you should think about before commencing mobile development and building your app!

Improving Mobile App Performance With a Powerful Database

You are probably aware that there are seemingly endless options to consider when it comes to selecting a database and other technologies for your mobile app. With so many choices, it can be difficult and confusing to determine what really matters when it comes to your tech stack. A little while back, I wrote an extensive article on the different database architectures and use cases available to provide guidance on picking the right technology for the right project. While that is still an accurate and solid resource, this article takes a deeper dive into considerations for improving the performance of, specifically, mobile apps.

Mobile vs. Web Apps

First and foremost, perhaps we should take a quick look at the difference between mobile and web apps. Mobile apps live and run on a mobile device itself, whereas web apps are accessed through a web browser and will adapt to whichever device you're viewing them on. Native mobile apps are built for a specific platform, such as iOS for Apple or Android for, well, pretty much everything else. They are downloaded and installed through an app store and have access to system resources, such as GPS and the camera function. Web apps, however, are not native to a particular system and do not need to be downloaded or installed. Due to their responsive nature, they may look and function a lot like mobile apps, which is where some confusion arises.

A Comprehensible Guide to Real-Time Features in Mobile App Development

The rapid development of computer technology has led to the fact that the developed devices have become more complex and include a large number of functions. It became possible to develop devices that meet modern requirements thanks to progress in the field of design technologies and a significant reduction in the cost of the elemental base.

Introduction to Real-Time Systems 

Real-time features are nowadays necessary for a successful mobile app. There are a large number of real-time operating modules, and they all perform one task - managing a system. Below, we listed some of the most important features of the real-time operating app nowadays.

Introduction to Android App Development With Kotlin: RecyclerView Widget (Part 11)

Most of the apps you have on your smartphone have a list of things displayed on the screen. Instagram consists of an infinite list of pictures that our friends post. Facebook is a never-ending list of updates from our family and “friends.” Lists are everywhere.

Android allows us to implement such lists using a widget named RecyclerView, and that’s what this tutorial is all about. In the previous part, we have fetched the list of movies from the database, and now, we will display each one of the items in a nice list. Our users will be able to scroll up and down the list as many times as they like to review their list of movies.

Java Vs. Kotlin: Which One Will Be the Best in 2019?

Which programming language comes to mind when you hear Android app development? Most probably, you will immediately think of Java. This is because of the vast number of Android apps that are developed in Java.

Developers around the world are still wondering if Kotlin has any future or not. But with the introduction of Kotlin in Google I/O two years back, Kotlin has made its own place in the Android application development market.