Flutter Vs React Native: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

The space of technology is ever-evolving since the demands are many. And the increase in demand has led to multiple new technologies to come into existence. Today the world of app development is flourishing at a higher speed, and the credit goes to the unbelievably robust technology advancements. Every business prefers to provide the best experience to the users. And no doubt this purpose is well-served by the mobile application technology. However, on looking closer, you may find that there is a big group of technical advancements in the market.

For any business, it is hard to make a smart move with these new tech stacks. The innovative technological spectrum has brought two sensational technologies; React Native and Flutter.

Before We Use Kubernetes to Develop Edge, We Should Define It

It's time for a working definition of edge computing.

Edge isn’t just something found in trolly Internet threads, but an entire spectrum of computing that can best be defined as “Computing not done in your traditional data center.” However, this definition is flippant and also fails to cover the true breadth and depth of edge computing, as it can be defined differently by almost every business, industry, and IT team. This is because edge computing is a relative term, meaning everything from one lock-and-key facility, Amazon's, Google's, Microsoft's or IBM’s clouds, or dozens of small datacenters surrounded by IoT devices.

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