Multi-tenancy authentication through Kong API Gateway

The API Gateway pattern implements a service that’s the entry point into a microservices-based application from external API clients or consumers. It is responsible for request routing, API composition, and other edge functions, such as authentication.

When working with a microservices architecture, either on a greenfield project or during migration from a monolith, a best practice is to start addressing cross-cutting concerns. Authentication is such a concern, and in this article, we’ll cover the authentication of a multi-tenancy application.

Vault: A Secure Way to Keep Your App’s Secrets

In this blog, we will discuss the Vault. In modern scenarios, we want to secure our system as much as possible. We don't want to store our secret keys and certificates in the system or configurations. We need a place where we can keep our secrets with more security and access them securely whenever we need them. We can use the Vault.

Vault is the secure place to store the secrets, password, token, APIKeys of the system with the control of their access. It provides security by encrypting the keys.