How to Do API Testing?

Nowadays API testing is an integral part of testing. There are a lot of tools like postman, insomnia, etc. There are many articles that ask what is API, What is API testing, but the problem is How to do API testing? What I need to validate.

Note: In this article, I am going to use postman assertions for all the examples since it is the most popular tool. But this article is not intended only for the postman tool. 

Defining Test Boundaries — An Example

I think that everybody agrees that testing is required in order to build a quality product. But there’s also a lot of confusion about the boundaries of each test type. What’s the scope of a unit test? What’s the difference between an integration test, an integrated test and a contract test? If you ask three developers about test boundaries, you’ll most likely get three different answers. For example, I still talk to people who consider that a unit test should test a single class/method.

What’s clear is that most teams don’t have a consensus on what’s the scope of the different types of automated tests and the differences between them. Getting to a universal consensus might be hard, but getting to a consensus inside the team should be easy enough. In this blog post, we’ll see an example of how to do that.