The Service Mesh in the Microservices World

The software industry has come a long journey and throughout this journey, Software Architecture has evolved a lot. Starting with 1-tier (Single-node), 2-tier (Client/ Server), 3-tier, and Distributed are some of the Software Architectural patterns we saw in this journey.

The Problem

The majority of software companies are moving from Monolithic architecture to Microservices architecture, and Microservices architecture is taking over the software industry day-by-day. While monolithic architecture has many benefits, it also has so many shortcomings when catering to modern software development needs. With those shortcomings of monolithic architecture, it is very difficult to meet the demand of the modern-world software requirements and as a result, microservices architecture is taking control of the software development aggressively. The Microservices architecture enables us to deploy our applications more frequently, independently, and reliably meeting modern-day software application development requirements.

API Management vs API Gateway: Where Does API Analytics and Monitoring Fit?

For the last few years, there has been an explosion of API-powered businesses. There are revenue-generating APIs, developer platforms, partner marketplaces, and even internal APIs powering single-page apps.

With this explosion, there has also been a large increase in API tooling to help these companies go to market with their API platforms as quickly as possible and out-innovate any competition. Much of this increase in tooling mirrors what we saw in the mobile era. However, with this explosion, there is now an increase in the number of tools and solutions to build and grow APIs and platforms.

What Is an API Platform?

The term API Platform has been used synonymously by some vendors with API Management, Full Lifecycle API Management, and even the term API Gateway. Everyone loves to spice up a subject with the word platform but being loose with the term is cutting the subject short. What is an API Platform? An API Platform is all these things and more.

An API Platform's purpose is to serve net new application development — building new capabilities, new experiences, nurturing ecosystems, and more. API Management, Full Lifecycle API Management, and API Gateways are tables stakes here of course. These bring life to API design and development, to lifecycle management, to policy and security enforcement, to analytics and to nurturing development communities as consumers of these APIs. All critical.

Microservices Architectures: Introduction to API Gateways

In this article, we look at what an API Gateway is, in the context of microservices.

You Will Learn

  • What  an API Gatewayis.
  • Why we need API Gateways.
  • How an API Gateway works.

Cloud and Microservices Terminology

This is the third article in a series of six articles on terminology used with cloud and microservices. The first two article can be found here: