Microservices: Breaking Down Traditional Application Design

Over the last 20 years, organizations around the world have begun breaking down their monolithic architectures into smaller and more manageable components. This paved the way for the emergence of the service-oriented architecture (SOA), where applications were broken down into their functional components.

Then, in the last 10 years, we broke these down even further with the microservices pattern, which aimed to address the inherent problems found within monolithic SOAs.

Web Development Trends and Techniques for 2020

Web development trends are always changing. After they show up, some evolve for the better and last for years. Others disappear quite quickly, not leaving much of a mark. Many of the trends that started in 2019 are making their way to 2020. This article digs the web development trends a little deeper and predicts which trends will expand in 2020.

The following are some trends to keep an eye out for:

How Companies Benefit From an API-First Approach

The past few years have seen rapid growth in the API economy. The boom in the development of interconnected hardware, artificial intelligence, and other impressive pieces of technology bear testament to how vital APIs are, and how much more important they will become in the near future.

In the past, API design was typically consumer-centric, which meant it only came after a company had already developed a data-rich application and then decided to provide a way for all the data to be accessed by developers through an API. However, in the past few years there has been a gradual shift in the approach companies use in mobile and web development with more and more companies opting for what is called an API-first software development strategy, which has a lot of advantages and potential benefits. First, let’s delve into what API-first software development is before discussing the reasons why trying it out is important.