Creating a Digital Focus for Products With API First

“API First” is something that often is mentioned when it comes to API strategy and other aspects of how to move to a more API-centric way of thinking in organizations. Oftentimes, “API First” is mentioned in the context of digital transformation initiatives and as one of the principles that should be applied as part of this initiative.

But what is “API First”? In reality, many organizations are not developing things from scratch, and when interpreted as “always designing the API before starting the implementation work,” this means that the reality of existing capabilities and the idea of developing APIs first seem to conflict.

Creating an API Story With Mike Amundsen: Podcast

Applying an API-first approach means designing an API so that it has consistency, as well as adaptability, regardless of the types of development projects to which it's applied. Designing with this approach means building an API that is more than just a byproduct of an internal system.

Developers should be able to quickly and easily understand how your API works and how it can integrate with other applications. Only then can they write the kind of elegant code that will allow them to efficiently interact with other systems.

Surprisingly Simple Tools to Help You Smash API-First Approach

API-First is an approach of defining your API specification before jumping into the development phase. With an API-first approach, instead of starting with code, you could start with design, planning, mocks, and tests.

By choosing an API-First approach, teams can crystallize their vision before development, removing the unnecessary complexity in implementation to deliver a resourceful, smart API that can no only keep R&D costs low, but has the ability to meet today’s modern IT landscape where a single operation to query several systems and components to get the job done. The specification is shared internally, as a general to-do list for the project teams to work on independently.

API Management Executive Insights

API Management

We are now living in an API-first world. To gather insights on the current and future state of API management, I asked IT professionals from 18 companies to share their thoughts.