Automation: Are We Looking at the Next Evolution of APIs?

Editor’s note: This interview of Zdenek Nemec was recorded for Coding Over Cocktails - a podcast by TORO Cloud.

APIs are considered the cornerstone of any digital transformation project. Through APIs, organizations can securely expose data to internal systems, customers, and business partners. They can also be a path to new revenue opportunities by creating digital products out of an organization’s data or business processes.

Build an API Using AWS API Gateway and Dell Boomi — Step 1


Hi All, I hope you all had a long amazing 4th of July in the United States and a nice weekend everywhere else. Today, I thought, let me write a blog on a new technology, something that I have not written before in this platform or anywhere else. So, today, we will look into a step by step guide to creating an API using AWS API Gateway along with Dell Boomi for the HTTP service provider. Once again, I may take baby steps, if you are already aware of certain steps, and want to skip some steps, feel free to do so.

I will build an API on a couple of tables in Maria DB. You can use any other backend of your wish with your changes. For simplicity, I will split this blog into 2 parts, first part describing steps to create API in Dell Boomi and second part describing to connect the Boomi API with AWS API Gateway.