Broadcasting Messages to WebSocket API Clients

Invoking individual WebSocket connections has been supported since Zato 3.0, and Zato 3.1 adds new functionality on top of it — message broadcasting — which lets one notify all the clients connected to a particular channel. Here is how to use it.


Let's say that there is a WebSocket channel such as the one here:

Best Practices for Handling API Clients

We recently re-designed our API Client UI from scratch. In this post, I want to share best practices on handling Access Secrets, and how these influenced our new design.

Each Service Has Its Own API Client

Every microservice, every front-end, every developer, and whoever else directly accesses your API should get its own API Client. This allows request correlation and the ability to revoke an API Client quickly when you find out it has been leaked. But most importantly, it is the basis for the principle of least privilege.