How Automation Activates Agile

Harsh, yes... but too often true. Certainly, Agile is a great start for business user collaboration to ensure requirements fit, but it depends on Working Software. This is exactly what automation provides: Working Software, Now. Here's how.


This article illustrates how Automation, coupled with an Agile Process, can dramatically improve time to market, and reduce requirements risk:

How to Automate Restful APIs Using Jayway Library

Software APIs have been one of the most trending technologies. While most functional testing requires interaction with the user interface, API testing involves by-passing the user interface and communicating directly with an application server by making calls to its API. Successful web applications and mobile apps are all the results of the greatest API at the backend.

In agile methodology, most of the QA’s time is spent automating against the GUI using Selenium or any other framework. But in this article, we would look up the smart way to automate our APIs so that UI automation can be reduced a little and automation testing can be done more reliably.

Mobile Testing Using TestProject


TestProject is a free cloud-based end-to-end test automation platform for web, mobile and API testing. TestProject is created on top of popular existing open-source test automation frameworks like Selenium and Appium.  It supports popular operating systems like Windows, Mac & Linux which helps us to test Web, Android, and iOS applications effortlessly.

The official website of TestProject is here.

Automation: Are We Looking at the Next Evolution of APIs?

Editor’s note: This interview of Zdenek Nemec was recorded for Coding Over Cocktails - a podcast by TORO Cloud.

APIs are considered the cornerstone of any digital transformation project. Through APIs, organizations can securely expose data to internal systems, customers, and business partners. They can also be a path to new revenue opportunities by creating digital products out of an organization’s data or business processes.

APIs Over IPAs: Mike Amundsen [Podcast]

Moesif’s Podcast Network: Providing actionable insights for API product managers and other API professionals.

In episode number 4 we have the well known author and speaker Mike Amundsen. He’s a prolific writer on all things APIs and recently released his latest book entitled Design and Build Great Web APIs: Robust, Reliable, and Resilient. When he’s not writing, Mike helps companies capitalize on opportunities in APIs, Microservices, and Digital Transformation.

Mike shares his perspectives on why organizations think about APIs in three levels, how AWS’s Werner Vogel does deprecation, what the future holds for API automation tools, and many more knowledgeable insights .

Dealing With Files in REST API

We often come across scenarios where we need to deal with files as a part of the payload of an HTTP request or as a response. Though it is easy to do it manually in postman or swagger, it is a challenge when it comes to automation. In this article, let's see how to automate such api endpoints by sending files as a part of requests and how to download if a response is also a file.

Attach File to Request

Scalaj-HTTP is a wrapper for an HTTP client in Scala. It provides a method — postMulti to attach files as a part of a request.