A Guide to Maven 3 Beta

In just over six years, Apache Maven has become one of the most coveted tools for project build and reporting management. It’s been five years since the release of Maven 2, and now the Maven committers have released the next landmark version of the software. 

Incredible Improvements in Little Time

It didn’t take long for Maven to become one of the most respected and desired tools in computer engineering. However, the product only continues to improve as Maven 3 is now available for those needing this extra computing power. 

What Is Ant, Really?

Ant is a bit of a mystery bag. Its behavior is often obscure until you come to look at its code. Then you find that it consists of a number of fairly simple facilities that are often explained from a bottom-up detailed and technical viewpoint and not from a top-down architectural perspective. This article aims to provide the missing top-down view. It is targeted at an audience of software engineers. Armed with this article, and some solid opinions on when and when not to use this tool, you should be able to find your way in the anthill.

Ant History, Legacy, and Impact

If you have never heard of Ant, don't worry. Ant is yet ANother Tool in the realm of building software. It was the first attempt at a build tool for Java. When it was conceived, XML was all the rage, and C was the way to express software that Java mimicked. Consequently, Ant was influenced by the thinking of C's make tool. Combining these two trends, Ant is a curious hybrid that does not have make's terseness or stringent reproducibility but does have XMLs verbose syntax. Talk about the best of both worlds.

Maven Plugin Configuration: The (Unknown) Tiny Details


If you are using Apache Maven, I suppose you have configured several plugins within your pom file already. As an example, we use the Maven Enforcer Plugin to prevent starting a given build with a Maven version that is less than 3.5.0, which looks like this:




How to Use Apache Shiro and OAuth 2.0 to Build a Secure Application

For those unfamiliar, Apache Shiro—a Java Security framework—performs authorization, authentication, and session management (along with many other functions) to help build more secure applications.

This post will show you how to use JAX-RS to build a simple Java REST application. JAX-RS is a set of interfaces so you’ll need to pick your implementation. In this post, we’ll be using Jersey—but you can use whatever implementation you prefer and none of these APIs are Jersey specific. 

Mulesoft Custom Connector Using Mule SDK for Mule 4


MuleSoft’s Anypoint Connectors help to through various Protocols and APIs. Mulesoft has a range of inbuilt connectors connecting to various protocols like SFTP, FTP, JDBC, etc. or to other SAAS systems like Salesforce and different Google and AWS services, plus many more. You can use this connector as they are available at your disposal.

However, you can develop your own connector using the new Mule SDK platform for Mule Runtime 4. This is different from the options using Mule runtime 3 where Mule Connector Devkit was needed.

A Beginner’s Guide to Kotlin

This post will provide you with:

  • A brief overview of Kotlin’s features
  • A guide for solving a basic problem and building a “Hello, World!” app.
  • A brief breakdown on running a Kotlin Spring Boot application with authentication via Okta 

Kotlin is a modern language that is statically typed within the JVM. It’s a multi-purpose, cross-platform, free and open-source language developed by JetBrains under the Apache 2.0 license. Kotlin has constructs for both Object Oriented and Functional programming styles (as well as mixed). It can be used for many types of development; web, server, and client, and mobile—using most Java IDEs.

Starting With Apache Maven

Apache Maven is a build or a total project management tool that scores over its predecessors such as ANT for Java builds with the following advantages:

  • Useful when multiple JAR files are required for builds
  • Resolving recursive dependencies during build time
  • Creating project structures that are standardized
  • Building, publishing, and deployment of applications
  • Supports lifecycle of an application along with plugins

I have created an alumni project that is a dynamic web archive with a Servlet that says “Hello, Alumni”. 

Top 5 Course to Learn Apache Maven for Java Developers

Apache Maven, or more commonly known as just "Maven," is an important tool for Java programmers. It allows you to build your project, manage dependencies, generate documentation, and a lot more. I can vouch for Maven's usefulness because I have come from the pre-Maven world of Software development, where you need to manage all the JAR files required by your project. It may seem easy to you that just download the JAR file, but it's not so easy in practice. For example, you added a new library in your project — say the Spring Framework, which also needs log4j, but you thought log4j is already there, so you didn't do anything, only to realize that your application is not starting anymore and throwing long and convoluted errors. This can happen because of version mismatch, like Spring needed a higher version of log4j than available in your project.

This is just a tiny example that shows how manually managing dependencies can create nightmares. Maven took away all those pain by not only automatically downloading those JAR files for you but also created a central place, known as a Maven repository, to store those JAR files for better management.

Maven is not just a dependency management tool; it's, in fact, much more than that. The biggest advantage of using Maven is the following convention, which makes software development easy.