What Happened to HornetQ, the JMS That Shattered Records?

HornetQ 2.0 broke records and defeated top-ranked messaging services in benchmark tests. Why wasn't it widely adopted?

Software vendors make all kinds of claims about their products, but what developers care about is proof. When testing a new product, it's important to see how it stacks up against its competition.

For years, researchers at UT Darmstadt have compared the performance of message-oriented middleware servers based on Java Messaging Service (JMS). In 2010, the SPECjms2007 benchmark record was smashed by HornetQ, an open-source enterprise messaging system from JBoss.

API Throttling Strategies When Clients Exceed Their Limit

When a client reaches its API usage limits, API rejects the request by returning theHTTP 429 Too Many Requests error to the client. The client may retry after the retry period that is usually returned in a custom HTTP response header. This is an API throttling strategy commonly employed. 

There are situations where API may depend on an external service provider that may have a fixed capacity. As this external dependency has a fixed capacity and cannot handle bursts in requests, we have to control the throughput of requests to meet the service level agreements of the dependency. In this article, we will explore two alternate strategies to throttle API usage to deal with this condition:

Setup ActiveMQ Artemis on Windows


ActiveMQ Artemis is an open-source "next generation" broker from Apache with the performance and feature-set to implement high-performance messaging systems. Artemis is the code-name used for the HornetQ code that was donated to the Apache Foundation.


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Java 7 or higher

Let us start Artemis setup on Windows machine.