MDC Logging With MuleSoft Runtime 4.4

MDC stands for Mapped Diagnostic Context. Mapped Diagnostic Context enriched the logs by providing more information about the event in the logs. By default, Mule logs two entries: processor which shows the location of current events, events which shows the correlation Id of the event.

Mule Runtime 4.4 introduced Tracing module and enables you to add more information to the logs by by adding, removing, and clearing variables from the logging context for a given Mule event.

Implementing JDBC Persistent Object Store With Anypoint Clustering | MySQL Database

In this blog, we will be discussing about implementing persistent object store using MYSQL with Anypoint Clustering. We will going to see that how we can use MYSQL database to persist the object store data. One of the advantages of using persistent object store is that we will be not loosing data in case Mule Runtime or Mule Application get restarted or shutdown or crashes. In such cases, your object store data will persisted in Database. 

Enabling Persistent Object Store Using MySQL With Anypoint Clustering

To enable, Persistent object store using MySQL required few steps and there are few prerequisites.

Deploy Application Using Anypoint CLI


Anypoint Platform provides a command-line tool to work with the platform and Anypoint Platform Private Cloud Edition. The CLI tool can be used to deploy applications to Runtime Manager.

Setting up Anypoint CLI

MuleSoft CloudHub is Multitenant Integration Platform as a Service

This article will explain why MuleSoft is called as a Multitenant integration platform as a service (iPaaS). It will also covers various capabilities provided by CloudHub like Auto Healing, Scalability, High Availability etc.


Multitenancy is the word often used in the cloud computing world. In the cloud computing, there are multiple tenants or customers of the cloud vendor shares the same computing resources like underlying hardware. Even tenants share the resources but they are not aware of each other and data is also isolated and secured from each other. 

Anypoint Platform Chrome Extension

As developers, we always want to have information at hand whenever we need to access information.

One of the main reasons this Chrome extension was developed is that currently whenever we access Anypoint Platform, we need to navigate with many clicks in the portal to see information about the organization or about a specific application. For example, what alerts does this application have? Or, does this application have any schedulers?

Building HTTPS Proxy With Anypoint API Manager and MuleSoft

Anypoint API Manager has capabilities of enabling the HTTPS proxy by using secrets stored in the Secret Group to build the HTTPS enabled APIs for Cloudhub and Hybrid implementation.

Secret Manager is basically used to store the secret like Keystore, Truststore and configure the TLS context, which can be used with Runtime Fabric and API Manager in Cloudhub.

Deep Dive Into Architecture of MuleSoft Anypoint VPC, VPN and Dedicated Load Balancer

What Is Anypoint VPC?

VPC stands for Virtual Private Cloud and it allows you to create logical or isolated networks in the cloud where you can deploy or run the resources securely. MuleSoft CloudHub is a multi-tenant integration platform as a service. AnyPoint VPC allows you to create an isolated network where you can host the workers or mule applications.

Anypoint VPC allows you to extend your corporate network and allows CloudHub workers to connect resources behind the firewalls. VPC connects CloudHub workers to an on-premise datacenter using below techniques

Getting Anypoint Monitoring to Work With Mule Runtime on a Mac

MuleSoft Anypoint Monitoring is an amazing tool to monitor Mule apps. It works flawlessly as long as it runs within the supported configuration. However, it’s not so fun when you primarily code and test your Mule 4 apps on a Mac. So when I experimented and gotten it to work with my RPi-powered Mule Server, I figured out how to also get Anypoint Monitoring to work with Mule Runtime on a Mac. Because, when it works, the result is glorious.

Anypoint Monitoring working with Mule on a Mac

But before I continue.

Implementing MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform Identity Management Using AWS Cognito Authorization Code

In the last article, we have seen how we can do client management for MuleSoft API using AWS Cognito Client Credentials. Here, we will see how we can use AWS Cognito for MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform Identity Management.

The authorization code grant is the preferred method for authorizing end users. Instead of directly providing user pool tokens to an end-user upon authentication, an authorization code is provided. This code is then sent to a custom application that can exchange it for the desired tokens. Because the tokens are never exposed directly to an end-user, they are less likely to become compromised. 

Implementing Clustering With MuleSoft AnyPoint Runtime Manager

Learn more about clustering with MuleSoft.

1.0 What Is Clustering?

Clustering is a group of servers or mule runtime which acts as a single unit. Mulesoft Enterprise Edition supports scalable clustering to provide high availability for the Mulesoft application. In simple terms, virtual servers composed of multiple nodes and they communicate and share information through a distributed shared memory grid.

You may also like: Clustering for Everyday Life