7 Best IDEs for AngularJS App Development

Are you planning to develop an app that can rule the online world and help you boost your business? You have to focus on several things in the process. According to a report by RiskIQ, 8.9 million apps exist in the digital world, so you need to know how to ensure that yours will have visibility. The app must be simple and fulfill the purpose you made it for.

Today, companies are focusing on keeping the development code simple so that developers don’t have to face difficulties in managing it and can make required changes in the app. This way, the improvements can be performed at any level and the bugs are also removed in the app development.

What Are Expressions in AngularJS?

AngularJS is one of the most trusted frontend frameworks by enterprises. The frontend framework has multiple features that work the best for developers. In this section, we will learn about the use of expressions in AngularJS.


Expressions in AngularJS are used to bind data with HTML. The AngularJS expressions are code snippets like that in JavaScript, which are usually placed in the interpolation bindings. However, you can directly make use of expressions in directive attributes.

Top Reasons to Go for Angular Development Services

JavaScript (JS) is known as the top scripting language that works on a JS framework. Professional web developers and designers have several choices but the job is to select the appropriate frameworks. The choice to select the right framework varies on the kind of business or website kind you wish to design. The most used JS framework is known as Angular.

What Is Angular?

Introduced by Google, it is one of the top and client-focused frameworks. The open-source framework assists the developers in conflict challenges with a single-page web app. The applications include shell pages with numerous views. Its library is syndicated with more libraries. It includes HTML vocabulary for application and web development.

Angular 2 vs AngularJS for E-Commerce: What’s the Difference?

Both Angular 2 and AngularJS are great for e-commerce, but which one you use for e-commerce depends on your needs. AngularJS is good for building small-scale e-commerce applications fast while Angular 2 is good for complex, scalable solutions that are high-performing and mobile-ready. 

Today, over a quarter of developers use AngularJS and Angular 2. Thirty-two percent use them for user interfaces, according to StackOverflow, and many of the respondents in that study worked in e-commerce development.

ReactJS Vs. AngularJS

The utilization of JavaScript devices is expanding these days; it is overwhelming to pick the suitable innovation needed at a time. Allow us to talk about the two arising advancement technologies utilized these days, i.e., ReactJS vs. AngularJS.


ReactJS is an open-source library of JavaScript that offers a total bundle of lean engineering and segment-based work processes. It is a specialized language utilized for front-end improvement. Worked by Facebook to answer advanced high delivering execution. The open-source nature of ReactJS is a vital benefit that has maneuvered it into a gigantic, energized and exceptionally dynamic local area.

Load and Compile Dynamical HTML in AngularJS

As a project requirement, we have to load HTML content with CSS (in JSON response) from the backend dynamically and compile it in an Angular application. We also need to support those Angular directives defined in HTML. This article will describe the solution for both AngularJS and Angular.


To compile dynamical HTML in AngularJS, we just need to simply inject $compile and use it to compile the HTML after injecting. So here we use a JQuery function to fetch HTML elements and set HTML into it.

Improving ui-select Control

The ui-select directive to a select and multi-select control with a search feature, I have to say is a control very useful. You can use it with a static list or dynamically getting data from a server.

In this post, I want to show you how to configure and to use ui-select directive to add a paging behavior (NOTA: by default the ui-select directive have no paging functionality).

Let’s Discuss Memoization, or Should I Say Memoisation

“In computing, memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again” — Wikipedia article on memoization

I've written a two part article in Memoization in JavaScript. The first part explains the concept with basic implementation in JavaScript code. It details a way to apply the technique on function calls. It is generic to handle most JavaScript functions.

50+ Top Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Angular has become one of the most popular frameworks for building front-end web applications. This set of Angular interview questions will certainly be helpful for your interview, but before we get into that, let us quickly recap about Angular.

What Is Angular?

You would think, Ah… Yet another framework to learn. But Angular is genuinely different. You will enjoy learning this TypeScript based open-source front end web application framework. Before I tell you more, let me clear that Angular is different from AngularJS but has been done by the same Google team who did AngularJS. It was initially developed as a Single Page Application (SPA), but then better tools like React and Vue were released, so Angular had to be made into something more – if it was to be what it is today!

React vs. Angular vs. Vue: The Complete Comparison

One of the most important questions for any business willing to develop an application is, “which front-end technology (client-side) should we choose?” With so many options for JavaScript frameworks available, your app development team needs to be cautious about their choice.

This article will examine the positives and negatives of React, Angular, and Vue and situations in which each is optimal to use.

Vue.js Tutorial 1 — Hello Vue

Get started with Vue

With the age of SPAs (Single Page Applications) at its rise, JavaScript appears to be in it’s prime. A programming language that wouldn’t be considered a real programming language only a decade ago is now one of the most used on this planet. 

Naturally, it’s not just JavaScript in its pure form that is at the forefront of the revolution. We have a number of frameworks built on top of JavaScript that bring some order to the chaos. The most popular are, of course:  

Angular: Everything You Need to Know [Tutorials]

Since its initial release as AngularJS in October 2018, Google's Angular framework has become one of the most popular means for building front-end web applications. Now on Angular 8, this powerful framework allows developers to build browser-based applications and mobile apps using the TypeScript langauge.

With different applications and dev teams across the globe using different versions of Angular, we've compiled the best articles and tutorials on DZone about each version of this popular framework. So, no matter what version of Angular your team uses, you're sure to find something here to help you up your Angular game.